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[HH1.0] Blood Angels Tactica - Assault Cannons For Days

The Unseen

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Sanguinary Priest's are coming before the end of the Heresy, at least if old fluff is followed. Sanguinius himself gave them the Blood Chalices, and raised the apothecaries up to the same level as the wardens/pre-chaplains whatever. So at the least it was before Terra. I would just be happy if you could give apothecaries jump packs.

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Sanguinary Priest's are coming before the end of the Heresy, at least if old fluff is followed. Sanguinius himself gave them the Blood Chalices, and raised the apothecaries up to the same level as the wardens/pre-chaplains whatever. So at the least it was before Terra. I would just be happy if you could give apothecaries jump packs.



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That would be nice, but seems unlikely. If it was going to happen, it would have already.


I really like the list Slipstreams suggested, although it is woefully low on actual bodies which I imagine might be an issue.

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Might happen same time they give jump packs a price break, but I also doubt it. Makes no sense though, not really. Just arbitrarily makes large units of jump pack troops even less appealing than their footslogging, bolter wielding comparisons.

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For a 3k list it definitely is low on actual bodies.


That said, youre still dropping a few high priority dreadpods into the fray which grant shrouded to units being shot through them which means, if properly placed, would give your assault marines a 3+ Cover save in the open when they drop in. Couple that with FNP and most damage should be mitigated.


You also have a 2+ sarge to tank from he front.


Afterwards, youve got some deepstriking heavy hittiers dropping in meaning more distractions for your opponent.

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^With that few bodies though, you're going to have some hard hard counters at 3000 points. 


Risk big, win big is a pretty fun way to play though!

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Swapped the Command Squad and AC from the Leviathan for another Assault Squad:


+++ Day of Revelations (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++
+ HQ (495pts) +
Legion Centurion (145pts) [Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Centurion (145pts) [Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Praetor (205pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade]
··Master of the Legion [The Day of Revelation]
+ Troops (975pts) +
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
+ Elites (480pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (240pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (240pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]
+ Fast Attack (270pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (270pts)
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
+ Heavy Support (780pts) +
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (360pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Cyclonic Melta Lance, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [iX: Blood Angels, Loyalist]
If you want a 4th Squad, you'd need to drop the Combat Shields from the Assault Marines and Javelins for it; a trade that I'm not all that confident in making since the main, glaring weakness of this list is Anti-Tank.
Apart from the Dreads, the only real S8+ Punch comes from the Javelins or Melta Bombs and if you're up a Mech List...weeeelll...you might be in for a rough ride.
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For Sheer Combat Prowess, it would be.


However, points being Tight, unless you want to sacrifice the Armored Ceramite on the Leviathan, 2 Charnabals and 3 Power Weapons were all that I could fit.


I opted for Charnabals over other 5pt weapon upgrades due to it having Rending and +1I in a Challenge Meaning in a challenge block, they'd have the possibility of going before maybe even a Primarch and potentially dealing some damage with I6.


Otherwise, if you do drop the Armored Ceramite, I'd swap those two Charnabals for 2 Power Fists.


The Banner Also provides a 6" Fearlesss Bubble.

Edited by Slipstreams
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Swapped the Command Squad and AC from the Leviathan for another Assault Squad:


+++ Day of Revelations (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (3000pts) ++
+ HQ (495pts) +
Legion Centurion (145pts) [Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Centurion (145pts) [Artificer Armour, Blade of Perdition, Boarding Shield, Jump Pack]
··Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Praetor (205pts) [Artificer Armour, Digital Lasers, Iron Halo, Jump Pack, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade]
··Master of the Legion [The Day of Revelation]
+ Troops (975pts) +
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
Legion Assault Squad (325pts) [Combat Shields, 9x Legion Assault Space Marines, 2x Power Weapon]
··Legion Assault Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]
+ Elites (480pts) +
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (240pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]
Contemptor-Cortus Class Dreadnought Talon (240pts)
··Cortus Dreadnought [Chainfist with inbuilt twin-linked Bolter, Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with inbuilt twin-linked bolter, 2x Graviton Gun, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod]
+ Fast Attack (270pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (270pts)
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
··Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles, Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon]
+ Heavy Support (780pts) +
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (360pts)
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Cyclonic Melta Lance, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [iX: Blood Angels, Loyalist]
If you want a 4th Squad, you'd need to drop the Combat Shields from the Assault Marines and Javelins for it; a trade that I'm not all that confident in making since the main, glaring weakness of this list is Anti-Tank.
Apart from the Dreads, the only real S8+ Punch comes from the Javelins or Melta Bombs and if you're up a Mech List...weeeelll...you might be in for a rough ride.


i'm afraid your list is illegal as you have more vehicles than you do units with the LA rule

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i'm afraid your list is illegal as you have more vehicles than you do units with the LA rule



He's got 6 "vehicles" and 6 "infantry" so it's legal, unless the rules specify models with the vehicle rule. IIRC it says units.


3 dreds

1 Javelin squad

2 Gunships


oh yep never mind me

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For a 3k list it definitely is low on actual bodies.


That said, youre still dropping a few high priority dreadpods into the fray which grant shrouded to units being shot through them which means, if properly placed, would give your assault marines a 3+ Cover save in the open when they drop in. Couple that with FNP and most damage should be mitigated.


You also have a 2+ sarge to tank from he front.


Afterwards, youve got some deepstriking heavy hittiers dropping in meaning more distractions for your opponent.

This is exactly why I'm taking 3/4 dreadpods.

They are massive, not only can your metal boys stay inside it, but they can also shield the t1 deepstriking assault dudes, which is a nifty cover save

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For a 3k list it definitely is low on actual bodies.


That said, youre still dropping a few high priority dreadpods into the fray which grant shrouded to units being shot through them which means, if properly placed, would give your assault marines a 3+ Cover save in the open when they drop in. Couple that with FNP and most damage should be mitigated.


You also have a 2+ sarge to tank from he front.


Afterwards, youve got some deepstriking heavy hittiers dropping in meaning more distractions for your opponent.

This is exactly why I'm taking 3/4 dreadpods.

They are massive, not only can your metal boys stay inside it, but they can also shield the t1 deepstriking assault dudes, which is a nifty cover save



That's actually really strategic.

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If you REALLY wanted to, you could swap both Primus' in my proposed list for Vigilators with Jump Packs who come stock with a Cameleoline.


Stealth + Shrouded From Pods + Cover Save from Dropping in.


So yeah.


Its a thing you can do.

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Haha well they will mainly want to deal with the leviathan (or two) that just bumped onto their lines ready to charge first, but then I have hopefully a load of assault marines etc that will make it through that to cause some damage.

If they drop the price of the unit I might even think about a unit of 10 with mb to go armour hunting.

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Blade or Perdition is master crafted as standard. But yeah pretty cool... do people use champions much? Seems to me to not be an especially sensible choice?


Crap, forgot...


Well, other than hitting other centurions easier the Champion seemingly has no use then?


I think a good rule would have been they have a special shield akin to a storm one, or an increased invuln in a challenge perhaps? Though that could open up 2++ shenanigans with Iron Hands...

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^Nah, pretty much every invuln and FnP in heresy comes with the caveat of a 3+ cap.


The Emperors Children relic parrying blade is about the only one that isn't.

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