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I ran my Iron Curtain list yesterday. The only infantry unit was a calidus assassin. 2 TC, 3 Russ, Dorn, 2 Manticores, 3 Scout Sents, Wyvern, 2 cyclops, calidus. It was fun but I don't think i'll use it again. Still got out ob-sec'ed by 3 guardsmen vs a full health Dorn. 

With enough Guard to justifiably call a mixed regiment (a full infantry company, 2/3 tank company, full super-heavy company, a support company (full Ogryn platoon, etc), and partial artillery company I finally found models I liked for the Regimental Command Squad.  It took a while and they are decidedly not GW, but I just started painting them today and am really excited to get them finished so I can get them on table and play the fanfare when they score points in a game.



I even have Inquisitors to match named Reno and Rude.  How great is that?

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Missed Greenscorpion's building and painting challenge by a couple of days and a lot of models, but I still managed to get something done.

11 members of a third platoon of the Yantar 8th are done. Pretty pleased with how the lenses came out.


23 hours ago, The Pounder said:

@TCC lovely work on the Dorns and the Tanith Squad!


@Bonehead  nicely done! The camo came out well and you should be pleased of the lenses!

Thanks mate! I'm definitely happy with the result. Bit of a shame I missed the rest of the platoon, the two squads of rough riders and the other stuff, but I'll take what I can get....

My proxy Astramilitarum army (Space Dwarfs) is down to its last unpainted platoon:




This is the first squad for the final platoon :) :




After this, I have 21 troops that are already base-coated and four servitors with two Astropaths that need sculpting... then the army will be complete :) ...

  • 4 weeks later...

Got back in the fight tonight after a 2 month break. Still not really digging 10th but i digress. Played swarm nids. I killed 229 models and lost 55 to 40. He held the mid board and just ran up on primary. It didn't help that it was supply drop and only no mans land counted for primary, should have read the mission. oh well. 


Scions were all-stars. Orders on the turn they dropped helped a surprising amount. FRFSRF with plasma and volley guns was nice. They wiped a 20 pack in shooting and then charged in and wiped another 15 pack. SUstained hits 1 and full rerolls were great. 

  • 1 month later...

Lost a hard fought battle against Angron and his World Eaters last night, 90 to 87. It was a fun game and the blood was flowing. He got first turn and sent angron 28" up the board charinging into a unit of bullgryn. He only killed 2, in return i dealt 6 damage. They fell back and Angron felt a near by demolisher cannon. He would not return until turn 4(failed his charge and met the same demolisher cannon). Scions were allstars into Bezerkers on an objective. Bullgryn held the line. Good times were had by all. 


Lost a game Friday to orks. Another close loss. I put way too much into trying to kill ghaz and he was rolling 4++ like it was his job. Another good game though. 

Over the weekend I got my FOB for my CP force mostly done. Just a few details to add. The rocket pods are removable so I can swap it to another bomblast later down the line. I need to mag lock the bomblast though.



Also started on my version of Leonatus and Nork deddog (pictured protecting commander)



I just got home from a small rtt. 25 players. 7 or 8 guard players. 


My List

Lord Solar

Cadian Command Squad - 2x power fist, 2x plasma pistol, banner, medic, master vox

2x TC Demo Cannon, Las, 2xHB

Scion Command - Plasma Pistol, Plasma gun, meltagun, banner, medic

10 cadians

10 scions - 2x plasmagun, 2x melta, plasma pistol power fist

2x10 Rough riders

6x bullgryn 4++ and mauls

2x cyclops

2x manticore




Round 1, dark angels ironstorm with double storm raven, triple redemptor. Just a lot of really efficient shooting. Lost 80 to 64. 

Round 2. Guard. He had no bodyguard unit for leontus. Dead turn 1. Turn 2 I picked up 2 leman russ, 2 sentinels. Turn 3 more russ and it was just downhill for him. Won 80 to 21. He left event. 

Round 3. Tsons. Magnus and a mess of flamer rubrics, carnivore, brigand. Put 2 turns of shooting into magnus before tank shocking him off the board. Probably should have ignored and killed everything else. Lost 100 to 47. 

