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It's been quite some time since I did any fur for anything so the only advice I can give is: keep in mind that black fur is rarely truly black. It often has lots of grey, brown and/or blue in it as well.

If I recall correctly I used to paint fur by almost exclusively dry brushing and a wash inbetween.


Yea for sure! I think i had read somewhere color theory wise that you need to make sure the surface stays 75-85%+ black otherwise it will just appear to the eye whatever the highlight color is. Doesnt leave much margin for an interesting mini! I'll make some test swatches with the colors you mentioned in combination and see how it goes. :thumbsup:

Thanks guys! I'm just happy to have been included, i honestly didn't expect to be a contender with how good everyones stuff is.


As for my next steps on that banner, I planned to make the fur black which seems pretty challenging to make look good. I wanted to do it on the banner for both contrast but also to practice since id like to make that Iron Priest wolf black as well.


How have you guys done your black fur pelts? I'm planning on trying the blue/black method but have reservations since it seems like that kind of a human hair thing. Wolves seem to have that grey or brown tone to them.


Any advice?

I did blue black fur once on my logan grimnar and other thunder wolves, and its challenging to make look natural. Had to use nuln oil to tone it down... Still gave it a cold look but thanks to the blue base colours.


My favourite black fur paint job was one i never repated, following a White Dwarf tutorial for thunderwolves back in the day. It used Adpetus Battle Grey as a base (old paint... think its Mechanicus Standard Grey now) with some camo tones as highlights. One of the camo tones was this desaturated olive colour, which sounds wierd but it looked great. Another khaki colour went on for a very light final highlight. There was a black wash used at some point but i cant remember if it was before or after highlights.


These days i am very simple - base Mechanicus Standard Grey and do a quick drybrush with brighter grey... Then i wash the mother:cusser with nuln oil, like, 2 or 3 times. I'll then paint on some subtle bone coloured highlights at the tips of the fur tufts and call it a day.


Regardless of how you do it, I think you're almost always using a dark grey like mechanicus standard as a base and nuln oil at some point. Heavy Agrax Earthshade shading is important if you want it more brown-black.

Painting black is challenging and not very rewarding from what I have read so far in my newbie hobby career


I read a nice article on it at FLG a while back


Basically you need the dark grey (eshin) and blue wash to have any hope of showing different colors


Also...if you are in competition people don't think black is hard and will subconsciously dock you points compared to bright colored armies etc.

Good article, thanks for the link! Yea its a bummer, theres so much awesome in the idea of the blackmane wolf being the biggest and baddest while black is such an odd thing in miniatures. 


Worth a try, if i land it it'll make the rest of the model pop really well. If i don't brown and grey wolves are just fine haha.

Wen I did Freki and Geri, I never used white as a highlight colour except around the muzzle, went with ushabti bone or similar, also used vallejo oiled earth wash (ran out of agrax) along with black.


I went black base, panzer dark grey, mech grey with a tiny amount of bone dawnstone+ bone, admoin grey =bone and then bone.


The brown really helps soften the greys, also did a dab  of black wash too I believe.


39578781455_479a3f624d_c.jpgthumbnail (29) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

39578782035_32ba273492_c.jpgthumbnail (26) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


Without washes


39724882304_cfca5aea8c_c.jpgthumbnail (11) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr


With washes


25603968857_13dce0a064_c.jpgthumbnail (28) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

39764434824_638b8d4703_c.jpgthumbnail (27) by Danny Taylor, on Flickr

Well I think the banner is good:


Im a bit sad I didnt get the black fur worked out here but it's too cool a bit to really overdo testing. I think it'll be a good excuse to get some fenrisian wolves finished finally though. I just really am set on painting that IP wolf black or dark dark brown. Something really menacing that frames the priest up nice.

With the codex news too im pretty motivated to make what was going to be a murderfang conversion but may work just fine for a wulfen dread.

Plan is a dual weilding axe monster, now that it seems to be able to take both the actual axe and claws i'm not sure how well the plan will work, but we'll see.

The work continues!

Real sexy stuff. I also snatched that Dreadnought only for the banner when it went ltcb.


Planning to use it for my wolf standard though!


Nice! I put mine on a long pin so I could do the same when not using bjorn, plus transport etc.

So with the banner done I had some time to tweak Bjorn a bit and get some good shots:





This one was so hard, like i said before there's just so damn many little details that it was challenging to not make it look busy. Theres just not enough room on the thing to let the armor breath or give a convincing blend. All things considered I'm happy how he turned out though, I knew from the start he was going to be a......bear. eh?

(translation error) it doesn't mean bear it means Bjorn...



He looks fantastic. That banner is such a good fit I'm kicking myself for not picking one up when they were still being sold. The paint job on the banner is great and goes really well with the wolf pelt on his left shoulder too.


Well done again Fear!


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