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The New HH Box (Highly Likely to be Prospero) - Happy?


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About balancing the TS, I could see their Legiones Astartes rules giving them some disadvantages as has been seen with other legions (DA rules come to mind): maybe their limited numbers mean they have reduced troops slots, or they might have an increasing risk of suffering the Flesh Change the more psychic powers/abilities they use (matching what is seen in the A Thousand Sons novel, where some characters suffer it due to overusing their powers).

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I have to say the new box set is going to be a disappointment to me, no plastic assault marines is a real let down. I understand people like different marks of power armor/terminator armor, but would it be so hard to include a new unit type? Of course the box isn't out yet, but it sounds like for marine units we are just getting MKIII and tartaros, just armor types of plastic units we already have.

Well, it seams the mk3 will come with some bolters and some boltpistol/chainswords.


So that's cool.


But I agree, I really was hoping for jump packs.

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I have to say the new box set is going to be a disappointment to me, no plastic assault marines is a real let down. I understand people like different marks of power armor/terminator armor, but would it be so hard to include a new unit type? Of course the box isn't out yet, but it sounds like for marine units we are just getting MKIII and tartaros, just armor types of plastic units we already have.

Who knows? We still haven't seen sprue pics. It's possible (though I doubt it) that the MkIII guys have an option to be built as Breachers.


Even if it didn't live up to everyone's expectations, you've still gotta admit that it looks like it's going to be a pretty cool box.

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MKIII kinda rules out jump packs though. I honestly never expected to see anything but basic tac squads/ vet tacs and terminators in plastic.

Basic troops in plastic, everything else in resin makes a lot more sense.


It's early days still and we haven't seen the whole contents but given the Custodes rumour panned out, I'd say plastic Sisters of Silence are more likely than assault or breachers.

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MKIII kinda rules out jump packs though. I honestly never expected to see anything but basic tac squads/ vet tacs and terminators in plastic.

Basic troops in plastic, everything else in resin makes a lot more sense.


It's early days still and we haven't seen the whole contents but given the Custodes rumour panned out, I'd say plastic Sisters of Silence are more likely than assault or breachers.

Why does MkIII rule out jump packs? Word Bearers Ashen Circle are jump pack MkIII troops, and I think one of the novels has some Legions (Dark Angels or Space Wolves cant remember) using MkIII destroyers with jump packs.

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MKIII kinda rules out jump packs though. I honestly never expected to see anything but basic tac squads/ vet tacs and terminators in plastic.

Basic troops in plastic, everything else in resin makes a lot more sense.


It's early days still and we haven't seen the whole contents but given the Custodes rumour panned out, I'd say plastic Sisters of Silence are more likely than assault or breachers.

Why does MkIII rule out jump packs? Word Bearers Ashen Circle are jump pack MkIII troops, and I think one of the novels has some Legions (Dark Angels or Space Wolves cant remember) using MkIII destroyers with jump packs.


Generally speaking, MkIII simply isn't designed for jump pack equipped troops. It's specifically created for tunnel and corridor fighting, hence strong plating to the front and weaker plating to the rear. Not a good mix for units that expect to plunge into melee and be surrounded in short order.


Edit - Also, while I'm here, I've taken a look at the Ashen Circle models I have on a shelf and they probably are not MKIII. They're MKII, imo.

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There's nothing stopping people converting MKIII to assault and it wouldn't bother me to see it.

It's just that FW have said MKIII won't come with jump packs. Doesn't mean it won't ever happen, but it's a very slim chance.


Also, Ashen Circle are a bit of a weird one. They have design cues from MKII, MKIII and MKIV. Who knows what's going on there!

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The simplest answer for assault marines would be for FW to release the jump packs as an upgrade kit and you can use them on whatever mark of armour you like. I would expect this to the route as more plastic basic marine kits are released and FW can get back to making upgrade and conversion kits for marines instead of using up production resources which are reportedly under pressure tokeep up.

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I'd kind of like to see some Mk III with jump packs, I've got a mental image of them charging now like Overwatch's Reinhardt.


I'm honestly not sure what mark of armor the Ashen Circle are supposed to be wearing. It's probably some sort of distinct sub-pattern armor neither Mk II or Mk III utilized by the Word Bearers.

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The simplest answer for assault marines would be for FW to release the jump packs as an upgrade kit and you can use them on whatever mark of armour you like. I would expect this to the route as more plastic basic marine kits are released and FW can get back to making upgrade and conversion kits for marines instead of using up production resources which are reportedly under pressure tokeep up.

Exactly. Same thing for breachers. GW/FW will make a lot more money doing things that way so that is how I expect them to do it.

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Mark 3 looks ace with jump packs.

I gave ghem the mark 2 jump packs as mark 3 os just mark 2 with additional armour.


Looking forwarx to the box with yhe hope yhat Inferno is just around the corner

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Also, Ashen Circle are a bit of a weird one. They have design cues from MKII, MKIII and MKIV. Who knows what's going on there!

Sheer awesomeness, that's what's going on there :p

One could even argue that they have a bit of mark VIII with the soopa gorget ^^

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About breachers, guess it just can be done what quite a few people have already done, get the boarding shield pack from FW to give it to mkIII marines (which are cool, maybe even better that the ones that come with the legion breachers), but now it will be considerably cheaper with plastic mkIII. It would just be a matter of cutting the mkVII arm from the shield and attach the mkIII left arm. Anyways, if FW release and upgrade pack it might be even easier.