Rough riders were cool. I bet I brought them back 5 or 6 times across 2 games. Rapid ingress reinforcements was really handy. If you get all 10 attacking its pretty good. Whittled down to 4 or so and it's lackluster. Would probably not bring 20 again. 2x5 maybe just for actions, rapid response type unit.

Finally got my two Necromunda Tauroses built up to match the specs from the IA books. It's taken me forever- working out what versions of the multilaser to use (in the end it was the oop sentinel one) ordering some from eBay and then cutting them up and covering over the hollow side. Not to mention I decided to shave off the aquila from the right side of the left-hand ones and then glue it back on the left side. Man, that sentence was a car crash.

Whatever, check it:


They come with a few packs and whatnot to add, but I chucked on a few extra ones form the cadian heavy weapon sprues for a bit of individual character. I've always regretted painting up my sentinels before I got any extra equipment modelled on, so this time I took care of it.


Cutting away the stubber ammo boxes and replacing them with laser power packs was actually pretty easy- as usual a sharp knife is the answer.

The crew are Victoria Miniatures models- they drop right in to the drivers's seat but the gunners feet and legs need trimming pretty heavily. The arms fitted reasonably well, but the hands need a bit of green stuff.

Nevertheless, pretty good, though I do say so myself. What d'you reckon?



  • 3 weeks later...

Tauroses finished. Not upset about the paintjobs at all. Work yet to do on the camera skills. Whatever, they'll do. I think they came out pretty well:


Bit of flash to highlight the crew detail:


Side and rear:


And as part of the whole marshy shebang:


Happy Thursday folks.

Played my first game of IG over the weekend against Necrons.

2k points, my list was two of Cadian Shock Squads with Grenade Launchers and Plasma and attendant Command Squads, alongside Gaunt's Ghosts, Lord Solar, and an Enginseer.  These guys were the screens and back point holds for a grip of 3 Rogal Dorns, a Tank Commander w/Demolisher, and a Hydra, and my two squads of Kasrkin filled in the reactionary force.

We went up against Hypercourt or whatever the Necron teleporting detatchment's name is.  They brought a Monolith, a Nightbringer, Illuminor, a squad of immortals with leaders, a squad of lychguard, 3destroyers with lord and 2 heavy destroyers anda  Doomsday Ark.

I obliterated my opponent in the early game, taking out the Ark in turn 1 from the three dorns just dumping everything they had.  Ghosts started on one DMZ point and never left.

Mid game the monolith came down and punished the Ghosts, but they did their duty.  We took the middle while wiping out the immortals and the two different Destroyer units.  Didn't lose a unit until turn 3 which is pretty nice, which was a Kasrkin who came right back.

Tank Commander got hit with the hazardous strat, almost killed himself with bad hazardous rolls but didn't quite do it, otherwise might've been able to Demolisher the Monolith in a single turn.  As it stood, end of game, the only thing left on the Necron side was Szeras stuck in combat on the middle point, and his lychguard brick he (incorrectly in my opinion) used to hold his home territory.


Final score was 86-69.  I maxed out on primary and did PRETTY good on secondaries.  They barely scored any primary until the end of the game, where a clutch Assasination and Bring it Down in the last round saw them score a solid 9 in secondaries.  Their only good round in primary was 3rd round when they brought down the first Rogal Dorn.

Three Rogals is a LOT of beef to deal with.  I think in the future I'd drop a Dorn and maybe bring in another heavy hitter or two to get a little more damage spread around; especially against the T13 Monolith, the Dorns only being able to wound on 5's was a bit of a bummer.  I think the main Gun could probably be t13 to get us to a 4+ against the beefier stuff with the Dorn, but I get it's supposed to be more of a defensive tank more than a damage tank, but considering the two guns are basically the same thing except the one gets twin linked and the other gets A WHOLE EXTRA GUN, there should probably be a bit more nuance.  I would also like to see the ablative wounding changed to after the damage is decided; major feels bad to blank one attach but then still get slammed with an 8 damage second attack and another 8 damage attack, when you could've probably deflected one of the 8's and survived.

