duz_ Posted July 30, 2016 Author Share Posted July 30, 2016 So finished my old school hellhound I guess this was my first attempt at battle damage on a vehicle. Normally I don't weather my vehicles, however there were some chunks of left over plastic and glue from when I originally modelled it and figured I'll see how it goes as battle damage. I'm indifferent as to how it turned out. Up next is my basilisk, which is my last piece of armour that I haven't painted. After that I'm deciding between making a start on my 50 odd unpainted Mordians that just showed up or maybe taking a break and start painting my small Raven Guard force. WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4453748 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted July 30, 2016 Share Posted July 30, 2016 Looking good, the metallic bits especially. Weathering is a tricky beast, I tried it on and off but it was only very recently I got something I was happy enough with but there's still more I want to do... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4453922 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 2, 2016 Author Share Posted August 2, 2016 So this one is technically not IG related.... However I just finished my first RG scout, which I decided to attempt a freehand digital urban camo. I figured guard are the ones who use camo schemes the most, so I'd post some shots here. This way if anyone was looking for inspiration to do something similar with their IG, they could see my attempt. Close up you can see that its not particularly straight, however on the table top I think it fits the bill. Unfortunately I think that single marine took me ~1.5hrs... I'm hoping to improve my speed as now I know my colours and technique. On a guardsmen it could be possible, but definitely will take some dedication to do a whole company! Shamansky and P3AKHOUR 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4456236 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 2, 2016 Share Posted August 2, 2016 Camo looks good, but needs to be on a Guardsman... Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4456263 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 2, 2016 Author Share Posted August 2, 2016 Mordians don't know the meaning of camouflage!! ;) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4456277 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamansky Posted August 3, 2016 Share Posted August 3, 2016 Camo looks good, but needs to be on a Guardsman... I'm going to put some on my Elysian troopers mister duz_ can i borrow the pattern? WarriorFish 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4456578 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 3, 2016 Author Share Posted August 3, 2016 I'm going to put some on my Elysian troopers mister duz_ can i borrow the pattern? Sure that's why I posted it up! If you want I can do a mini tutorial with the next scout I paint walter h and The Catachan Devil 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4456813 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 8, 2016 Author Share Posted August 8, 2016 So I took a quick break from my RG to work on some 2nd hand old school sentinels I had bought a while back. I plan on trying out the Emperors Shield Infantry Platoon with my RG 1st company Task force so I figured it was a good excuse to get all 3 completed. I will deck them out as armoured sentinels with AC's (this kit only offered you a ML or AC) and see how they go.Given the clarification of the grenade rules I can see the potential for using Sentinels as bodyguards for them. With AV12 it makes them a tough nut to crack in CC. I need to clip off the plastic to put the metal "armour" on, but I'm debating whether I want to fully paint the pilot before I finish it or not. WarriorFish and our_baz 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4461658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 8, 2016 Share Posted August 8, 2016 I have a couple of these old school ones :) The middle one looks like its back to front though? Machine God and The Catachan Devil 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4461661 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 8, 2016 Author Share Posted August 8, 2016 Yes the middle one has multiple pieces back to front and upside down, the pilot is also missing both arms.... The joys of buying 2nd hand! Can't complain though, got all 3 for the price of 1 new one. I figured it was a good way to test them out without investing to heavily financially. I've always wanted to field a squadron of them. The newer kits definitely look much better. Annoyingly I only noticed that the legs were on backwards after I pinned on that had snapped off back on. So I leave it looking like he really needs to goto the toilet for now. If I'm impressed with their performance I will likely purchase a squadron of the newer kit. I do wish I had some green stuff handy assembling these. The gaps and tolerances are shocking! I'm also thinking I will probably have to pin the feet and AC's down too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4461664 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 8, 2016 Share Posted August 8, 2016 It's only a small ball joint for the hull, maybe it could be broken/cut off and turned around? I remember the metal bits were typical of the metal upgrade times where they didn't fit too well :P duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4461677 Share on other sites More sharing options...
