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Your Leviathan looks promising- I love the wolf pelt on his shoulder- but shouldn't a Space Wolf Dreadnought bear a close combat weapon, so he can have the satisfaction of seeing his enemies die up close?


Thanks! Hah yea it was a hard choice, and not final (thanks magnets) but the ranged platform role for Levis add way more to my force. The lack of attacks hurt it a bit and Axe dreads fill the space way nicer. Both in tandem are greater than the sum of their parts I think.


Wow, your work is amazing! Where to start...I love the vehicles the snow is a great touch and the details of the doors, the wear and tear looks awesome and all the details you've added with the green stuff really sells it.


Seriously fantastic work, look foreword to seeing what else you got in the works :smile.:


Thanks a lot! I'll try not to disappoint!

Forgot to showcase my finished Long Fangs a while back:





Im happy with most of them, I felt the time crunch though for Adepticon and I think it shows in some of the details like the face on the WGPL. Im just not 100% on the colors how he turned out.

These look great, definitely waranted the closer look.


The variation in skin tone makes them look more realistic. I think it's a positive thing. I wouldn't worry about your WGPL's face.


The battle damage is really well done. I like the scratch across the mk (dunno the newer one) helmet. Those plasma cannons look great. The underslung is such a good look.


Really like the guy tapping his forehead with his finger 'think about it'.


The TDA is great and i see what you mean about making tanking decisions. Do you risk losing the cyclone to use the storm shield or not?

Thanks! Yea that helm is a mkX. I wanted them to have a super mixed armor feel, even more so than my wolf guard. I figured the old guys would stubbornly use what they wanted sometimes despite efficiencies.


The tank choice has gotten easier as I go, especially as the game goes. Sometimes you just don’t need those LCs anymore and it’s better not to risk it. In a vacuum though I always will take the save if I can. It’s worth it for their face alone if I can shut down something big.

Hah when I was building him Dantay I was trying to go for a special ops type sit rep from the earpiece pose. But bulky armor is bulky and hard to pose properly.


Even join I didn’t quite pull off the intended look, I love that my wife refers to him as “use your *fething head boy” guy.


All the battle damage is paint! Either sponge technique with highlights or just brush.

Those are beautiful man.  I dream my guys will look like that some day.


I have had to take short cuts since I have 0 artistic skill and rely on shapeways for the company symbol.


Your shoulder pads look amazing


Also your 2nd picture the angle makes the underslung LC model look like he has feathers draped over his right shoulder.  I love it.  Had to look closer to see it was the normal pack markings.  If you could recreate that intentionally it gives a much stronger tribal feel.  Love the look of it.

Thanks guys! Yea I really enjoy designing the shoulder pad pack markings for my squads. I tried to get away from the normal motifs and do some more abstract but in theme designs.


As for the feathers your Warpy scrying powers do you justice brother. I have a raven guard contemptor coming to be my crow eye contemptor mortis! Once again, damn you FW dreadnought sales...

Super torn, the torso is shaping up really nicely but it looks really good clean where I had planned to do some scandinavian nonsense. Current course is to basically finish the entire thing, gloss it, then experiment safely where i can wash it off if i hate it.


(Got the head in just fine Dantay!)




If I go for it that red would be more muted and would likely get "inter-twined" with grey like on my dreadpod. The other option would be to do a darker blue glaze that would make it a pretty subtle design. My main concern is busyness. Now that the trim is mostly painted I love how it turned out and i don't want to distract too much from it.

The pelt is just first pass and I started to imply its coat pattern in there, tons more to do so it doesn't look terrible :D

Any strong opinions on the design either way?

Thanks for the input! I was planning to customize it a bit by adding a stylized wolf head to it but yea the design would likely be pretty close.


It'll be challenging for sure but I can't improve if I don't try it!

It does look busy. I would reccomend simplifying the design. Something off about the red-on-blue as well. Maybe try gold?


Yea for sure, the red got lazily color corrected hence the grain but i didnt bother to change the blue. It would be a gray or even muted yellow. I definitely will try simplifying it too.


What if you did a small and simple design running the entire length of the right panel and next to it have the name of the Dreadnought in Nordic runes?


I considered something like that yea! My only hesitance is that with this thing being the only large centerpiece i really have I wanted to cut loose haha. I'll definitely do that or something like it though if i can't make the sweaty design work.

Switch the red to silver... You are gonna paint that design on?? Holy crap... I like doing knotwork but that will be insane!!


You are making me want to go back and rework my axe wielding leviathan... You sir are an inspiration


I hadn't considered that actually... What about the red to grey(silver) and with a red flourish (the current blue part)?

I binned (not really) my old metallics and switched to the Scalecolor line on Grieux's recommendation a few years ago. I will never go back....


It's Decayed Metal, Agrax wash, Decayed Metal, Viking Gold, Dwarven Gold, Elven Gold on the points.


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