IG is a fun army, and I played very little artillery.  The Hydra was a sleeper hit; damn near everything of worth is flying in the Necron side, and even just the autocannons slamming into Immortals feels REAL good.  And they are so cheap.  I'm grabbing at least one more.

Edited by DemonGSides
33 minutes ago, Focslain said:

Nice game, yeah to get through other tough stuff I'd suggest either another demolisher or go for a vanquisher. Both will wound a monolith on 3s and do some good damage. 


Yeah i'm trying to figure out the perfect ratio of Demolishers to Vanquishers and then also keeping an Exterminator in play for that sweet -1AP across the board.  Figure if I drop the Rogal and maybe one Kasrkin and one infantry brick, that opens up a LOT of points to throw into armor.

  • 2 months later...

Heads are from Tiny Legends on new cadian sculpts. Med bag and sniper rifle is from the new GSC brood Brother sprue. Kneeling model is from the Cadian Upgrade Sprue. 


Terrorized the locals with Sisters, pretty powerful but i think I'll wait on a point adjustment, some stuff is really off. Got the guard back out today, new lethal rules feel really good. Won 87 to 60 vs Blood Angels. 



  • 3 weeks later...

Beat bringers of flame sisters 93 to 50. Tabled him by end of game. This will make me 3-0 in the league. Think I'm gonna get edged out of first place by a couple points. 

He had vahl/paragons, 2 castigators, 3 immolators, 1x dominions, sisters, noviates. 2x5 seraphim, 1x10 seraphim with canoness.  

I ran leontus/pcs/dkok blob, calidus, 2x chimera with kasrkin, 2x scout sentinels, 2x vanquisher, demo russ, 2x Demo TC, 2x5 scions, 10 scions with command

  • 3 weeks later...

Been waiting for some VM parts to arrive for my traitor guard (boo hiss, etc) and while I did that, I found some inspiration to build a few more of my space ukrainians of the Yantar 8th.

I reckon this is probably the best heavy weapon team I've turned out for them yet; having to convert every one in a pretty fiddly process means they all turn out different, and the limited number of arm poses available means I can really only build them when I have a bit of inspiration for a new way to get the job done.


As you can see, the heavy bolter's a green stuff copy made in a press mould. You get a lot of bad mouldings for every good one you produce- or I do anyway. I also got some not very usefully-sized bases form anvil when I picked up some of their mortars- about 55mm, which is just not very useful.

But combine the two, and suddenly I have an objective marker:


This moulding of the heavy bolter only had one good side, so I just left that side showing.


It turned out pretty good-looking, I think, and it's unique to this army which is always nice to have. I think I'm going to make one each for my Rogue Trader guard and my traitor guard as well- I have three crappy bases.

I added a bunch of crates to have the objective look moderately worthwhile, and a bunch of used casings to tell a little story. You can see more in this angle:


In my head the story is that the crew got overwhelmed when they had to reload. The loader has one unused bolt round in his hand: clearly he was trying to keep the gun firing but got hit and slumped down as he bled out; something similar befell the gunner.

I enjoyed making that so much I also put together some more ordinary troopers. I got a rush of ideas for new poses to try out and before long four more guardsmen and women were ready for basing:


Chaos cultists for scale.

Cheers everyone, hope you like 'em.


  • 1 month later...

Look, sometimes you get an idea and before you've had time to evaluate whether or not it's actually a good idea you've been and done it. It just turns out that way every now and then, alright? I do my best to control myself but we're all only human.


Looks pretty cool though.

@Bonehead love the Venerator conversions so far and  have 2 do myself for my Militarium Tempestus. 

Can wait to see how you do the next one.


and just to keep thread going


Tempestus Aquilons tempter and  her squad mate precursor 



That venator conversion looks great, it's been in my list to have a look at for a while as well so definitely nice to see how well it can be done!


And those aquillons are looking good, my kit arrives tomorrow apparently so I'm excited to compare them to the kasrkin kit

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