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How's this for infantry heavy?


2000 points.




(4x) Custodian squads (arae-shrikes)


(2x) Sentinel squads (arae-shrikes)


Aquilon terminators (infernus firepikes/adrathic destructors)


(2x) Caladius grav-tanks (heavy blaze cannon)


That's a whole 24 models! Such a horde lol.




Now the opposite, vehicle spam.




(2x) Custodian squad (arae-shrikes)


(3x squadrons of 3x) pallas grav-speeder


(3x) caladius grav-tanks (heavy blaze cannons)


That's alot of AV right there. Pretty much nullifys most of your opponent's small arms. The Caladius' can pin down any opposing vehicles at extreme range (72" range is really advantageous) and the pallas can mow down light and heavy infantry as well as shred vehicles.


Plus all the vehicles can jink with impunity thanks to machine spirit.

To me, that email isn't too valid. It's basically saying "yeah from a fluff stand point go for it, but it's not in the rules"


Do remember you can take a Storm Lord fun bus, which can hold up to 40 models (so twenty custodes) and you won't need to be inside it for too long. Even more fun if you scout it with Jenettia's trait (unless the super custodes leader can grant scout to a non vehicle).

To me, that email isn't too valid. It's basically saying "yeah from a fluff stand point go for it, but it's not in the rules"


Do remember you can take a Storm Lord fun bus, which can hold up to 40 models (so twenty custodes) and you won't need to be inside it for too long. Even more fun if you scout it with Jenettia's trait (unless the super custodes leader can grant scout to a non vehicle).


Storm lords just die so easy I feel.



Really hoping for a reason to get a mastadon.

So if I find myself placing an order with a Galatus, a Caladius in and find I have £120 'spare', do I get a Coronus or 2x Pallas to go with them and why?


I have 20 Custodes-14 with spears and 6 with Shield and swords. Thinking of adding shields slung on the back of a few spear carriers so I can play them as Hetaerons.

So if I find myself placing an order with a Galatus, a Caladius in and find I have £120 'spare', do I get a Coronus or 2x Pallas to go with them and why?


I have 20 Custodes-14 with spears and 6 with Shield and swords. Thinking of adding shields slung on the back of a few spear carriers so I can play them as Hetaerons.


I guarantee you will get mileage out of a coronus. Its a great tank now that I look at it as like a super razorback.


Assuming I'm right in thinking the pallas gets access to the lovely exterminator and that the devastator is a typo, I think a squad of 2 or 3 unloading those str6 armorbane blasts will be lovely.

I'm currently planning out my first forge world purchases. I have 25 Custodes.

5 Custodians

3 Sentinels (Might chop their swords off and give them Solerite gauntlets)

1 Dude with robe, shield and spear who will be my tribune


and the rest are unbuilt but I'm going to try and get as many spear wielding dudes as possible I reckon.


For forgeworld purchases I'm looking at 1 (possibly 2) Caladius but as much as I like the Pallas I'm thinking of holding off and seeing what the final rules for the jetbikes look like asthe cost difference for the Las pulsar upgrades will make a huge difference in their viability. 

I'm gonna run Pallas over the bikes just because I love the pure science fiction aesthetic all Custodes vehicles have.


I can visualize just how awesome all those speeders would be zooming in between buildings and burst firing their blaze cannons!


I plan to run triple Caladius with heavy blaze cannons. Hope FW releases that variant soon.

So is there any reason to take the solarite power claws on the custodinators? I mean rule of cool they will look awesome, but you already have so much AP3 in the list and they have T5 and so many wounds that their fists would just be flat out better.


Maybe 1 in 3 with a claw just in case? I just feel that with all the firepower you can equip them with you can just ignore the claws.

Edited by depthcharge12

So is there any reason to take the solarite power claws on the custodinators? I mean rule of cool they will look awesome, but you already have so much AP3 in the list and they have T5 and so many wounds that their fists would just be flat out better.


Maybe 1 in 3 with a claw just in case? I just feel that with all the firepower you can equip them with you can just ignore the claws.

I have really not figured a reason for the claw except to use him to challenge power fist power armored sarges and essentially guarantee they die.


If you could take two claws for bonus attack then it would be awesome.

One or two in a squad just help round it all out I suppose, pile on the wounds with MC/ Shred.

The fact the fist isn't a specialist weapon and you still have a better chance to wound MC with the fist over the claw makes it feel better.  Figure a shield or two in your squad to make enemies at -1 to hit you and you have a tough hitting unit vs knights, MC, and multi wound terminators. 


I would rather keep the Fists for getting around feel no pain.

Agreed.  STR 10 AP 1 is amazing and you can get around bike Preators FNP as well. 

How's this for infantry heavy?


2000 points.




(4x) Custodian squads (arae-shrikes)


(2x) Sentinel squads (arae-shrikes)


Aquilon terminators (infernus firepikes/adrathic destructors)


(2x) Caladius grav-tanks (heavy blaze cannon)


That's a whole 24 models! Such a horde lol.




Now the opposite, vehicle spam.




(2x) Custodian squad (arae-shrikes)


(3x squadrons of 3x) pallas grav-speeder


(3x) caladius grav-tanks (heavy blaze cannons)


That's alot of AV right there. Pretty much nullifys most of your opponent's small arms. The Caladius' can pin down any opposing vehicles at extreme range (72" range is really advantageous) and the pallas can mow down light and heavy infantry as well as shred vehicles.


Plus all the vehicles can jink with impunity thanks to machine spirit.


on the second list my fear is once you lose the two Custodes squads you can only deny not actually capture an objective.   Might I recommend taking your Pallas in squads of 2 (you still have a good chance of stripping 3 HP off a turn with the cannon) and changing Valdor to a Tankibune.  That should give enough points to get to Coronus and spend the points on deep strike on a squad.  Now you are only down one blaze cannon and have the ability to keep the scoring units safe.  It also gives you more flexibility with your warlord trait.  It also lets you keep your shrikes mobile with your armor to protect against the evils of a deep striking Leviathan or dread claw vets. 


I would also consider dropping one heavy blaze cannon on the Caladius to stop deep striking flyers etc.

Hm, that's some good advice. But boy oh boy will that mess with my ocd :tongue.:. I love uniformity in my lists.



Here's a modified list.




Shield Captain (paragon spear, arae-shrikes, tribune)




Custodian squad (coronus DT)


Custodian squad (arae-shrikes, teleportation transponders)


fast attack


Pallas squadron (3x)


Pallas squadron (3x)


Pallas squadron (2x)


heavy support


Caladius (heavy blaze cannon)


Caladius (heavy blaze cannon)


Caladius (Iliastus accelerator cannon)

Yeah, I intend Infantry Spam, maybe a Dreadnought.  But the other vehicles are just a bit too costly money wise for me to spend on, cool or not.  I can justify the Dreadnought at $80, but not the well over $100 tank.


Thus my list I had a few pages back.  Just do one guy with a spear and shield and cape as my Shield Cap, 3 guys with spears and shields as a Het Squad.  6 more with just spears as basic squads (probably 2 of them), and 10 Shield and Swords spread out on a wide front due to Sodality to cover and give the invul save to the 3 units behind them.  It's gonna hit hard.


And since I can apparently take a Knight as a LOW.... I guess that's how my 2000 point list ends up!

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