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The Red Sorcerers of Prospero: Exiles of Osiris


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I appreciate all the responses, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the pictures of the table. It's been a blast to work on, and of course to game on but it is not done yet, I still need to do a detail pass on the larger structures.


Unfortunately I don't have a build log, and I can't take full credit for the table either, as I worked with Dawid, who creates tables for people like miniwargaming and SNL Battlerports to design the buildings/templates and overall theme. He did the lions share of the build work, while my personal contribution was more the smaller aspects of the actual build, and the overall design.


As I promised Here is one of the few units I have completed this last year while I've been away:


Magnus the Red

Primarch of the Thousand Sons, The Sorcerer of Prospero, The Crimson King, The Logos Maxima, The Cyclopean Giant











As you can see, he has been a labor of love. I also decided to give him an additional large scenic 100mm base that his dreadnought scenic base, and his 40mm personal base can all slot into, this is done so that I can use him in his 40k incarnation for 8th edition games.


I hate painting flesh, so this miniature was a real struggle for me, but after trial and error, i finally found a tanned/ruddy tone that I found suitable for Magnus instead of of some of his outlandish, devil red depictions.


As always I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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I've also been working on my Sekhmet.


While I like, the Forgeworld upgrade kit, I was fairly disappointed by the lack of a full resin set, or at least, more than a torso and axe arm. So, when it came to time begin working on my sekhmet, I decided the path of least resistance to enhance them would be to alter their shoulder pads to have the Achean curve, and the give them more ornamental loin cloths in place of their generic peturges. 










The plan is to have two units of seven to run in larger games, I'm also working on magnetizing the arms on a few of them so that I can give them Aspyx Rotor Cannons to use in friendly games, and they can then also be used as Scarab Occult with Soulreaper Cannons in 40k.






As always, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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I do so very miss playing with and against your Thousand Sons man! They looks so gorgeous in the two Apoc games we did at the Dice Dojo, and your Stormbird is an inspiration to us all. Seeing all of this has gotten me off my ass and back to work on my own 6th Fellowship force.

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Gorgeous, and you could even count the Assault Cannon as an Autocannon for AoD-games if you feel like it?


I'd love to but unfortunately Sekhmet don't have access to Reaper Autocannons, or any other ranged weapon but combi-bolters.


If I do end up trying to use this in 30k, I'll probably use it as a Rotor cannon, seeing as those are thematic for TS, but also from a rules standpoint, pretty mediocre even with Asphyx shells, honestly a rotor cannon with Asphyx inst much better than a combi-bolter with asphyx, but it looks nice, and jives with the lore which is what is most important to me.



I do so very miss playing with and against your Thousand Sons man! They looks so gorgeous in the two Apoc games we did at the Dice Dojo, and your Stormbird is an inspiration to us all. Seeing all of this has gotten me off my ass and back to work on my own 6th Fellowship force.


Miss you too man, I'm hoping to get get another Apoc game set up soon.



Wow, this stuff is stellar, especially like your board for Tizca. The Kingdom of Heaven mat by gamemat.eu, works perfectly for it.


Thanks mate. It's my first ever gaming mat, and I simply adore it. Perfect for Tizca, and Age of SIgmar.

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Avatars of Ruin


I've been working on expanding the armored assets for my XV Legion force since February, I had assembled them, and kept that at the basecolor stage for the better part of a year, but after the transition to 8th edition my focus has lately been on learning the new ruleset.


After my stunning game a few weeks back on the Tizca table, I've found my inspiration again, and quickly completed my remaining armor.


Proteus Pattern Achilles-Alpha








I'm very pleased with the conversion. I've wanted to do this since I first saw the conversion in the Horus Heresy masterclass book. I've always loved the Proteus chassis and thought that it would be a stellar base for a Achilles-Alpha conversion. It was an expensive, and time consuming conversion, but i hope you can appretiate the results.


Mark IIa  Land Raider Phobos.










After the conversion from combining a Land raider Achilles-Alpha, and a Extra Armor Proteus, I had a lot of of expensive parts left over. This led me to combine them into what I'm call a Mark IIa pattern land Raider. IT is broadly similar to the IIb from forgeword, but the upper hall is that of an armored Proteus or a Spartan Assault tank, which I think helps tie this closer to the MK I Proteus Land Raiders.


On top of this conversion, I've included the Heresy pattern tracks provided by Extra Armor. I'm almost as pleased with this tank as with the Proteus Achilles-Alpha, however I have yet to decide whether to put a winged scarab transfer over the white stripe on the center hull. Thoughts?





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Continuing Yesterdays theme, I spent this morning putting the decals and varnish on one more Vehicle for the XV.


Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer





This should will be it reguarding tanks, for the foreseeable future. Next I"m hoping to get some finishing touches applied to a few Dreadnoughts and Characters.


Thanks for checking in!

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Just read your whole wip. You certainly have one hell of a beautifully painted army, really like the metallic red and the detailing is awesome. Also like the patern of armour you have gone for on the LRs. Look forward to seeing more!
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Really happy to see this thread back in the swing of things! The Board is epic, I'm really envious of it! All the more impressive with a fantastically painted army to go with.


The Land Raiders are awesome, I've really got to get mine up and running! Great work on the proteus Achilles, an inspiring conversion!!

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Now that my armor is ostensibly done, It has allowed me to move back over to my ddwindling pile of unfinished infantry. Chief amongst these miniatures is the Thousand Son Praetor model released by FW


I was so heartbroken, when I first saw and then learned that lovely model was not going to be released with the sekmhet. But that sadness turned to joy when they released him as a Legion specific character.


Beautiful model and a joy to paint.


Aaru, Subcommander of the Sekhmet.








Next up should be a few more Sekhmet and the the Castelax and then the army will be complete, baring a revamped version of Osiris that I have been working on.



Additionally, As you might have noticed, I've been playing with new backdrops for taking photos and I'm unsure which best suits the sons. The blue I feel is a nice contrast for the warmth and brightness of the ruby red armor, but I keep coming back to the yellow as well.






As always I'd love to hear your thoughts.o

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