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Vairocanum's Projects (9/28/2020 Dark Mechanicus Cultist)

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Fantastic, a very evocative pose and all the little details such as the tilt shield and ribbing where you cut the leg finish him off.

Thanks Pearson73! Glad you liked the model, reposing legs is always a pain so glad it ended up looking ok!


Although you've not added a huge amount to him, those touches have a done a lot to add plenty of easily identifiable chapter character.

Thanks Sock! I was trying to copy the book art so I kept him relatively clean, glad he's easily identifiable though!




Ha! This week I'm updating on time for once. I completed a White Scars Stormseer on Bike this time. This is a conversion I've been delaying since 2012 but finally managed to sit down and get it done. Been wanting to do some more bike conversions cause I have a couple bikes left over from my original army so hopefully I'll get some more done this year. Not too sure about White Scars iconography but hopefully it gives off a good enough feel. Sculpting went relatively smoothly except for the patterning on the leg which was a bit fiddly. Anyways, thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Great additions on the bike.

Thanks DSS7! Glad you liked the bike, didn't have too much White Scars related stuff so choosing bits took a while.


Stormseer looks awesome! And he was originally from 2012? Must feel real good to check that guy off the list!

Thanks hushrong! Yea it's great to finally be done haha. I'm using one of those screw drawers as a bits box and for one of the drawers is my "drawer of shame" where its just filled with half finished projects that I lost interest in or had to change. Hopefully I can get that drawer completely empty someday.


The Librarian looks promising. Where'd you get the bike's leonine front fender?

Thanks Bjorn! It's from one of the stormcast eternals shoulder pad.


I love the mid-kneeling primaris on the previous page, a very unusual but quite effective pose!


Bike-libby looks good too, nice mustache! Is the lion-head from a Stormcast sprue of some sort?

Thanks Tech Type! Glad you liked the mid-kneeling pose, cause it could have easily gone the other way. Yep its from a stormcast eternal sprue, specifically from the storm of sigmar starter kit.




Tell me, do you know the eightfold path?


Very late this week for updating. Had a lot of essays and presentations the past week, didn't have much hobby time till yesterday. Anyways I just finished this Chaos Warrior Monk for my Dark Mechanicus warband. I'm quite fond of warrior priest type characters, especially when they look more warrior than priest. Was thinking of how I'd do one of those characters for a chaos warband without getting too crazy and came up with this. I've kept him relatively bland in terms of decoration cause I wanted him to mirror actual monks that aren't usually adorned with that much. This was a very fun build, probably my favorite so far this year. I think I'll re-base the previous models of the warband as well to match the cork base. Hopefully I can update this week on time. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated! 





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That's hot! Seriously, that is a great conversion. Would you use him as one of those elctro-priests?


Also, is the cord holding up the pendant just green stuff? If you wanted something slightly sturdy that might be that small look at gardening wire. They have some thin wire that is super flexible that might be a decent replacement.

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Great base and great pose. I need his left hand. Where is it from?


Awesome model

Thanks Mikhal! The base was really fun to do, the box of skulls is a great buy haha. Also sniper scouts as Jukkiz said for the hand.



Great base and great pose. I need his left hand. Where is it from?


Awesome model

It seems to be from SM scouts with sniper rifles, SGT part.


Thanks for answering! Would have taken me until now to reply haha.


That's hot! Seriously, that is a great conversion. Would you use him as one of those elctro-priests?


Also, is the cord holding up the pendant just green stuff? If you wanted something slightly sturdy that might be that small look at gardening wire. They have some thin wire that is super flexible that might be a decent replacement.

Thanks hushrong! I hadn't thought of that but i think electro-priests could be a good option! I haven't really built something with the conscious thought of using rules for a while now, but I'll definitely get back to army building! Thanks for the tip about gardening wire I'll check it out!


Awesome work as always vair!

Thanks Sagentus! Glad you liked the model, was definitely my favorite build so far this year!