Regarding despoilers, it would be really nice if this box included both bolter arms and melee arms for mkIII, not so sure about jump packs since as it has been said, some sources point this mark to be too heavy or cumbersome to be used with them (and the fact that FW doesn't have a mkIII assault squad seems to support this, and I'm not sure about ashen circle being mkIII, it looks more like a custom armor set for them). Even then, there are some 3rd party companies that make jump packs similar to mkII ones which could do the trick to get assault squads.

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About breachers, guess it just can be done what quite a few people have already done, get the boarding shield pack from FW to give it to mkIII marines (which are cool, maybe even better that the ones that come with the legion breachers), but now it will be considerably cheaper with plastic mkIII. It would just be a matter of cutting the mkVII arm from the shield and attach the mkIII left arm. Anyways, if FW release and upgrade pack it might be even easier.


Regarding despoilers, it would be really nice if this box included both bolter arms and melee arms for mkIII, not so sure about jump packs since as it has been said, some sources point this mark to be too heavy or cumbersome to be used with them (and the fact that FW doesn't have a mkIII assault squad seems to support this, and I'm not sure about ashen circle being mkIII, it looks more like a custom armor set for them). Even then, there are some 3rd party companies that make jump packs similar to mkII ones which could do the trick to get assault squads.

Or eBay the MkIII breacher arms and shields

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I mean sure you can convert the MKIII armor to breachers/assault marines, you can do the same with BaC MKIV marines. Still was hoping for plastic assault marines, more plastic units the better I'd say. Save the expensive resin models for vehicles. 

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About breachers, guess it just can be done what quite a few people have already done, get the boarding shield pack from FW to give it to mkIII marines (which are cool, maybe even better that the ones that come with the legion breachers), but now it will be considerably cheaper with plastic mkIII. It would just be a matter of cutting the mkVII arm from the shield and attach the mkIII left arm. Anyways, if FW release and upgrade pack it might be even easier.

Or eBay the MkIII breacher arms and shields I've already begun stockpiling them

I prefer the MKIII breacher kits but I don't like buying on eBay. I may just have to though.

I'm holding out hope that FW will change the breachers to an upgrade kit.

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About breachers, guess it just can be done what quite a few people have already done, get the boarding shield pack from FW to give it to mkIII marines (which are cool, maybe even better that the ones that come with the legion breachers), but now it will be considerably cheaper with plastic mkIII. It would just be a matter of cutting the mkVII arm from the shield and attach the mkIII left arm. Anyways, if FW release and upgrade pack it might be even easier.

Or eBay the MkIII breacher arms and shields I've already begun stockpiling them
I prefer the MKIII breacher kits but I don't like buying on eBay. I may just have to though.

I'm holding out hope that FW will change the breachers to an upgrade kit.

That certainly would be preferable! I don't really see it happening however, my reasoning being that they could easily just be an upgrade kit already (essentially just differing from regular MK III's in head and shield arm), so I don't really see them changing them now. Which is unfortunate.
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Or eBay the MkIII breacher arms and shields I've already begun stockpiling them
I prefer the MKIII breacher kits but I don't like buying on eBay. I may just have to though.

I'm holding out hope that FW will change the breachers to an upgrade kit.

That certainly would be preferable! I don't really see it happening however, my reasoning being that they could easily just be an upgrade kit already (essentially just differing from regular MK III's in head and shield arm), so I don't really see them changing them now. Which is unfortunate.



Well, up until now, buying the breachers kit was kinda economical, as you got the 5 marines full equipped instead of having to buy the marines, the bolters and then the boarding set separately. Now that we'll be able to get cheaper plastic marines fully equipped, selling just the arms, heads, shields and special weapons for mkIII in the same fashion as the boarding set makes more sense, so it might very well happen (plus, IIRC, they wouldn't even have to create new molds, just cast the ones they already have for the full kit). After all, they are going to release UM specific boarding shields and maybe IF ones, so getting a generic set to be used by the other legions would make sense.

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There's nothing stopping people converting MKIII to assault and it wouldn't bother me to see it.

It's just that FW have said MKIII won't come with jump packs. Doesn't mean it won't ever happen, but it's a very slim chance.


Also, Ashen Circle are a bit of a weird one. They have design cues from MKII, MKIII and MKIV. Who knows what's going on there!

I thought they actually gave it a lore reason, with it being that Mk III is to front heavy.

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There's nothing stopping people converting MKIII to assault and it wouldn't bother me to see it.

It's just that FW have said MKIII won't come with jump packs. Doesn't mean it won't ever happen, but it's a very slim chance.


Also, Ashen Circle are a bit of a weird one. They have design cues from MKII, MKIII and MKIV. Who knows what's going on there!

I thought they actually gave it a lore reason, with it being that Mk III is to front heavy.

I don't see why that's a bad thing...imagine the explosive front flip kicks!

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You can buy sanguinary guard for the old school jump packs plus there's plenty of third party out there as well.

Come on man, just because you once came across a treasure trove of jump packs and bought a pile of them cheap (I think that's the story you once told... you or flint, lol), doesn't mean the rest of us are so lucky.  Sanguinary Guard jump packs are relatively rare or at least $5 each!


Personally, if it comes to that, I'll buy a bunch of the propeller jump packs from FW bits resellers/casters. It's FW's fault, I'd give them money for jump packs if they sold them separately.

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