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Mikhals Wonderland - Today: a blast from the past

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Wow, that is outstanding. Very characterful conversion.

Thx mate..just wait until i have him painted.( and have a base....)



Excellent work on the Nemean. I especially like your kitbashed Dragonslayer (see Miura Kentaro's manga 'Berserk' for the reference).

Thx. Berserk is always one of my biggest influences. I wanted the nemean reaver to resemble guts a bit. If you take off the hood, I gues it works^^

DUDE the Reaver looks freaking amazing! Everything about him looks perfect, from the bits, to the sculpting, to the pose! You've definitely created something really amazing here, can't wait to see him painted up and definitely looking forward to seeing him reach the upper echelons of the conversion contest!

The Blackshield character looks fantastic, that sword is HUGE! :D

Thx mate. Wanted something huuuuuuge to kill a primarch^^.


DUDE the Reaver looks freaking amazing! Everything about him looks perfect, from the bits, to the sculpting, to the pose! You've definitely created something really amazing here, can't wait to see him painted up and definitely looking forward to seeing him reach the upper echelons of the conversion contest!

Oh darn, that is a lot of positive feedback. Now how can I topple this? And I habe to beat yours and traitors minis which are too great.



Really impressive model, he inspires badass around him! The blade might not be practical, but this is definitely a case of rule of cool :P. Also the bare head looks much better beneath a hood, great job!

Thx man, now this is some really good feedback and yes, the hood makes him mysterious and sinister. Finally I solved the riddle of attaching the arms^^.

And rule.of cool beats everything as you said.

Great job on the Reaver, well played. You know how I love a sense of movement in minis and that one has it in spades. You can see how heavy the sword is and how hard it is going to hit when it comes around!

Thx for the kind words. It was exactly my intention capture this. Seemed it worked.



And here a collage of 2 commissions I am on.


The the ork "Grand Paw" you all know has gotten some teeth. I tell you this was really difficult, had to extract the big teeth on the lower jaw first and then reimplant it. Well, guess I have no talent to become a dentist.



The other guy you see is a simply kitbash. I was asked to wulf him up a bit and I simply blu tacked the bits I want to use togheter ( except for the axe, that was already fixed via green stuff as the customer wanted it exaclty so).

Now my plan is to attach the fur like this and add some greenstuff fur layers so that it looms as if he wears more layers of wolf skin and his cloak is partially created from fur.


On his chest I need a rune ore something as the bit orignally belonging there was missing.


Any Ideas for additional wulf-ups? And yes. We can go the full comic way, although I want to stay away from it.

The commissions are coming along nicely. I forgot to ask, where is the chest piece for the Neman Reaver from?


Thx. For the chestpiece I was inspired by the Vox stellarum thread. The piece is from the kakophron units ( hope that is the right name) had to sculpt around it as it wouldn't fit to any of my backpieces.

The ork head looks much better now that it has some bite :P, really brutal model. As for the wolf he's... well a damned wolf, but for everything else he looks fine ;). If you feel like going crazy you could sculpt some thin celtic knots and other norse motifs on him, they would look pretty cool.

That ork head is looking brilliant, very nicely done. For the space wolf I think adding some runes to his armor would look nice without being full blown. Looking forward to seeing more, and congrats on the conversion challenge!

Thx mates. Good thing is: Even as 2nd I get the mini I wanted^^


Hmm i could add runes but I was only paid for a simple kitbash so i keep it as simple as possible^^


I am sich a big fan of the orkhead that I tried a second....somehow I messed it up^^

  • 1 month later...

Finally finished.

Didn't have too much hobby time the past months.and most was consumed by mean commission s. However the ork is done. Say cheese to Grandpaw.



He was ordered basecoated, and the damn color came out in flakes. I decided to keep them on the chest gives it a scar tissue feel.



C&C are always welcomed.

Dude... I'm conflicted at the moment. On one hand, you are insanely, ridiculously talented, but on the other my jaw is severely damaged from hitting the floor every time I check this thread out. :P Question though - what do you use for sculpting (tools, etc)? I'd love to know.


Regardless, keep up the awesome work! :)

What a beast! The pose is just brutal, tearing the damn thing appart with a hand while holding a ridiculously big gun in the other! I really like the model, the only thing he might be missing is a boss pole adequate to such a huge Warboss!

Dude... I'm conflicted at the moment. On one hand, you are insanely, ridiculously talented, but on the other my jaw is severely damaged from hitting the floor every time I check this thread out. :P Question though - what do you use for sculpting (tools, etc)? I'd love to know.

Regardless, keep up the awesome work! :)


Haha, that comment really made me laugh. THX mate. For the scuplting tools i use a clayshaper most of the time and sometimes for Details a thin staff with a ball in it. Do you need pics?


What a beast! The pose is just brutal, tearing the damn thing appart with a hand while holding a ridiculously big gun in the other! I really like the model, the only thing he might be missing is a boss pole adequate to such a huge Warboss!

THX for the comment. I should have asked you for input before I finished him. I think my inexperience with orks is responsible for the lack of a big pole. He really deserves it. Maybe his New owner attaches one.

Wow the flaking adds to the model quite well I think! Love seeing all these detailed up close shots, really lets me appreciate the fantastic work you've done! Looking forward to seeing more stuff!


Thx man. I hope I will be able to show more un the next time.



For the scuplting tools i use a clayshaper most of the time and sometimes for Details a thin staff with a ball in it. Do you need pics?

Yeah that'd be great, if that's ok :)

I sent you the pics via discord




What an awesome sculpting & conversion job. That's how a 'bigga an stronga' ork has to look...the ripped out sarcophagus is a pretty cool addition too.

Like the name? ^^


Thx man. Although it is my first ork ever,I am very proud of him. And the money he brings me is great for xmas-time.

  • 4 months later...


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