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  On 11/9/2016 at 6:45 PM, BlueBelly1863 said:

"Snip" Unsure about the yellow on the front face-plate section area thing. Might just be me though, I'd be curious to see what the rest of the group thinks. If you were looking for more spaces to get that awesome yellow on the dread, perhaps the tops of the legs? Dunno.


@Bluebelly1863 The amount of secondary colour I'm laying down prob isn't to most peoples tastes. To be honest I find most colour schemes on marine tanks/dreads a bit dull and uninspiring to paint (i.e. mostly one colour with a small amount of accent colour). I wanted to break up the vast amount of green that could be on show with this dread with some extra yellow.

You can see further progress below. Bronze and green need highlighting. Then time to lay down the scale/flame work. Thanks for looking, Baz


  On 11/16/2016 at 9:11 AM, our_baz said:


  On 11/9/2016 at 6:45 PM, BlueBelly1863 said:

"Snip" Unsure about the yellow on the front face-plate section area thing. Might just be me though, I'd be curious to see what the rest of the group thinks. If you were looking for more spaces to get that awesome yellow on the dread, perhaps the tops of the legs? Dunno. 




@Bluebelly1863 The amount of secondary colour I'm laying down prob isn't to most peoples tastes. To be honest I find most colour schemes on marine tanks/dreads a bit dull and uninspiring to paint (i.e. mostly one colour with a small amount of accent colour). I wanted to break up the vast amount of green that could be on show with this dread with some extra yellow.


I like the amount of secondary color a lot! I'm looking forward to getting some more armor to paint up, I'll try to take this approach. I was simply concerned with the placement but seeing the model come together more it's looking really good! Is that a slightly lighter green in the middle of the legs? Awesome touches all around! 

:o Wow. Such a lovely Salamanders army. And you are using a lot of the bits I have been eyeballing for a while.


I will definitely be using your army for inspiration if I pull the trigger on my own Salamanders army.

I just noticed you too are celebrating DREAD-VEMBER!!! I believe HUZZAHS are In order he's looking fantastic brother I actually rather like your paint scheme I think the yellow looks killer keep up the awesome work

@Sicksix and @Pyroclast91 Thanks for all the positive feedback!


Got this guy finished tonight. I went a little experimental with this guy in a couple of areas. Changed highlighting method, used Vulkan green then Straken green for extreme highlights. Also attempted a little weathering to the lower legs. But the main experiment was the base, you can see the comparison to my Company champion in the tag below. As always feel free to leave any feedback and thanks for looking.

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I can't imagine how steady of a hand it took to get all the little lines on those scales just right. Looks fantastic. The flame work on the front is really good too. Not too much, not too little. Looking at my contemptor I think I overdid it a bit with the flames. Yours look really cool. The new color for highlights is good as well, although I must say I prefer how the lava on your company champion looks! 


Keep up the awesome work baz!!! 

@bluebelly1863: yeah I agree with you the base on the champ is much better. Quite disappointed on how the dread base came out. I'll use the other recipe from now on. Thanks for looking and the encouragement it's appreciated.

@charlo cheers fella, glad you like him. He's easily my fave model I've painted since returning to the hobby.

  On 11/23/2016 at 2:38 AM, Cryptix said:

Base might be saved with some orange and yellow bighlights?

Looking for a cooling lava look, with lighter colours lower down with darker highlights. I'm going to try further khorne red highlights. I'm less optimistic than yourself however.

  On 11/24/2016 at 10:23 PM, our_baz said:


  On 11/23/2016 at 2:38 AM, Cryptix said:

Base might be saved with some orange and yellow bighlights?

Looking for a cooling lava look, with lighter colours lower down with darker highlights. I'm going to try further khorne red highlights. I'm less optimistic than yourself however.
The base looks rather textured at the moment - if so, maybe a light drybrush of grey, and/or a light wash of orange/yellow could perhaps do the trick? If not, doing the high lights manually could work too but would be more labour intensive.


The champion's base does look really good - have you tried some very light osl on the rock?

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/29/2016 at 1:00 PM, our_baz said:

@lordthorn I'll give the grey dry brush and yellow wash a go. Hopefully that will help. Pardon my ignorance what is"osl"

Object Source Lighting: a "glow" effect if you will :)

  • 1 month later...

First update of 2017. Not had too much time to paint recently, but started another dread. This guy was destinted for my 40K army but hes been conscripted into the 55th.


Finally finished assembling my BaC box. Assembled the final tac squad a flamer support squad.


And finally more TDA (I have a thing for TDA, always liked the ashetic of the Indomidus Armour). So here's more vets.


C&C welcome, thanks for looking.

Edited by our_baz
  On 1/18/2017 at 10:54 PM, BlueBelly1863 said:

Looking good! Always loving the mix of colors you have going on. Nice touch to have all the flamers without helmets! What inspired you to go with that decision?


Two reasons really, firstly the Sallies skin tone and eyes is a really unique trait that sets them apart from their brothers. I think it would be nice to see as many red eyes as possible. Secondly as a psychological tool, basically the flames won't hurt us we're fireborn hence no helmets. But the flames will ruin any traitors day.

slowly chipping away at this dread. The left arm is done (although trying to do edge highlighting with the hiccups is a right pain!), just flames to lay down on the sarcohagus and the base and his only is done too.


Thanks for looking

  • 1 year later...

Well its been too long since I've gone near my Sallies with a brush. I'm going to use ETL VI to really get cracking on my Son of Nocturne. My plan of battle is to get the bodies below completed during this years ETL. The previous three ETL's have allowed my to have a good core of IG army painted, the idea is this year I can get a good core of my Sallies complete too.

As it stands I'm Looking to complete:

Legion Champion

Legion Librarian

Nomus Rhy'tan

Terminator Squad

Legion Vet Squad

Legion Support Squad

Rhino (not in picture as its in another box in the loft.)


Well thats the plan hopefully it'll all pan out.

  On 5/2/2018 at 12:17 PM, Quixus said:

impressive models.

Do you mind telling me where you got the head at the end of the Dreadnought CCW? Do you think they will work as ornaments for the LR Lascannons?

Its a Lizardman warrior head. Yes it'll work nicely used one as an ornament on a Dreadnought sarcophagus.

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