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My vote is for the skull of a Tyranid monster going under there if anything. Squishing bugs is everyone's past time!


I think the running pose looks good but maybe more of a hint as to where his next step is going (i.e another rock just barely showing on the edge) as the height difference between his other foot and the ground looks a little off for his gait.


Edit: Looking at it more and visualizing the step down it looks like it would work. just at first glance it looks off.

It's intentional, if I change it to put that foot on the ground it would change the motion of the model. I get it might not translate in pics but i'll get better ones when it's done. Keep in mind there will be actual ground/snow there too, not just bare base.

Just wanted to say, sincee we've seen so much of it at this point it has gone understated, but Mother eff, your sculpting ability is absurd. Just tremendous. Hats off.


Tiny bit of feedback on the spear, the wolf tail is a little small in comparison to the dread's spear and has a keychain vibe. How tricky would it be to get something more fenrisian wolf or even thunderwolf sized? If not, maybe just chopping if off, period.

Interesting, thats a good critique....


I was pretty much trying to copy the Fenrisian great axe but i fumbled the actual power generator from the axe into to couch, never to be found again. I took that one with the tail from the upgrade kit, but i see what your saying. 


I like the motion it gives so I'm hesitant to clip it altogether but maybe extend it a bit?


Edit: Thinking on it too the scale is kinda nice since those tails are EVERYWHERE. Makes the spear look pretty scary size wise. Alternate idea, just more bling on it...


I still need to finish the riveting on the thing anyways. I play with it tonight!

Maybe something like this (but y'know, with wolf fur and not fake red fuzz) if you want to keep a sense of motion?




Anywsys, looking forward to result regardless of what you decide. :)

Bjorn seems like a great choice for that banner, if one guy is gonna have a banner it should be him. Also he should have the best banner available (which is that one).


The eBay alerts idea sounds like a simultaneously amazing and terrible idea for me. After posting about the gamesday Wolf Priest in another thread I immediately went on eBay and got one! £16, good price but I just know he is gonna be in the blister pack for years before I get around to doing anything with him.

Bjorn seems like a great choice for that banner, if one guy is gonna have a banner it should be him. Also he should have the best banner available (which is that one).


it's a great idea. got me thinking.  i wonder if it will fit behind his smoke launcher. edit: it does. well, :cuss, now I have to do it.

Hadn't updated this week but the work continues. Trying to wrap my ETL vow so finally got my WG Pack leader done:


And got some paint on them!


I gotta say, I'm so excited to make all the individual heraldry on each pauldron. I feel like I've been properly warmed up with my freehand so its going to be super fun.

After the WG vow 2 will be the dreads but then.....


Iron Priest on thunderwolf... I've had plans to do this guy for a while but im finally going to do it. (Im not great at drawing sue me...)

To much to do, too little time.

These guys are looking great, full of character. I like the guy leaping over the rocks.


Looking forward to your iron priest. He’ll be dismounted then? Should make a nice base of models.


I love your Thunderwolves. So will be looking forward to you working on them in the future. Maybe they will get a boast with the new codex.

Thanks! Yea its really just the current rules that are holding me back from finishing them. I just don't field them anymore.


Iron Priest will be dismounted yea. I usually use him as a repair man that beats face so if I can model something that evokes that I'll be super happy.

Quick update:

This guys mooooostly done, a few things here and there to touch up and the base obviously.


This guys mostly just a face but he's the only other one that has more than just colors blocked out:


Goal is to wrap them all this week! I took the month of July off of work so i should be able to crush stuff anytime that the human pup is asleep! *crosses fingers

They look brilliant, and good luck with the pup.... Best get to learning their sleep pattern :)


At the moment,Luke sleeps in the morning 10-1, but stays awake most of the afternoon :(


Still with a face like this, what can you do...


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29129018418_9254c76f95_c.jpgthumbnail (97) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


And my oldest son wants to be a Night Lord


42099754585_e03d8c9688_c.jpgthumbnail (93) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr



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