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Jet bikes seem to have a few typos on their page forgeworld definitely needs to clarify.


They currently are the only I4 custodes.

The upgrade for guns is it per a model or flat cost.

Do they replace the current weapons or not.


They really need to take a look at this.

I refer once again to this image:




The one in the back seems to have what I assume is a bolt cannon, or at least something that is flush with the bikes hull. What little can be seen is similar to the upper front of the bolt cannons on the grav tanks. If that's the case, what you see above is not a bolt cannon but rather just an intake of some sort.

I refer once again to this image:




The one in the back seems to have what I assume is a bolt cannon, or at least something that is flush with the bikes hull. What little can be seen is similar to the upper front of the bolt cannons on the grav tanks. If that's the case, what you see above is not a bolt cannon but rather just an intake of some sort.

But we can easily see the intake grill infront of the model already bellow all the guns...


But we can easily see the intake grill infront of the model already bellow all the guns...



Indeed, but that doesn't change the fact that the Bolt Cannon is obviously mounted in the same slot as the other weaponry. One thing I'd guess that hole will be used for after checking the images is mounting the lower part of the twin-linked las-pulser:http://i1307.photobucket.com/albums/s588/mikefrench178/weekender%202017/20170204_113034_zpssxmsp7ev.jpg


It seems to me it is mounted in the height of that hole.

Edited by TompiQ


Sisters can infiltrate anyway if you want, with a nuncio... Then Valdor brings in the Banana boys with teleport :biggrin.:

I completely overlooked the fact that they could take nuncios! Hot diggity dang, I need me some sisterinos in my lists.


Yeah I think looking at the two on paper, the jetbikes look a better unit than the Pallas speeders. Pricing too-they are 180 pounds for three of them!


It's a shame I want to order some custodes stuff but apart from the dreadnought and the Calladius is there anything else 'essential'. How do you see the coronus being used? It's not particularly well armed and isn't an assault vehicle. Won't it be better to deep strike in infantry and save points? Might be good for a Sagittarum squad?

My main gripe with the Coronus is the price in pounds. Beyond that it is actually quite worthwhile for its price - 135 points is roughly equivalent to a lascannon predator with bolter sponsons, and you get a flare shield, an extra hull point and stronger secondary weaponry as well as an equal/stronger main gun (one less str, one higher ap. Also exoshock). On top of this it's a fast skimmer that can carry 6 of the Emperors finest.


I'd definitely take one for Saggitarum, but they could also form a great vehicle based army providing target saturation together with Caladius tanks. 3 Caladius and 2 Coronus with 3 custodians each is 1185 points and a great basis for a mechanized Talons list. Sprinkle in sisters for more scoring (either in their own transports or infiltrating/outflanking) or dreadnoughts for more high AV fronts. Fast attack can be Pallas or Jetbikes depending on taste, both will see an increased survival rate thanks to target saturation.

I guess I can see it with tanktribune with squad of the sagittarum! He tanks for them when they hop out and fire their death beams and dare anyone to charge them all while tanking with the 3++ reroll and giving minus 1 To hit the unit. He then splits off and the sagittarum can stand and blast (i hate that they have nothing to get around their guns being heavy).

I would actually run the Tankibune with a sisters squad. The acquisitor is an assault vehicle, and has room for 12... Run a 10-woman strong Oblivion Knight Cadre and Tankibune, have him tank for the squishy ladies or split off to charge on his own.




The Coronus is an excellent vehicle.  It is arguably the best transport in the game.  It has defense against being assaulted, good transport capacity, good survivability, it is immune to bolter fire and str8 is going to have a rough time dealing with it from the front facing.  Yes, it doesn't provide the ability to hide in it then assault out of it.  Just like the jet bikes if they had G-spears would be just a bit over the top.


If I had to guess during play testing someone put Valdor, Tankibune, and 4 Hetaeron guard in one supported by sisters and three Caladius with the night fighting warlord trait.  It moved flat-out jinked at 3++.  Turn 2 rolled around and the three units inside multi-charged three different units and wiped them out.  Yup I can see it now...the pretty vision in my head of the one time in a play test game the Coronus had assault vehicle as a special rule and the hell it brought with it.




