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I was thinking overwatch because I can never picture breachers getting the charge on something. Yes, you can break off a piece of your shield and toss it during shooting too. Lol


Also, stealth? I hope you modeled your boarding shields as giant bushes or cardboard boxes they can hide under.


"Hey where did all these boxes come from?" "I dunno man, menials always leaving their crap laying around." Cue charge of the cardboard brigade.


Could work, I've used cardboard infiltration to destroy many a Russian outpost in metal gear solid.

Edited by Terminus

Effectively it gave a unit with them a 6+ cover when they charged. Its utility is questionable of course, considering a 6++ anyway, but stacks with cover.


We also houseruled the stupid fact it didn't stack with GTG.

It depends on positioning, I personally would use the drop pods as a spacer so I don't get charged by someone. Lining up assault marines to jump over and charge. Maybe the breachers could be used as a bulwark. Accept a charge and then you can countercharge with another unit. (Which would also be winding on 2s with the rad grenades)


I would not be stupid enough to just sit 10" away from potentially getting charged..that's just crazy!

I'd probably go for:


+++ Blood Angels ZM (995pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (995pts) ++
+ HQ (110pts) +
Legion Centurion (110pts) [Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Melta Bombs, Blade of Perdition]
······Master of the Legion [Chosen Duty]
+ Troops (670pts) +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (330pts) [2x Heavy Flamer, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 4x Power Weapon, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad (340pts) [2x Heavy Flamer, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Legion Vexilla, Melta Bombs, 5x Power Weapon, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Fist]
+ Elites (215pts) +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (215pts)
··Legion Contemptor Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, 2x Graviton Gun]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [iX: Blood Angels]
Take Axes on the Power Weapon Vets to cut through any 2+ Armor and still wound on a 2+. Alternatively go for a Sword/Axe ratio to give the squad some At-Initiative Punch vs 3+ Saves.
Sniper Heavy Flamers who gain Shred for Free help you deal with anything that might charge you that doesnt have an AV but you have Melta Bombs for that.
BScribe didnt have the profile for a Cortus so you could go for that to save on some points but I'd rather pay the little bit extra for some more resilience.
Otherwise, go for LC's / Twin-LC's on the Vets w/ Furious Charge or Fearless if you have the points.



Id use the Delegatus and his RoW for Tac Vet troops with a dread or two.

Furious charge vets wounding on 2+ with power swords!


Master Crafted blade of Perdition Delegatus!



Blade of Perdition is master crafted as standard. So seems you'd want an extra weapon on him to make use of the free master crafted thing

Yeah, but I'm curious as to  the point to having more than one?


I can see the idea of just using it b/c its given to you for "free" with the Delegatus at least. 


Is it just for the occasional re-roll for your pistol weapon? 

Edited by Flint13

exactly that, i honestly dont think a delegatus is a good use of points, but if you are taking one, you may as well make sure he makes use of all abilities. something like a master crafted combi weapon to go with the blade might be good in zone mortalis?

Id stick with a fist if you can afford it; denies FNP and ID's T4 or lower.


And with the +1 to-wound you get a 2+ vs T7 (castellax), 3+ vs T8 (Thanatar) which, while not always going to be in play or useful, is nice to have.

Breacher squads... if you were to use them, what would you arm the sergeant with? I can see the logic behind fists, but it seems like in most situations where the sergeant fights, he'd be as well off with an axe? Swords look cooler IMO but AP3 and i get that most will say its therefore a bad option.

Yes, artificer armor is pretty ubiquitous for Sgts, and challenges are common, so you are basically forced to take an AP2 weapon. Since you're not getting an extra attack due to the shield anyway, I would always go for at least a power fist on the Sgt.

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