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The Red Sorcerers of Prospero: Exiles of Osiris


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Chosen Icon Bearer Surio


Ohh, that is a fantastic idea for a Banner stand-in, love the twin symbolism, very fitting for the XV.



I like it. Siege Breaker with Phosphex Bombs and Phosphex Medusa because Pyrae? :wink:

And hey, that's how I'll explain Rapier Quad Mortars having shatter Shells, it's not a copy paste error, it's space magic!

http://img.ifcdn.com/images/9c74b22b19c63a13e31590417d86dfa5b394c79a758326e377b4d98a28298b8a_1.gif Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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Thousand Sons Delegatus Yensid of the Pyrae










Close up of his Cult Markings:



And here he is leading his Terminator Command Squad:



Thanks for all the encouragement guys, it really helps!

Edited by Athrawes
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Got to say I love the simplistic bases as well. It doesn't detract, instead enhancing the model, and the black edge matches well with the black/dark brown spot colour on the leather pteruge. The Banner is a lovely little touch as well. 

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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Sergeant Aexio




This guy was a load of fun to model and paint, It took a couple tries, but I think I managed to get the warp energy 'orb' colored right. How do you guys like him? I knew from the beginning of this project that the Line Legionaries were going to be relatively plain in terms of character. I could say something clever like, 'I'm trying to foreshadow their fate as rubricae' but the truth is that I'm really bad at making standard bolter marines have character.


That's why I decided to do my best to make the sergeants and characters shine with character. Hopefully it works to compensate for the mundane infantry!




SO with the weekend passed, I'm very excited to see book 7 on the horizon.



I am incrediby excited to see if they model these Tartaros Thousand sons (Maybe scarab occult?) I've always loved the look of tartaros armor and so will definietly be including these in my army if they show up in model form. IF not, I might have a crack at modeling them myself.





I'm also a fan of the Contempor so expect one of these when they are released. I feel like FW phoned in the paint job on this one (No edge highlighting/weathering) so hopefully my metallic scheme can make it look better.



I love this set. This is what I was trying to emulate with my shoulder pads, so happy they made this (and with the correct Legion symbol). I have 20 mk IV marines in my bits box that I was going to use the first set of upgrades on but now, I think I'll hold onto them until FW releases the Achaen set. I can't wait!


It looks like it is going to be an exciting couple of months!




On to responses!


Lookin good bro 

I mean , I have this overwhelming urge to  kill psykers  right now  means its definitely super on point 


Job well done i guess:happy.: .


Got to say I love the simplistic bases as well. It doesn't detract, instead enhancing the model, and the black edge matches well with the black/dark brown spot colour on the leather pteruge. The Banner is a lovely little touch as well. 


Thanks Hesh! I know that when the SOn get their full release everyone will be doing desert ruin bases so i opted for something simple. I figured that it might help the Metallic red pop and keep the focus if the base wasn't very busy. Glad you think it worked.


I love how you've incorporated the EC upgrade heads. Perfect representations for that style of helm found in Collected Visions.


Thanks man, although now that FW previewed their Achaen pattern helmets, I'm in love with them. i don't think I'll have to rely on the Phoenix helms any more,



Nice name. The blue cape matches it well ^^
Fantastic looking character overall, using that tassle to incorporate more white into the color scheme really helps offset what should be, by all rights, a much darker look.
Nice job.


Yeah, finding places to incorporate white on the Delegatus was hard. Eventually I settle on the tassel. The other option was to make the shoulder pads white, but I didn't want to make him too different from his command squad.


Like I said on fb, beautiful work, bro! The cult markings are really, really well done :thumbsup:


Thanks Kizz.


This board can't handle you right now!


Love the termies, they got lots of character, in flavour with the legion.


Thanks Wolf_Pack, I'm glad you like them!






As always, thanks for the likes and comments, it keeps me chugging along. I'd particularly love to hear your thoughts on the army moving forward, now that the Weekender is passed.

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Javelin Attack Speeders WIP




This last week I have been working on a pair of Javelin Attack Speeders. These models are some of my favorite heresy era vehicles, just love the look of them and how they play on the board.


The crew have been finished (save the last highlight on the heavy bolters), The Javelins have had all of their base colors applied, but I still have a lot of work to do, The metallic red is done, but I need to wash the recess with Nuln, and runefang the edges. 


My question to for you guys is about adding white.


The options are,


a.) No white needed. 


b.) White diagonal combat stripe like this:




c.) White indented section. Like the prow on this Emperors children Attack Speeder:





There is still a lot more work left to do on both speeders, but I'd love to hear you opinions and Ideas. Thanks for all the comments guys!


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Looking at the speeder all red, it definetly needs something to break it up. How about the indented section done the same as the rear engine housing in silver with a white stripe in the same place as option B (bar the indented section)?


My vote is hybrid B and C.


Also, as much as I love your Sons, I really miss seeing your IInd Legion thread being updated :(

Edited by Rangaman
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