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The New HH Box (Highly Likely to be Prospero) - Happy?


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I'm not sure how I feel about the Custodes. It's nothing to do with preference of having FW do them, or their inclusion excluding more rank and file in the new box, but rather the matter of rules not matching fluff. I know this has been a long day coming as FW have been vocal about doing Custodes, but still. They've always been this mysterious force, as cool as can be -- even with recent HH books shedding more light on them. We'll hopefully get some wicked models out of it, and the collector/modeller inside me (which is ten times the gamer) sure is happy. Still, their aura dims..


But I went through the same thing with Primarchs getting models and rules, and I'm still breathing :P :)

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I see Custodes as a means for 30k to maintain external balance with kSons incoming .

Rules wise?


I wouldn't think so. If you need to take Custodian allies just to compete with Thousand Sons, that's going to annoy a lot of people.

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But Custodes wouldn't affect them rolling that many psychic dice if that were the case: They aren't Psychic Blanks.


You would need the Sisters of Silence or an Culexus assassin to straight up shut down Psychic Powers or have as many deny dice yourself through Psychic Mastery Levels.

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Anyone else think a passable Dorn might be able to be built from these guys until the real model comes out?

If there's not so much detail you can put in spacers to make them a little bigger still I'd say so.

Probably about the right size for A and O mind

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Anyone else think a passable Dorn might be able to be built from these guys until the real model comes out?

Nope, there is no subsititute for the real Dorn. ;)


Seriously, there are going to be a lot of conversions made from these guys. True scale marines, primarchs. They're a convertors dream. At least from what I can tell by a small, very fuzzy photo. :)

I would like to see them next to a Primach. They look pretty big.

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I would like to see them next to a Primach. They look pretty big.

It looks like a Tartarosteoporosis Terminator comes up to their shoulder, so based on my rough guesstimate... I'd say they'd come up to a primarch's shoulder.


^^ Also, that's an autocorrect, but I couldn't bear to take it out. :P

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Technically we still have rumours for assault marines, breachers, Sisters of Silence, a Deredeo and a Deimos Rhino.

I wouldn't hold my breath.


I'm trying to assume nothing and just wait for further confirmations/pictures.

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I am looking forward to seeing what the game mechanic is like. Is it B@C in a different setting or something new.

If it's new, I hope GW release rules to use the Custodes in B@C and the contemptor in Burning of Prospero.


I also wonder if FW will release the box and upgrade pack sets like they did with B@C. I can save some serious money if they do.

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Why do people keep thinking that wolves or TS are going to be 30k marines +1?  Sure the TS are probably going to have legion rules that represent that they have more psykers, but in all likelihood they will have to pay points for that.  Which should balance out since they will be weaker in other phases.

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Why do people keep thinking that wolves or TS are going to be 30k marines +1? Sure the TS are probably going to have legion rules that represent that they have more psykers, but in all likelihood they will have to pay points for that. Which should balance out since they will be weaker in other phases.

Probably a multitude of reasons. Both have a reputation as two of the more unique Legions, so people are expecting something special for them which usually means better these days.

As for the Wolves, well they are the best, so that's entirely fair and accurate tongue.png.

On a more serious note, it probably stems from the perception the Wolves have as a 'favourite' faction (which I'd dispute, but this isn't the time or place for that clustercensored.gif ). Combined with the hatedom the faction undeniably has, there's some sentiment of 'of course the Wolves will be special snowflakes yet again'.

As for the Sons, I think that's twofold. The fluff certainly gives the impression of 'Marines +1' (especially in ATS when the Sons seem a greater danger to themselves than the Wolves are). This is compounded by some of the potential numbers that have leaked about Inferno, if only 10% or so of the XV was on Prospero, and they do that much damage vs the entire VI, plus the Custodes and SoS detachments, that sounds pretty 'Marines +1' to me. Secondly there's the nature of the rules. 'Balancing the Sons' has been one of the commonest excuses for the massive delays Inferno has had. This creates the expectation that FW are planning something really unique and special for the Sons, which many fans seem all too eager to translate as 'better than regular Legions'.

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Why do people keep thinking that wolves or TS are going to be 30k marines +1? Sure the TS are probably going to have legion rules that represent that they have more psykers, but in all likelihood they will have to pay points for that. Which should balance out since they will be weaker in other phases.

Probably a multitude of reasons. Both have a reputation as two of the more unique Legions, so people are expecting something special for them which usually means better these days.

As for the Wolves, well they are the best, so that's entirely fair and accurate tongue.png.

On a more serious note, it probably stems from the perception the Wolves have as a 'favourite' faction (which I'd dispute, but this isn't the time or place for that clustercensored.gif ). Combined with the hatedom the faction undeniably has, there's some sentiment of 'of course the Wolves will be special snowflakes yet again'.