P3AKHOUR Posted August 9, 2016 Share Posted August 9, 2016 wow as someone who's only ever seen the new kits unpainted I had no idea the old armoured sentinels were a metal upgrade kit. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4462045 Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Mad Hermit Posted August 9, 2016 Share Posted August 9, 2016 I just recently scored a bunch of old Mordheim stuff from eBay and I've been studying the bits and realized that the heads for the human mercenaries will be an interesting source for some substitute heads for some Guardsmen. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4462164 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 11, 2016 Author Share Posted August 11, 2016 I had a friendly match against a GK player at my local GW today. His was a dual NSF list with 2 NDKs and mostly Stike squad GK's, 1 squad of purifiers, Purgatiors, a champion and grand master. The only heavy weapons he had were psilencers. (S4 AP-, Force) I had been messing around with a 1500pt Cadian Battle Group just before I left for the store so decided it was a perfect opportunity to try it out. The list was HQ: CCS w/ Chimera Core: Emperors Fist Armoured Company (Punisher w/ HB's + Demolisher w/ HF, Vanquisher w/ LC, LBRT w/ HB, Executioner w/ HF, Engineseer) Aux: Platoon (PCS w/ Taroux and flamer, IS w/ Taroux and Flamer, IS w/ Flamer) Scion Platoon (3x Scions w/ 2x Meltas). The benefits of the ABG are 24" orders, 3 dice to roll them on selecting the lowest 2 and re-rolls of 1's on lasguns and HSLG's. The mission was the Relic on a Dawn of war deployment. My opponent won the roll and let me deploy first. I deployed with everything on the table. I had all my infantry squads right up on the deployment edge to grab the relic. Behind them was my Tank Commander and CCS. On the right flank on top of a hill I had my LBRT and Vanquisher. In between was a scion squad in trees. Holding my left was 2 scion squads in cover and the Executioner also in cover. My opponent counter deployed with just 2 NDKs on each flank and put the rest into reserve. He failed his sieze roll. It should have been my game to lose! Turn 1 saw me get 2" away from the relic with my foot slogging IS squad, whilst the mounted one flanked the relic in support. My command tank shuffled across to get LOS of 1 of the NDKs. The scions held their ground awaiting the DS GK's. The Punisher managed to put 9 wounds on the NDK and my opponent saved every single one... This set the scene for the next 2 turns unfortunately. I ended up putting close to 20 wounds on the single NDK and he failed 1. The 2nd NDK took 2 plasma cannon hits and also managed to pass both invul's... My opponents turn fortunately his luck ran out on his reserve rolls and only 1 squad of strikes showed up and scattered out of way. His NDK's jumped forward. One took out a Taroux the other took out half the IS that was about to grab the objective. Turn 2 the squad that was popped out of the Taroux grabbed the relic, the 2nd on rallied and consolidated. Again the tanks fired upon the NDK taking just 1 wound off it. The Vanquisher missed with both its LC and cannon. On the left flank the Executioner killed all but 2 from the squad that DS in, doing 1HP to itself in the process. More bad rolling for reserves only saw the purifiers and Grand master arrive. My opponent DS them right in my lines between the PCS in Taroux and 2 IS'. (NB: Only after the game did I realise these were Purifiers which are the only unit in the GK codex that do not have DS. I had assumed they were Strikes as they were all painted the same). This proved to be fatal, when the psychic turn came he cast purging flame and took out 1 squad of scions, the 2nd taroux, what was left of the depleted IS squad and 8 from the squad that had just recovered the relic. The shooting phase had him finish off the PCS and then the NDK assaulted my Punisher. That was turning point and from there out it was me hoping that luck would turn and see me through. Unfortunately as things go when combat capable units get into guard lines my numbers slowly diminished as my Vanquisher continued to miss shots and the NDK's cleaned up the tanks. Turn 6 saw me tabled with my last surviving scion taking a bolt round to the head. Overall it was a fun game, had my