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Are these guys all getting their own unique pack markings? I’m really liking the first one. Nice free hand and a great design.

Thanks! Yea that’s the idea, it’s one of my favorite parts about the wolves, the personally heraldry and drive for great deeds while keeping the comradery and unity of purpose. They’re all individuals with personalities!

  • 2 weeks later...

Vow Complete!


Here's the most dangerous men on Fenris:


All but the shield hands are magnetized. Never again will I save painting combi weapons till the end, that was soul crushing.


Pack Leader - Super happy how he turned out. I really tried to keep him calm looking in the squad of aggressive looking dudes.


The others still need a few games before receiving names and saga beginnings but this guy is already Skeld for the 13th warrior. "They're demons..." is quoted probably every game so it was fitting.


This was a unique challenge. Creating interesting and dynamic posing with magnets is weird. My solution here was to get a magnet in his cloak and green stuff a sling with some wire in it. This way i can use the same combi hands but the hand is fully enclosed in the cloak and most combi eapons and bolters match up perfectly with the sling. If it doesn't i can bend it (hooray acrylics)!


This guy I just love because it would be terrifying to see him running at you, fully shielded with a massive gun. Im also happy with the Giegor head, it always looked silly being a sort of throwback to 2nd ed space wolf hair but I think it works.


This guy just turned out mean, Im happy how savage he looks. He also got my favorite heraldry, trying to replicate the deathsworn mark. I liked the idea that the deathsworn would be these mythical warirors at this point in the sagas and he would adopt it as his personal sigil.


This guy was my paint test but didnt really need to much redoing. He was also the first pack member built.


Heraldry shot!

Next up is some work on the iron priest and Vow number 2. My plan was to do Bjorn and dread number 2 but i think for safety i need to break that up. Babies are fickle...

Holy cow!!! I wish I could hit the like button more than once! Those heraldry shoulders look beyond amazing. Love everything about these models!


I agree 100% with you here brother, this pack look absolutely amazing, everything to my mind that the Rout should be :yes:

Trying to figure out what to do with Bjorns banner. This is what i was milling around with:


The banner itself if the FW Venerable one so those are the contraints I'm working with. I'd like to do a Heresy era Tra banner. I took the text style from the Inferno banners but other than that id like to do an old school feeling saga illumination. Hence Russ facing down Morkai.

So whether or not I can pull this off would this be appropriate for a banner and for Bjorn? I could do something more abstract but im not sure what it would be.


Trying to figure out what to do with Bjorns banner. This is what i was milling around with:


The banner itself if the FW Venerable one so those are the contraints I'm working with. I'd like to do a Heresy era Tra banner. I took the text style from the Inferno banners but other than that id like to do an old school feeling saga illumination. Hence Russ facing down Morkai.

So whether or not I can pull this off would this be appropriate for a banner and for Bjorn? I could do something more abstract but im not sure what it would be.


Funny how we start similar projects at the same time. I just started on Bjorn's banner ... I'm just doing a blown up version of 'Bjorn Strangles the Daemon-Serpent.' Bit boring because its already on his chest plate but I'm a slave to canon and it means I dont have to design anything new.

Bjorn update! I had planned on painting him pretty much codex accurate but I am craaazy off the rails now. I just couldn't get that multi colored painted look right for his front sarcophagus but I also didn't like doing it all in metals. So I split the difference and tried a more limited pallet look that would mesh with the style that got introduced on my Leviathan. He's not even close but its beginning to take shape:



The design is from the inferno book, needs a ton of cleaning but i like that it gives him a more ancient look. In the lore it's said that Bjorn hates all the crap they do to his sarcophagus but understands it helps the morale.

Second concern was with the wierd color choices if he would look out of place with the others:


So far so good i think! The other planned dreads can sort of split the difference too with the golds/greys/reds/yellows too. His banner I can do last to see where the colors end up and can be used to balance it.

Thoughts? Color change heresy? Just crazy enough to work?

In between painting been working on the Iron Priest and finally have something im already proud of! Got the main body position where i want it and the bionic leg mostly good!



I have the first layer for the saddle down and the main gaps filled. Should have the fur started soon which will finish the leg too. Seems like the Priest will have plenty of room for a cool pose but I still need to find the parts I want for him. Don't think ill get the chin scratch I wanted position wise but shoulder is fine too!

Bjorn is still on track, should get a bunch of time to work on him tomorrow!

Yes! This is the good *cuss*!


Bjorn looks great already. Good choice on using colour on his detailing, it seems a waste of all that detail to just paint it gold. Liking the knot work. Good banner idea. I think that should look good. His previous banner is now sculpted on his left breast plate so you can't really use that design I suppose. You may have made your other dreads too good however. He has a mountain to climb to be able to stand out as Bjorn (greatest ever space wolf?) amongst them. Good luck.


I'm loving your Iron Priest with Thunderwolf idea. That Bionic leg looks amazing. I was wondering what you were going to do with the pose of that wolf. Change it of course! You've got the skills to green stuff him back together.

Thanks a ton man! Yea it’s hard making him stand out since he’s such a well known figure I didn’t want to change him too much. That banner bit is so nice though that I think as long as I don’t just spill paint on it it will send that message.


My idea too was though Bjorn accepts his role as an inspirational leader he’s still not as flashy or brash as the other crusty old ancients and would get a more muted or painted design vs. all the bling. But you’re right though it’s hard, I definately burned a lot of my ideas on the first two haha.


As much as I love painting/finishing models building is where it as for me so I’m glad the wolf is on the right track in your eyes!

I'm the same way. Building is where most of the big ideas happen. By the time your finishing painting you've spent a lot of time with that model and it's often diminishing returns by that point. This would explain my hobby butterfly tendencies and all those half finished projects (wolf lords, cough).


Great shout about Bjorn being a bit more humble in his decoration.


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