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The Berserkers of Uran - a thread from the past


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More rules ideas:


Only the Strong

May reroll to wound rolls of 1?


Another idea:


Deamons, we are

Brute Force-When using this RoW, successful Invulnerable Saves and Feel No Pain saves against attacks from models with LA(BoU) must be rerolled.


Scions of Madness-Wretched and Desolater Class Contemptor Dreadnoughts become non compulsory troops choices


-Always get hit on a 3+

-Must always sweeping advance and may never volountarily fail a morale check or go to ground

-May never take allies or fortifications

Much as it's gonna affect future rules design, I'm not removing/changing the ignores FNP rule. To me, it's a huge part of the Legion's character rules-wise.


EDIT: Then again, Akarro's "Sire" rule could always grant it instead...

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Also, Exemplary Battles blurb:


The Berserkers’ campaign records testify to a Legion reborn as a force for absolute destruction, one that while unpalatable to the propagandists and citizenry, was nonetheless a key part of the Great Crusade. They were a double-edged sword - guaranteed to eradicate even the vilest xenos empire, but liable to crush human civilisations which merely required pacification. Raktra’s murderous spirit led to confrontation with several of his brothers, and many took this as a signal that he saw the Emperor as his only true master. Time would make a cruel mockery of those beliefs, and the tally of conquest a mere prelude to the atrocities the Berserkers would wreak.

Everything ends. That is the motto of the Blood Boilers, a brotherhood that exemplifies the very darkest aspects of the Imperial war machine. Formed of the Destroyer cadres of the Berserkers of Uran, the Blood Boilers were often seen as the Emperor’s final solution to a non-compliant world, mixing the disturbing effects of rad and phosphex weaponry with the even more disturbing battlefield habits of the White Devil’s sons.


In most Legions, the deployment of Destroyer cadres is a carefully considered and rarely-employed tactic. The destruction they wreak upon the environment, the toll it takes on the bodies of the Marines in their ranks, and not least of all the psychological effect on the lost cultures of man the Crusade attempts to bring back into its fold, are all incredible costs to consider. Mankind needs the soil to thrive, the Legions need their fighters well, and the Imperium needs its citizens to believe that they are better off back under its rule, for if they do not, what then is the Crusade for?
None of this matters to the Berserkers of Uran, for they only truly care about one thing - survival of the fittest. To them, the sheer ruination brought by a Destroyer assault is something almost perversely satisfying, for it proves their strength above all else around them. The land is too soft to contain them, other Astartes are too weak to emulate them, and the lesser mortals are too cowardly to stand before them.


Dominator of the Blood Boilers was Riktus Innorvak, the hand of the Devil, a hulking monster of a man encased in specialised terminator plate and wielding an arsenal of weapons that both exemplifies his Legion and his order.

Anyone want to call dibs on having their Legion successfully work with the Berserkers? Wondering about the Lightning Bearers, just to sell the idea that Icarion could exercie some degree of influence over Raktra.

Raktra turns to Icarion out of desperation after the Battle of Carrion Hill to understand what's going on with his Legion (Old Blood starts doing the real :cuss then), prior to then he's relatively uninterested in him as he views him as pompous. Morrow seems the best option, he's a similarly morose bastard, plus their warfare would work well together - the Drowned pin the enemy in place from all angles, the 'serkers close the kill.

So going through the Prosecution stuff I see no difference between the... what did we have Berserkers calling the Somoptis? Anyway, the spiel for the Prosecution makes it sound like that's what Raktra wants, but it's the thing they,ve already got.

Cutter's Sight.

We could play it as the 'serkers keep it a secret at first to avoid being prosecuted for being mutants, so the Prosecution results could help determine if they go public.

Or just a typical "build better manz" deal. Wanting to make all Marines as Custodes or something.


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