I do not want the jet bikes to have change.  I4 is probably a type but I do not want min in assault anyway.  Assault is their weakness and it is only a weakness on the second round of the assault.  They are still i5 because of their special rules.  They have 4 attacks and are str 6 ap3 on the charge.  5 charging bikes (assuming a challenge from the marine sarg) is going to cause 11.22 wounds on a marine squad.  Honestly that assume sarge is alive and didn't eat ap2 shots from the split firing bikes.  Even with the apoth in the unit you are going to cause 7+ wounds.  You are going to take no wounds back.  Even a squad of 20 is going to do no major damage back in assault when you just gutted them on the charge.


I know what you are thinking...armor 2 terminators...do not charge them.  The army has more AP2 instant death shooting then their was worm sign in Dune.  I know they are in a Spartan.  The Spartan is slag on turn 1.  It has to deal with 12d3 las-pulser (why isn't it a las-pulsar?) into the side armor.  The murder crew then has to get out of their fancy ride and eat more las-pulser or devestators from the third unit. 


Large squads of jet bikes are very point efficient and basically immune to instant death outside of a few instances (Custodes armed with Adrathic weapons is one instance).   You have a unit that moves 12 can play some wound shenanigans with positioning and look out sir as they are all characters. 


I still argue that their is an entry missing from the jet bikes for upgrading to g-spears for a point per cost per model just like the other entries.  FW has an awful editing staff or they do it after a beer and pretzel game and someone doesn't click save. 


The list has several viable build options...that you cannot complain about.  I have waited 23 years for rules for these guys and I am happy with the rules in the list and the playstyle of the list fits my playstyle.


oh and we get an amazing gold plated hammer for almost any nail in the game...at 7k points I cannot wait to set down my future Warlord-Psi Titan.  I am almost giddy about it.  This summer at some point I am going to buy, paint and field it.  Yup first world problem right there.  Instead of Jeep parts I will buy a Titan...first world problem.  Sorry back to my point. 


Jet bikes are in a strong place were they are now.  The upgrade costs for the unit are amazingly efficient.  FW has done this before with melta bombs or other weapon upgrades.  I am planning to break out my Eldar jet bikes to play test them out this weekend.

Tankibune, Valdor, 2 squads of 10 custodian guard. Have Tankibune be warlord, select Master of Ambush. Infiltrate these two death stars in front of the enemy. Yes or no?




The titan can only be run in 13k games though, no?


Overall I agree that the bikes don't actually need to be changed. They are already some of the best value units in the game.

I don't think there's anything preventing Custodians from getting into a Kharon Pattern Acquisitor, so you could take a few Sisters units for their transports and as a source of psi-shock attacks, have them deploy outside (or have them outflank) and have the Custodians jump in first turn.  And while the Coronus is a very tough transport, the Acquisitor is no slouch either with a 3+ jink standard (2+ if you force night fighting) and -1 BS to enemies over 12" away.  Then you can jump out of it and assault second turn with your Custodes.


That said, it's very unfluffy.

Anyone have the rules for the event only custodes? I'm gonna convert that neat axe-spear weapon he's got and want to use his rules.


Also, here's a 2000 point list I'm thinking on building towards:




custodian squad (3x) (adrasite spears, coronus DT)


Sentinel squad (3x) (coronus DT)


Aquilon terminator squad (3x) (infernus firepikes/adrathic destructors)


Contemptor achillus dreadnought (dreadspear)


Agamatus (3x) (las-pulsers)


Agamatus (3x) (las-pulsers)


What do you guys think?

On the Psi-Titan?  You can use it in any game your opponents agree too.  I mean you rarely just show up with 7+k points and a Titan looking for a friendly game. 


You cannot start the banana boys in the girl's transport as it is only purchasable as a dedicated transport.  You have to hop in turn one.  Valdor or Tankibune can join the girl's in the transport just like the girl's HQ could join the boys in theirs.


I wish the girl's had a psi-missile launcher squad as a heavy slot. 

I quite like that list. I always worry about the amount of models in my lists, so it seems a bit light for me. Everything looks solid though.


I'll be trying a 3k game out in a fortnight, I'll post my list later and the results after it happens.

Numbers will always be where Custodes lack the most. However, a 3 man squad getting the charge will average 5 dead power armoured marines, and unless the enemy units has secure ap2 you will not take more than 1-2 wounds in return depending on enemy loadout.


Then, if the marines fail their morale check, the magic kicks in. Fleeing marines average 7.5 on their disengage roll. Custodians average 10.5 on their sweeps, with a minimum of 7. That means that you are close to guaranteed to get the sweep, and that's where Custodians are at their strongest. Add a tankibune and the same occurs even versus terminators.

