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The Storm Stalkers - WiP Blog


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Just finished a crazy gaming weekend at the Renegade Open! Friday was the 40k doubles tournament:



My teammate painted up some BEAUTIFUL knights for his half and it was really fun to pair with my hyper aggressive list. Went 2-1 only losing to the Ynarri cheese thats the flavor atm. We ended up winning best painted which was crazy cool (and all i really ever strive for not really being a WAAC player)

Day Two was the big show the GT!



Handed these babies out to my opponents. No one got drunk and made mistakes (damn) but I hope it made the experience memorable. Shout out to Wrong Way Kids team and Paul Murphy who gave me the idea of a cooler hand out from our game at Adepticon.


I went 1/1/1 (losing to basically the same type of list as the day before) which I felt more than happy with. In the end I got best painted for the GT too which was pretty much the coolest thing ever capping off an awesome weekend.



Next up I have to clean the disaster area my hobby room has become but I think I finish that spear dread and finally my sicarans too. Though with that CA leak I may need to paint my land raider finally....

Do I spy a Wulfen using a shield as bludgeon or about to use it a frisbee??? Have to see a close up picture of that guy, he looks amazing!

You do! I have WiP shots earlier in the thread but I need to do some nit picking (tournament rush) before I call them totally done. I’ll for sure get pics though.

  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update:

Painting spear dread when i can, and building the Relic Contemtor when i can't:


He's all mocked up though so when next you see him he'll be a proper member of the rout.

Almost there! Cyclone needs work and the banner pole as well but i think the flavor is there! Wanted to keep the blink a bit toned down since the paintjob is going to be a bit louder with the maori....ahem...nordic flourishes.



  • 3 weeks later...

Hobby ADD! New Project!

Im sick of proxying my non jump battle leader for a jump one, so here he is!

Herlief Badstar



Some WiP shots:




His right hand is magged for the stormshield or in the event of point crunch/armor of russ something else. Basing tonight and the goal is to get paint on him before going back to work after new years. The hammer trail will be done like my Runepriest, snow trail and such.

Pretty pumped though, I like how he's turned out.

Did you green stuff turbulent air behind Badstar's thunder hammer, to give the model a sense of motion? Or is the green stuff meant to be flames, i.e., Badstar's thunder hammer has an integral rocket engine to increase the force of its blows? (I'm taking inspiration from Ido's rocket hammer, a weapon in the manga/anime Gunnm, licensed in the US as Battle Angel and Battle Angel Alita, adapted as the live-action film Alita: Battle Angel.)

Great battle leader. Good use of Geigor body and the green stuff facial hair is great, particularly like the hair cut. Still waiting to see you do a Wolf Lord.


Really well done on the best painted award at the tournament and the bottles of mjod. Living the dream.


Thanks! Its funny, I just rarely use a Wolf Lord I don't have a lot of motivation to field them. I've also been call out on making my Battle Leaders blinged up enough to not leave room for what a Wolf Lord would even look like. Pretty high up on my priority list though is my throwback Grimnar build so maybe that all youd have to look forward to on that front haha.


Where do you live mate? Would love to play a doubles with that gorgeous army!


Upper Midwest US, its a great gaming scene here. A few Majors per year in state and just a short drive to Adepticon!


Those are some serious eyebrows.


Hah yea, I think it gives a lot of character, its obviously exagerated but its something that doenst look off with the heroic scale. Ive been doing it that way on my characters for a long time now and low and behold, guess who the new primaris wolf in town is by GW having the first sculpted eyebrows on marine (i think).....just sayin. :wink:

Your battle leaders certainly are blinged up enough to be Wolf Lords. I guess it’s just an army list preference that they are battle leaders. It makes me excited to see what the next level up must be like. I guess I’m going to find out with your Grimnar which sounds very intriguing.


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