Very characterful, as per. I hear you on the assignment and essay front, last week of term is a killer for free time...

Thanks Pearson73! Yea too much school work to do cause I've procrastinated for so long haha. Going to be a rough few weeks before the semester ends in April.


Love it! Very characterful.


I'll echo hushrong about the gardening wire, though. I fear that one wrong pick-up or a fall might instantly destroy that greenstuffed cord. :thumbsup:

Thanks Augustus! I'll definitely check out the gardening wire. I'm more worried about the chaos star falling off the GS cause super glue only has that much strength. Come to think of it though, I've got a large number of very fragile models haha.


That guy is awesome, good work!

Thanks Radiation! Just started with the torso and legs with no idea in mind and I got the idea to go for a monk after finding that head.


Yeah good work on the monk chap, classy piece of work!

Thanks NightHunters! Glad to see you around again! Hope to see you posting some new stuff in the future, good luck with parenting stuff too!


Very nice mini, good use of bits! I love the chaos star on the back. :biggrin.:

Thanks Chickenleg! The chaos star came about when I was thinking how to fill the back part without using a back pack, glad the scale looks ok!


The Chaos Monk is an original idea.

Thanks Bjorn! I had seen a lot of regular priests and corrupted priests for INQ28 but I had  yet to see a monk so it just sorta developed from there after I found the head!


Goodness, how did I miss this thread for so long?


V, I probably can't say anything here that lots of others haven't said better, but your models are just brimming with life, character and variety. Bravo across the board.

Thanks Lexington! I'm happy you've taken the time to check out my work! Thanks for the high praise, looking forward to seeing more of Esarhaddon from your thread as well!




Late again this week :dry.:, not like I didn't have hobby time but I chose naps and sleep so its been delayed till now. Anyways I finished this sniper this week. I had found the torso when looking for some other parts and I knew I wanted to do something with it. Decided to go for a more in motion pose instead of one that was still and about to shoot. I probably should have put a bit more movement in the tabard when I was sculpting but too late now, might get back and fix it someday though. A relatively simple conversion but I'm happy with how it looks. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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That sniper looks fantastic! It's a really cool conversion. The loin cloth looks fine to me, you've done a great job of sculpting it.

Thanks SystemSyn! Happy to hear that you think the loin cloth is fine, it looked a bit too static for me so I wanted to have it flow a bit more.


The sniper looks awesome. Definitely a great conversion and nice to see a sniper in motion too.

Thanks hushrong! Glad you liked the model, was almost considering a camouflaged sniper over the in motion pose but couldn't find legs that fit well.


Like it . The cloth looks good as is . Also movement instead of a static pose is refreshing for a sniper model.

Thanks DSS7! Great to hear you think the cloth works, nearly went for a static pose but glad I ended up doing one in motion.


Nice posing, really captures the flow of movement.

Thanks Pearson73! Good thing I didn't have to repose the legs to get better flow of movement, basically stock legs with a little bit of armor sculpted on.




Slaughtered. Disgraced. Abandoned. Why follow a corpse that doesn't even notice you've ceased to exist. 


Late this week again cause I forgot I had an essay due and had to do a lot of last minute writing so I couldn't take pictures or update the thread on time. Anyways I built another objective marker this week. Photos look a bit different from usual cause I had to get better lighting (also a little blur because my hand wasn't too steady). I had a lot of fun doing the last two objective markers and when I got the box of skulls from GW I knew I was going to be doing another one. This time I tried to show more of the skeleton underneath the power armor, so you can see in the head, chest, and knee areas (although I couldn't get good pics of the knees). Broke my drill bit so couldn't pin it to the light post so right now it's just semi-secured with superglue for now. Dinging up power armor was really fun, I've got an unbuilt dreadnought that I'm considering roughing up as well but it's a bit of a waste so haven't decided for sure yet. Thanks for looking and C&C is appreciated!




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