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Nevermore.. a Raven Guard (Horus Heresy) painting log

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Been following this for a while and i'm admirative of your painting output, i've painted two models in the time it took you to paint an army!. The 'marbled' decal on the cloak is an eye opener, always thought them a bit too posh for vehicle markings but it makez great sense applying them on soft kit - an idea i'll be stealing for my own guys.

Yeah, I'd add some contrast to the base, though I have no idea what you could add.

Love the transfer on the back of the cape.

I can't unsee the black emo lipstick on his lips though. tongue.png

it's his mouth and teeth, honest lol. Then again the RG are quite emo anyhoo...

still need to complete 10 Mor daythn for my 2nd ETL vow, but I have started construction on my next combi unit... this is 10 magnetised legs with 5 plasmacannon tops, 5 40k H grav tops and sgt and 10 mk6/mk4 support squad with plasmaguns.


reason? every marine player gets to that point where they dont have enough legs! buthonestly some units i will use in 30k like plasma support but not in 40k and vica versa. I also have spare bodies etc left over from RG FW sets.


i also need to construct a few support squads of lascannons and multimeltas (my lascannon squad will have mark 6 pads so i can use them in 40k tactical squads or devastator squads=no squad markings) and also convert up 5 more dark furies to be 40k armed (stormshields/thammers and axes) what with Brexit every penny counts!

my second vow for ETL is done.  I'm going to have a little break for now, will probably do an assault squad and a couple of heavy support squads next. (weather is too nice, so Golf has won!)


here are my completed Mor daythn (unit of 6 and 9)





  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

I'm back.. after my Ad Mech defeated the xenos cat above I attended a local tourney coming 9th out of 45, and having the top Ad Mech score there (lots and lots of eldar/tau/superfriend filth)


OK, back to the grind.. I currently have started a small 2k deathwatch force and also just ordered two boxes of prospero... why? well I have a plan...


I'm going to finish off the ravenguard for now, adding in a seeker squad, some meltagun antitank. then with the unused models from calth (10 mk4 and 10 terms), and FW HWs I have purchased I'm considering doing a whole new force with the prospero kits.

still not decided, but I'm tempted by siege of terra fist/blood angels or maybe prospero Tsons/wolves.... or even sons of horus/luna wolves


hopefully get some stuff painted up next few weeks, or at least assembled (seekers)



Lol.. I'm actually not going to use any terms what so ever in my raven guard. (except that praetor model) and he is more for 40k (relentless on drop pod devs anyone?)


Black is black undercoat spray, eshin grey highlight, then edge highlight fenrisian grey, white is fenrisian grey up to white.

Just constructed my spec ops unit, seekers using mk6 and RG bodies with stalker bolters made from spare sniper rifles (they look ace) scorpions ammonias' so so good now, rude not to. Pics to follow


I will do a vet squad with a mix of combis/power weapons(these nearly where) in the future to finish my infantry 2.5k

Thoughts on mk3 vets?? I will have 60 soon.. But don't think the mk3 suits RG much, I know they did have some.. But I'm sure the elite would use newer suits

I suspect even the Raven Guard uses iron-pattern power armor in zone mortalis situations... though it's probably more as breachers than as regular marines.


I don't care much for the Adeptus Mechanicus but I like the red.


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