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Variety is the spice of life ;) Other projects are good to cycle in and out to keep things fresh, I find the Inquisition is perfect for this. Very easy to do single models for quick projects and the limitless potential for kit bashing and the like always makes it interesting :)

The wash on the flag is still drying and the pic washed out some of the weathering on the lead tank somehow but they're done! Just in time for the victory parade :)





He is only a small "bonus", but Father Argos is reporting for duty... Probably just after the deadline but Ecclesiarchy is not known to respect deadlines, isn't it ? Had a lot of fun painting this model, the conversion is absolutely not inspired from GW classical Missionary, not at all ! ;)

No, you're still in time Guilloom - great job on him he looks very nice with the red and the book's scribble script smile.png With this, the first Guard Campaign is over...

The Palace once again shook violently as the latest Imperial ordnance struck home. Nyels was now very aware of the drawbacks to such a large and ostentatious building that he skipped over initially during the upgrade works. If only they had gone less grand... but there was no time to waste on hindsight. Scurrying through the cavernous halls, around the fallen masonry and reliefs he was soon thinking how lucky he to survive this long until it dawned on him that it was only too quiet. His wordless questions were answered when he heard the noise of Valkyrie engines roaring past. Could they possible be friendly, here to spirit him to safety?

The sound of hotshot weaponry searing through armour and flesh was most unwelcome, but sadly not a surprise. It was all very much over. The Governor's plans all for nought as the Imperials had smashed their way through every obstacle. Nyels turned to hurry back, spotting in the corner of his eye some of the Palace Guards attempting to flee down the corridor before being cut down by accurate gun fire. Only one, vain hope now. Cursing the Governor and praying to whoever would listen that his doom would be far worse than his own Nyels plunged through the doors to the Governor's suite, now hanging just barely from their hinges with the gold facings partially melted.

Hiding in the cramped panic room he could only cower in terror as the gunfire and cries of "For the Emperor!" died out, replaced by deathly silence for he didn't know how long. Then there was a dull thudding sound, followed by some more. Without warning the reinforced door exploded inwards, Imperial Stormtroopers instantly following with weapons raised. Nyels was glad he ate that Coben beef when he had the chance.


//--//Ref: AOL-C-BR03//--//

It is with great pleasure that we report the successful recapture of Lutum in the Emperor's name. The victory can only be described as decisive in its entirety; the faith, courage and resolve of participating regiments is to be commended without reservation. Lord Commander (Colonel) Graves of the Catachan 149th is to be equally commended, his able leadership of the liberation campaign and sterling personal example to the men was no doubt instrumental in pushing His forces onwards to victory.

The hive city is in full Imperial control, traitor forces soundly beaten and the heretic Governor and his cronies given justice at the end of a barrel. Though a not insignificant portion of the enemy remains and much reconstruction work will be required this is nothing to be concerned with. Vital mining areas are well secured and the enemy forced to retreat to less favourable locations. We expect these minor issues to be resolved in a mere few local months, we ask that you inform the Techpriests of Stygies VIII that their materials will commence shipping immediately, and will return to full capacity soon.

We trust that His Inquisition finds this news most agreeable, and will send the promised aid to help scour the remains of heresy that no doubt infect the planet. We are confident that the projected estimate of full rehabilitation within a decade to be more than ample time.

In His service,



Commissariat High Command representatives on Lutum

Reward sig images will be in the pipeline, and work will start on the narrative elements shortly. We're not talking novellas or high literature, but we'll do our best msn-wink.gif Well done to all who have taken part, Lutum is once more within the Emperor's embrace and much glory has been won! biggrin.png

http://i.imgur.com/Osz3N5x.jpgMy commissar is done, my phone is giving me problems uploading the pic.  I'll have it up within the next few minutes.  Did I make it in time?  Will edit this post shortly.

Not up to my standards of the Ogryn... but I will probably keep working on the highlights and take it to a standard I'm happier with.  It's tabletop at least :)

Top show you guys. Radu I especially rate your command vanquisher. They look so dusty I can almost taste it haha. Spewing I couldn't get anything together for the final phase, uni hit hard. Can't wait to see the finished write-up. How often do we do these sorts of campaigns?

Thanks P3AK, it was a good showing - enough to take back Lutum comfortably enough :tu: The award image is in the pipeline first, expect that this week along with the sad fates of those who failed. As for another Campaign we're looking at late this year :)

I take it people enjoyed the campaign? I enjoyed following it! Maybe next time it could involve another interested forum or two...? Maybe the Hammer of the Emperor gets support from the Astartes or Mechanicum or a Knight household... the list goes on! :D

Comrades, welcome to the awards ceremony for Assault on Lutum! The following noble soldiers of the Emperor boldly took up the gauntlet and set forth to reclaim Lutum, and under the command of Brazentooth did just that! Wear your award signature images with pride!

Rank I - 1 phase completed


Nicodemus Doloroso

Marshal Argos

Uneven Frostgun


Your contribution to the war effort will not be forgotten, Lutum basks in the Emperor's light once more thanks to regiments like yours. You have earned the honour of this badge:


Hidden Content

Rank II - 2 phases completed




Tallarn Commander

Brother SP

The craven traitors of Lutum feared the mention of your regiment's arrival, that is an honour words can not adequately describe. Be proud to bear this badge:


Hidden Content

Rank III - 3 phases completed




Ulrik Ironfist

Your selfless dedication to annihilating the heretic wherever he makes his nest has not gone unnoticed. Both by His Inquisition and surely the God-Emperor Himself. Such piety and duty must not be wasted. Let all who see this badge know your great worth:


Hidden Content

Lord Commander - 3 phases completed and highest completed points


Lord Commander Graves, by taking up the prestigious title of Lord Commander of the Campaign you made a mighty pledge that all could witness. This was a statement of faith in the regiments under your command as well as your own abilities. The history records will record that this faith was not misplaced. In years to come your statue as the Great Liberator of Lutum would become a pilgrimage site for all who wished to atone for their forebear's heresy against the Golden Throne.


Hidden Content

If there are any mistakes please let me know. Thank you for taking part in the first event of its type and we hope to see you return for the second Campaign at a future date. The first of the narrative pieces will be arriving soon - focusing on the fates of those that failed...


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