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Mikhals Wonderland - Today: a blast from the past

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Personally I would avoid having the marine on the chainsaw, but then I never that look goes well. The marine cut in half on the base now...

Wish from the commissioner though. But i may have worked around this.



By the way:


WiP-Shots from the Nemean Reaver aka ...




Looking good, recently I've been seeing some great usage of the kataphron armour bits, might have to give it a try... I'm specially fond of the Nemean Reaver, it was the first character conversion count-as I made for my actual army, so can't wait to see what you do for yours!

You did the nemean reaver? Show me please.

Reus Ghortan (in his pre-daemon prince form) was made as a count as for the Nemean Reaver. I was playing a lot of 30k games by the time using my lost legion as Blackshields and the NR had some sweet rules, so though that it was a good excuse to make a cool character :P.

The Reaver is looking good so far! Some interesting bits choice, looking forward to seeing how big he'll be! Looking forward to seeing more progress!



Looking good! I just finished using that same part in a conversion myself :smile.:

Which of the two? ^^



 Also Magos Kasen used the same chestplate on a lieutenant. 


You did the nemean reaver? Show me please.


Reus Ghortan (in his pre-daemon prince form) was made as a count as for the Nemean Reaver. I was playing a lot of 30k games by the time using my lost legion as Blackshields and the NR had some sweet rules, so though that it was a good excuse to make a cool character :P.


Saw him and I too aim for a more stand in version( or not. Fluff can be bended^^)


The kataphon armor is really great to create proto power armor so you really should give it a try.

The Reaver is looking good so far! Some interesting bits choice, looking forward to seeing how big he'll be! Looking forward to seeing more progress!




Looking good! I just finished using that same part in a conversion myself :)


Which of the two? ^^

Also Magos Kasen used the same chestplate on a lieutenant.

I need to see Magos Kasens Lieutenant then.


And he will be only as big as the night lord. I already cut his legs and added one spacer less than usual. I have always a primaris laying around and the goal is to get to that size and max a head bigger ( sometimes I fail^^)



Darn, sorry for the double post :/

Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly present you:


WiP pics *applause*

First: Da Ork. Nothing really done here. Thickened the leg for later armordetails and attsched some hands.




Next up: Gui....the Guy known as Nemean Reaver.




The arm are a bit underwhelming^^




I never skip leg day. Saying this, the right one is mostly finished, for the left I am still in talks with myself becaue I want an assymetric approach but it should fit.







Open for suggestions, c&c as well as food.

Nice work on the ork so far! I haven't read the beast series yet so I'm not sure if i'm right but the body proportions don't look that orky at the moment, I think if he looked more top heavy it could work better (but then again I still haven't read the books so maybe I'm mistaken).


Also the detailing on the legs of the Reaver are looking epic, some fantastic sculpting. Personally I imagine Blackshield as having way more battle damage than regular marines so I'd consider adding some more damage here and there in addition to the bolted armor plate. I really like your choice of head for him, I think it works perfectly. Definitely looking forward to seeing more!

Thx man thx man.


Not sure about the ork. He is very top heavy and i increased the size of the hand meanwhile. Maybe enlsrge the biceps.


Yeah damage is a thing. I wanted to add lots of scratches when time for painting is there. But maybe i add some when the sculpt is mostly finished. Someday....far far away^^

As far as the fluff goes he has a terrible scared face. Glimpses can be seen under a hood. So i went with that. The hood comes after i solves the "how do i connect 2 hands on a hilt without the arms locking like crap"- problem.^^

Yeah. I draw a lit of inspiration from yours^^


If you have the hang out of it. Aculpting faces is nit the thing because you know how they should look. You know the skull shape. An ork? Nada. I don't rvrn know if they have a tongue^^

Looking good, though I suppose you still have to add actual lips? Also something isn't working for me in the transaction from the power klaw to the arm, maybe you should try some stitches there? The skaven body looks much better than how I though it would though!

Lips come after i added all teeth and I will add the suggested stitches as the last details. I work from big to small^^.

The transistion to the ower fist are those two rings atm. I wanted to add some tubes to mimik an ork style black carapace^^


Yeah. I might try the other skaven bodies out as well. Perfect for orruk uktra bossez

The head is looking great, love all the little details! I think what Traitor was getting at with the arm transition is that it sort of looks like a bottleneck at the moment whereas most other power klaws sort of encompass the the arm in a more boxy shape instead of tapering down like yours. But like you mentioned if you're adding tubes it might make it less noticeable. The legs right now look a bit too close to space marine power armor too me right now though, maybe try to make them look more patchwork and use sort of bolts instead of the round rivets to keep that orky vibe. Either way I'm sure you'll have one happy client with this monster! Looking forward to seeing you finish the Nemean Reaver as well!

The bottleneck is actually flesh^^. The ower claw enda with the blocky shape and the arm is cut off where the two rings are. I guess the stitches later on will clear it out.^^


*taking notes* bolts instead of rivets, 2 close to power armor ( hah!! You know where I come from^^).


By the way: how would you tackle a bionic leg on an ork? I thpught of 2 sticks and a shoe or an actual wood leg pirate style?



The customer is already happy. I am not ^^

If they come, I shall stand. If they fight me I will not yield. Even should they slay me, I swear that even should it contravene all that is worthy and all that is true, I shall return from whatever pit constrains me and I shall fight them anew, until every one of them I drag into that pit with me.

Unidentified Blackshield Legionary, the Siege of Portresh







The Dark Brotherhood - The Dark Brotherhood was a large and notorious Blackshield force that carved out its own corsair empire on the edge of the Pale Stars and began a long war against an Alpha Legion hunter-killer force tasked with crushing resistance to the Warmaster's Dark Compliance. They formed around a warrior known as the "Nemean Reaver", or simply "the Nemean," a title likely referring to the impenetrable artificer-wrought armour he was said to wear in battle or to suggestions that he was preternaturally strong and impossible to slay. Of the origins of this war leader very little is certain, though some accounts claim he was a Terran scion of the I Legion and a veteran of the Third Rangdan Xenocide, a notion at least partially borne out by elements of the sparse personal heraldy he wore and by the terrible scars that marred his features.




The Nemean Reaver, Blackshield lord of the Dark Brotherhood. Instead.of the.Waveblade I gave him another sword as the Playmobil and lego flamberges didn't have the punch I wanted for his sword. But I guess you can. See how that blade may affect the enemies defense and lower is weapon skill against it.




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