Fair enough. The first time I used custodes, I had a lot of issues getting around apothecaries or a Sergeant with Artificer Armour.


I've also got a load of Custodes models already, I quite like the idea of a Custodes "tide" list. Bear in mind my 2k list is 21 models and my 3k list is 34.

Edited by Rabidbunneh

Fair enough. The first time I used custodes, I had a lot of issues getting around apothecaries or a Sergeant with Artificer Armour.


I've also got a load of Custodes models already, I quite like the idea of a Custodes "tide" list. Bear in mind my 2k list is 21 models and my 3k list is 34.

Arae-shrikes will help immensely against Tank gun-lines with your list Idea.


Personally I MUST field the aquilon  terminators, I just think their rules are so cool! I can't wait to see a preview of their models!

Heh, I am tempted by the Terminators too. The temptation to bits order the new Roboute to convert into them.


This is the 3k list








Shield Captain: Tribune, Paragon Spear, Praesidium Shield, Cyber Familiar, Melta Bombs, Arae-Shrike, Digital Laser: 282




6 Custodian Guard: Melta Bombs, Arae-Shrikes: 366


3 Custodian Guard: Melta Bombs, Arae-Shrikes: 181


3 Custodian Guard: Melta Bombs, Arae-Shrikes: 181


3 Custodian Sentinels: 3 Solerite Power Fists, Arae-Shrikes: 231


3 Custodian Sentinels: 3 Solerite Power Fists, Arae-Shrikes: 231


5 Custodian Sentinels: 1 Solerite Gauntlet: 325




5 Hetaeron Guard: 3 with Solerite Gauntlets and Praesidium Shields, 1 with Paragon Blade and Praesidium Shield, 1 with Magisterum Vexilla and a Sentinel Warblade: 460




3 Agamatus Jetbikes: 3 Corvae Las-Pulsers, 3 Melta Bombs: 315




Cadillus Grav-Tank: Twin Linked Arachnus Heavy Blaze Cannon: 210


Cadillus Grav-Tank: 195



Edited by Rabidbunneh



5  Hetaeron Guard: 4 with Solerite Gauntlets and Praesidium Shields, 1 with Paragon Blades and Praesidium Shield, 1 with Magisterum Vexilla and a Sentinel Warblade: 480



Not sure the maths works out here. There's 5 guys in the squad but you've listed loadouts for 6. and even if you cut the 4 with gauntlets to 3 I make that squad to cost 460pts.

Edited by Malkalen

Something I'm pondering for a quick 1500 point list (Where our Escalation league  currently sits) that can be done purely with the 20 unassembled models I currently have awaiting use:

Shield Captain with digital laser, P. Shield, and Cyber Fam) = 230

Hetaron Squad with shields and melta bombs  = 255

Sentinel Guard (10 members) with Vexilla and Meltabombs = 685 (Spread out in front, and for a bit of anti vehicle ability)

Guard Squad (3 members) - 165

Guard Squad (3 members) - 165

=1500 -  Not perfect, but maybe?  

My general thought is to deploy that big shield squad out front, with the two Guard squads behind each flank and the Hets in the center with the Shield Captain and just sweep down one flank.  My obvious concern is vehicles, hence the melta bombs, but I have to catch them.  At least my local Dreadnought heavy meta will mean they'll be attempting to get close, and those Sentinels might be able to survive their wrath with their invulnerable saves and such.

I particularly look forward to taking it against our Sons of Horus player's Justaerin list!





The points on your jet bikes are off.  The upgrade is a flat cost for the squad for the las-pulser.  You have the squad 50 pts to expensive.

Their entry is pretty clear that each model pays for his las-pulser. So 315 for a unit of 3 with melta bombs is correct.






The points on your jet bikes are off.  The upgrade is a flat cost for the squad for the las-pulser.  You have the squad 50 pts to expensive.

Their entry is pretty clear that each model pays for his las-pulser. So 315 for a unit of 3 with melta bombs is correct.


Read it again, it's a one time payment.







The points on your jet bikes are off.  The upgrade is a flat cost for the squad for the las-pulser.  You have the squad 50 pts to expensive.

Their entry is pretty clear that each model pays for his las-pulser. So 315 for a unit of 3 with melta bombs is correct.


Read it again, it's a one time payment.


Ah. I see it now. It specifies whole SQUADRONS, not models. Wow. that ridonks.

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