As for the Sons, I think that's twofold. The fluff certainly gives the impression of 'Marines +1' (especially in ATS when the Sons seem a greater danger to themselves than the Wolves are). This is compounded by some of the potential numbers that have leaked about Inferno, if only 10% or so of the XV was on Prospero, and they do that much damage vs the entire VI, plus the Custodes and SoS detachments, that sounds pretty 'Marines +1' to me. Secondly there's the nature of the rules. 'Balancing the Sons' has been one of the commonest excuses for the massive delays Inferno has had. This creates the expectation that FW are planning something really unique and special for the Sons, which many fans seem all too eager to translate as 'better than regular Legions'.

Pretty much summed it up.

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Why do people keep thinking that wolves or TS are going to be 30k marines +1? Sure the TS are probably going to have legion rules that represent that they have more psykers, but in all likelihood they will have to pay points for that. Which should balance out since they will be weaker in other phases.

Probably a multitude of reasons. Both have a reputation as two of the more unique Legions, so people are expecting something special for them which usually means better these days.

As for the Wolves, well they are the best, so that's entirely fair and accurate tongue.png.

On a more serious note, it probably stems from the perception the Wolves have as a 'favourite' faction (which I'd dispute, but this isn't the time or place for that clustercensored.gif ). Combined with the hatedom the faction undeniably has, there's some sentiment of 'of course the Wolves will be special snowflakes yet again'.

As for the Sons, I think that's twofold. The fluff certainly gives the impression of 'Marines +1' (especially in ATS when the Sons seem a greater danger to themselves than the Wolves are). This is compounded by some of the potential numbers that have leaked about Inferno, if only 10% or so of the XV was on Prospero, and they do that much damage vs the entire VI, plus the Custodes and SoS detachments, that sounds pretty 'Marines +1' to me. Secondly there's the nature of the rules. 'Balancing the Sons' has been one of the commonest excuses for the massive delays Inferno has had. This creates the expectation that FW are planning something really unique and special for the Sons, which many fans seem all too eager to translate as 'better than regular Legions'.

I can see why there might be an assumption that the XV Legion would get a power boost compared to the Legions which have already been featured, but I haven't really seen people making the same assumption for the Wolves - one is notable for having more Psykers, which are pretty hard to balance with non-Psyker Astartes outside of scaling points values, whereas the other doesn't seem to deviate from the power levels of the majority of Legions to any great extent.

That said, I can understand some trepidation towards the Wolves' treatment considering the rumours that their Legion's naming system (for units - Blood Claws / Wolf Guard etc.) will somehow be included in their army list / rules, which doesn't really seem all that warranted considering how much other Legions use different nomenclature for standard units (e.g Talons, Claws, Bands, Harrows, Millenials, Orders etc.), not to mention varying titles for equivalent ranks. So there is some suggestion they'll get a slightly special treatment, although I'm highly doubtful considering FW's track record with the Heresy.

In terms of the suggestion that only 10% of the Thousand Sons Legion was on Prospero (first I've heard of it), I wouldn't put much faith in it to be honest - Book 6 Retribution states that the "Majority of the Legion" was on Prospero, and only smaller groups were fighting across the Galaxy - FW tends to have a pretty good track record in terms of maintaining consistent fluff, so I'd say dismiss anything that says otherwise for now.

That said, this is all speculation, so I'm fully prepared to eat my words the second Inferno comes out :P

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I'd imagine that the assault marine rumours may have been pistols and chainsword armed tactical marines (despoilers) could easily be a ccw armed squad at top of pic (we can only see legs) sisters of silence may just be out of shot (it's already been said it's a busy photo already) and a demos rhino upgrade kit could be a release along side the boxed game as an addition to the HH plastic range.


The custodes may limit my purchases of this box more than calth (I bought 4) unless I can find someone who wants custodes in exchange for mk 3 marines (or mk 2 as that photo is blurry)

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For people who don't want Custodes just think back to your old playground swapsies days. 5 custodes for a unit of termies/ mk3? Deal

Exactly what I plan on doing. smile.png

Same here. I want plastic mk3 so bad its slightly embarrassing.

I will look to get two boxes of this , and spread them out over my 3 legions


Dark Angels

Space Wolves

the custodes I will get rid of as I have no use for them

So you decided to go with some traitors after all!

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My Dark Angels are definately my traitor Faction ....when i need them to be XD  
My Ravenwing List is at about 2200 points ( waiting on land speeders ) 
I  will be able to split out some infantry for them not a lot , just enough that if im not taking ravenwing protocols i can still field them 

Add some moreMk3 to the wolves and some terminators  Ive already got something like  20 mk3 suits for my wolves right now so some more will really help   and id like to have both tartaros and indomitus patterns for them ... hopefully we get some form of stormshields .... even if its weaker , cause i really love my wolf termis. 

I will also be able to add a lot more infantry to my fists  which is a big deal for me  since i have a lot of vets but not a lot of tactical marines and such 

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I have to say the new box set is going to be a disappointment to me, no plastic assault marines is a real let down. I understand people like different marks of power armor/terminator armor, but would it be so hard to include a new unit type? Of course the box isn't out yet, but it sounds like for marine units we are just getting MKIII and tartaros, just armor types of plastic units we already have. 

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