opponent lost at least 2 wounds one on of the NDK's first turn and not DS his purifiers things may have gone differently for me. The CBG we're okay, but definitely not game changing. Having 24" orders is nice, as you dont have to measure every single time and 3D6 picking the smallest definitely helps, although I did manage to fail 1 out of the 10 odd orders I made. The 3rd order is handy too especially if you're running multiple squads. The re-roll's of 1's for the las-weapons I forgot half the time and when I did, didn't really make a difference. At 1500pts though over half of my points were tied up in core choices, which limited what I could take for auxiliary. I took a platoon to get some boots on the ground. Unfortunately though those platoons don't even have Obsec. The scions do what scions do, its nice that they can potentially get ignores cover or monster hunter up to 24" away from the CCS. Normally the way I run them they have to do the hard work themselves with blessings from the Emperor. The Vanquisher is still painful to run... Trying to keep it within 12" of the command tank for BS4 is really tough, as it puts you in a bad position once the enemy gets into your lines. I had considered running it with the Punisher for guaranteed BS4, but their range and priorities are too different for me to want to do that regularly. (Ironically this was probably the one match up where it might have made sense!). From the leaks of the Deathwatch rules hopefully guard will get some neat new toys in our next iteration. Emicus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4463906 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ulrik_Ironfist Posted August 11, 2016 Share Posted August 11, 2016 Today my IG were notified of incoming Knight support. I hope to have them soon, So I can build and paint, My knight house will be complete. duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4464044 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted August 11, 2016 Share Posted August 11, 2016 Sounds like some funny rolls going on there duz, unfortunate that they turned on you more! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4464112 Share on other sites More sharing options...
HackedDuck Posted August 11, 2016 Share Posted August 11, 2016 Today I ordered a death Korps of krieg event only quartermaster from eBay. I couldn't help it he looked so cool! I will use him as a commissar/commander/inquisitor. duz_ and WarriorFish 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4464492 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted August 31, 2016 Author Share Posted August 31, 2016 (edited) I decided I would take another detour on my painting kick to put together some HWTs I had kicking around. After completing these I now have 3 each of ACs, LCs and MLs. Not that I ever use any of them... I'm going to need to get some undercoat spray soon. My unprimed queue is building up! Edited August 31, 2016 by duz_ WarriorFish, P3AKHOUR and The Mad Hermit 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4486020 Share on other sites More sharing options...
WarriorFish Posted September 1, 2016 Share Posted September 1, 2016 Don't let the queue build up too much... :P Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4486486 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UltraRich Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 Today I got home to a box of ebay goodness where someone was selling off his army and I go it all for a great price. 20 troops, FW shotgun vereran kit, command squad, 3 heavy weapons, psyker and tech priest. All unpainted and on the sprue...... Got to clear the current queue first (as WF said above Im in the same boat) our_baz, WarriorFish and duz_ 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4488022 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted September 2, 2016 Author Share Posted September 2, 2016 Nice work All cadians? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4488044 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UltraRich Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 Nice work All cadians? Yes, shock troops so expect some conversions and a few catachan mix ups duz_ 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4488054 Share on other sites More sharing options...
