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Soldier of Dorn

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Argh ... I really want to get some painting done on these Custodes (so close to finishing them) but RL has been stopping me from getting on with it. Only hobby time has been when my brother is over and I have to pander to what he wants to work on at that time which has been Blood Bowl. On the bright side my GS skills are improving as I've been converting stuff up for him.


The outlook for tomorrow is better as I have to stay in and wait for a delivery due some time between 9am and 6pm. The paint station is set up with models, paints and brushes ... just need to get through today!!!

Can you tell what it is yet...... (Rolf Harris puns, so naughty....)



Guys..... I'm lacking severe motivation this month

 You've no excuse - try a January in the UK where it's cold and miserable! At least there is the sun here, even if it kills me...... Get it....

So I'm thinking of getting the big can of black spray out tomorrow and undercoating all the models already assembled and then just painting whatever takes my fancy. Then working out what kill team they'll fit into afterward. Does this seem ok given the original pledge/work to pledge we started with seems to have drifted slightly?

Sw1... may be what you need to kick start your painting fever for sure!!

I've not done anything last 2 days as I've been swamped at work- finagled a truck from a friend so picking desk up tomorrow no matter the weather(supposed to rain of course;)

Received the hobbyzone desktop organizer-which I will have to have time to assemble and the ironheart artisan paint shelf is on its way.

In hobby news I have traded my anvillus for a lightning and am trying to find one winglet for a scimitar

I have managed to drill holes in the feet of several (ok lots) models ready to hit with spray for the DW and also quite a bit of work basing up BB figures so they're ready for spraying as well.


The paint brushes have gone walkabout so I'm likely to do an emergency order to Rosmary&Co in the morning if they don't turn up tonight. They've either been moved somewhere safe by the wife or "acquire" by the lads. :(

One on the left is hobbyzones benchtop organizer and the paint station is the 6tier from ironheart artisan.

Put them both together last night and it was fun like putting IKEA stuff together;) the paint stand didn't come with directions and was full of snug fitting laser cut mdf ...that was a fun guessing game. The organizer had directions and many connections but honestly went together easily once I got the hang of the fittings.

I used CA thick glue for each one so I imagine they will be together for a long time.

I am glad I made both purchases and would recommend both companies products.

I chose the ironheart paint stand because each tier is wide and I use a variety of paints-Vallejo droppers/washes/environment and engine effects, PP, GW, Mig powders and bulk paints from the craft stores. Each tier holds a variety of paints with ease- wish they had an 8 tier version.

Argh, I got distracted with building more Khorne, playing games of 40K and Colonists of Catan, and general not-into-Imperial Fistiness! Hopefully I can manage to paint the Typhon on Tuesday in one day /  or it will be another failed vow for me!!!!!

I've finished my vow for the month, but just have to photograph the models and get them up.


Unfortunately, this month is going to have to mark my exit from the plog. Games Workshop are running a Grand Tournament in Coventry this year, and having wanted to attend for years but never quite making it, having a tournament on my doorstep is too big to miss. I'll be taking my Crimson Shrikes, but they need more models painting, transfers adding and various other parts, and this will be taking up my hobby time for the foreseeable future. As such I'd rather bow out now than try and fit in a bunch of half-assed efforts and missed deadlines. It's been really fun to take part, and although I never got too involved in the thread with comments, seeing the brotherhood coming out of the participants has been a joy. I'm rooting for you all and can't wait to see the final results. Best of luck! :) 

So the question is what should I next paint up?


I've got the 4 plastic Assassins from the boxed game ready to prime up. I've also got a bunch of DW ready to go as well. Then there's the SOS I could do but I can't face more painting of gold right now. There's also GK's and =][= to consider as well.


Whatever it is I need to decide by the 1st!!! ;)

OK guys, I'm not one to not finish what I started, but I have to admit it will be impossible to finish my vow this month.

As some of you might know, I'm recovering from a slipped spinal disc hernia. I've improved so much that I can actually drive a car again, which saw me get back to work for two half days a week. Yesterday's first such day completely and utterly drained me of all energy and I really cannot be bothered to paint atm. It sucks, but it's just the way things are. I just have to focus on recovery. I also admit that working on my KDK force was (and still is) a huge distraction from my Imperial Fists. I spent the first two weeks of January painting three rhinos and thirty khorne marines, so even though RL got in the way, not finishing my vow is entirely due to my not prioritizing my fists or this event.

It's the second time in a row that this happened (I didn't paint the Assault Marines last month), which unfortunately disqualifies me from further participation in the event.... sad.png

Even though this is a shame, I really did enjoy the first couple of months - in total I finished quite a lot!
two devastator squads;

a biker unit;

two biker characters; and

a Leviathan dreadnought.

I really would like to thank everyone who participated in this event and showed true dedication - especially LionofJudah,SW1, Mactire, Lord Commander Eidolon, Uveron and Kurama - and of course everyone who took the trouble of naming dudes in the combined devastator squad. smile.png You guys are awesome! And of course thank to the Psycho for hosting the event.

Thanks, and hopefully we'll see each other in another event - or on our WiP threads. smile.png

That's a bummer Augustus I think it's safe to assume we've all been there. I'm actually in the exact same boat myself fortunately I only vowed my primus medicae for the months so perhaps the hobby gods will see fit for me to finish him tonight.




But as you can see there's still quite a lot of work to be done so that's very up in the air. So you may not end up the only one to fail this month's vow. Either way I personally do indeed look forward to seeing you in future events! Keep up the awesomeness brother.

Hang on a moment Auggs,


This is the blurb on the original thread, certainly doesn't read to me that you should be disqualified for a failure to meet deadline two months in a row!


Every month you'll be required to fully complete at least one complete legal unit, whether a character, a vehicle, or a squad. You'll also be expected to update regularly within that time. If you do not do these, you may be liable to be kicked from the challenge, subject to my discretion and the exception outlined below.


You certainly meet the spirit of the of the challenge with frequent updates and support to others, It'll be a shame to see you go but as it stands I don't think you have to!!


I've failed this month and previous ones, and I'm still here!!

Oh! I was convinced it was failing a vow two months in a row. Seeing as I did indeed finish the Leviathan in December, I indeed cannot be disqualified! I'm happy I was wrong and I'll take it. Thanks, Eidolon!


I'm Bahaaaaaack! biggrin.png

And with that, I'll vow for February to finish the Typhon and two additional Drop Pods - because hey, those Devastators need rides!

(See? I did actually prime the Typhon)



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