P3AKHOUR Posted September 2, 2016 Share Posted September 2, 2016 I lost a pretty fun 1000 point game against my mate's nids last night, it was purge the alien, which I personally find less interesting than the objective based games. I brought: CCS with snipers, lascannon, camo and a master of ordnance 2 squads of chimera carapace vets (1 with shotguns flamers and a comissar, 1 lasguns and 2 meltaguns) 3 bullgryns a wyvern 5 scions with a plasma gun LR eradicator LR exterminator He brought:tyrannofex with the big s10 large blast Carnifex with twin linked devourers tervigon 3 warriors with devourers 2 biovores all of the termagants probably 20 hormagaunts with adrenal glands for s4 hits on the charge Post game thoughts: My lack of high strength shooting really hurt in the war of attrition that you have to wage against so many monstrous creatures (6 t6 2+ wounds on the tyrannofex), especially as my lascannon rolled heaps of misses and my master of ordnance died in turn 2. My exterminator consistently missed or failed to wound, should have bought a MBT instead My scions DS into his back line to take out the biovores who were ruining my troops, but missed and only took a wound of each model by the end of the game. Terrible form from what are usually one of my most fun units, should have spent the points on upgrading the eradicator to a demolisher. I forgot I'd payed for 2 chimeras so the melta squad walked around on foot and did nothing/died to biovore large blasts, so dumb on my part. The wyvern actually did things this game, which it never has before. I can really see how taking them in pairs is the conventional wisdom. After their transport got methodically deconstructed by his carnifex, my shotgun/flamer vets piled out and pretty much killed all his hormagaunts in a round of shooting. Well done those men. The bullgryns charged the tyrannofex early on and were the real MVP. Tied up his big gun for 3 turns, even with 15 termagants piling into the combat and slapping them from behind, they managed to take 4 of his 6 wounds before the last one went down heroically under a writhing mass of termites. The game was going so well for me until his carnifex made it into by back line, killing my commander and eradicator. Next time I need to focus on bringing down 1 monstrous creature at a time, as he finished the game with all of his still on the board, even though theyd almost all lost the majority of their wounds. I also still need some advice on using mech vets, they just seem awkward to use, I have this constant desire to pile them out and use them to block/tar pit, but from what I read, you wanna keep them in their tank to give them survivability. Any tips on those guys would be valuable. WarriorFish and duz_ 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4488501 Share on other sites More sharing options...
duz_ Posted September 3, 2016 Author Share Posted September 3, 2016 Yes you must resist the temptation to pull them out until you absolutely have to. They are far more survivable inside their transport. Also generally speaking they shouldn't be played as a suicide unit. That's what scions are for ;) Last tournament where I took 2 mechanic melta vet squads. Only 1 out of 6 did they willing disembark from their vehicle. And that was only because I was facing a 2nd turn charge from some necron wraiths. Every other game they were forced out. P3AKHOUR 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4488659 Share on other sites More sharing options...
LiquicityShadows Posted September 3, 2016 Share Posted September 3, 2016 (edited) I played my first game with my Astra Militarum against a friends Harlequins yesterday. It was a 1300 points game with deadlock. Since I only recently started collecting AM I mostly just brought the models that were on hand and some Space wolves Allies. The game was pretty close during the first two turns, but the harlequins eventually succumbed to the AM superior firepower resulting in the AM tabling the Harlequins in turn four. My list: CCS with 2 plasma guns, a sniper, voxcaster and a Chimera DDT with camo netting. 2 squads of veterans with 2 plasma guns, a heavy flamer, voxcaster, carapace armor and a Chimera DDT with camo netting. Macharius Vanquisher Space Wolves Wyrdstorm Brotherhood: 3 ML2 Rune Priests on bikes. One with the Helm of Durfast. My friends list: Shadowseer 2 Death Jester Solitair 3 six man Harlequin Troupes 2 two man Skyweaver Squads Voidweaver Post game thoughts: - Deployment is definitely something I'll have to get used to with the Guard. Deploying your tanks in such a way that they are in cover but still have useful fields of fire is quite different from deploying my Space Wolves. - I absolutely love the vets. Being as good at shooting as a marine, but squishier, makes them a unit that can be just as capable on the battlefield but needs to be used with more care, which I found quite refreshing. - The orders system is incredibly fun to use and can really impact your game. Especially the "Fire at my target!" order saw some good use. - The Macharius Vanquisher makes for a fun casual super heavy. It's quite capable without being cheesy or game changing. - The Harlequins, although super squishy, are terrifying in close combat. Once they got the charge of they tore through one of my vet squads with ease. All in all it was a super fun game. It definitely got me exited to expand on my AM force. I currently have ten Kaskrins in the mail that should be arriving sometime next week and i'll be adding two more chimera's. After that i'll start adding some Russes to ad some much needed firepower. Edited September 3, 2016 by LiquicityShadows WarriorFish, P3AKHOUR, our_baz and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323430-today-my-ig-am/page/3/#findComment-4489005 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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