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Cheers Pearson! I thought that about the brass too, thought it looked dark and there isn't anything much darker that 40k.

Right termis are finished, waiting on basing materials to make them 100% but I'm happy with how they turned out :-)




Let me know what you think :-)

Cheers Vair ... haha yeh i think it is, GW thick glue is a pain to work with, its so stringy. defo sticking to the thin glue next time! ... might use the thick stuff for drips of blood and stuff, will have to give that a try :) 

Cheers Kraut! They're different to the other 3 in the squad, but i prefer the grityness of these ones, so a repaint of the others might be needed. I agree with the rhino head, its also my favourite ;)


Need to get my bezerkers built and get them painted next :D  

The termis are ace! 

The DA is a nice start so far, you should do something more about the Dark Angels Symbol on the cloak, cover it with a smooth GS layer or file if away some more. Those two iron crosses on his chest should be removed to, you could exchange them with some more chaotic bitz or corrupted purity seals or some mini khornate glyphs, I thing there are some in one of those AOS khorne blood bloods kits. Same with the Dark Angesl symbol on his belt, here some easy dremeling could make room for a chaos star or khorne freehand.

Edited by Aasfresser

Cheers Aasfresser! I will work on the insignia on the cloak, will see if i can file it right down and cover it with liquid GS. I did wonder about them too, I might also get rid of the lace and replace it with chains. I will have a rummage through my spare sprues and bits boxes to find suitable replacements for the iron crosses, also find something to replace the DA symbol on the belt :-) 

The Dark Apostle is looking great! Some possible suggestions that havent been mentioned yet to make it look less like a loyalist: spiky/pointy bits at the end of the tassels, a more tattered cape (ex holes and bottom of the cape ragged), the DA icon on the belt changed to some sort of daemonic head (ex bloodletter), and possibly carving a chaos star into the forehead. Just some random suggestions that might work. I agree with Biohazard that the arms look a bit big, if you wanted to keep the leather glove feel, you could use fantasy chaos warrior hands grafted onto regular csm arms. Looking forward to seeing more!

Cheers Vair. Spikey points would be an easier option than trying to make a chain. Really like the cape idea and making it look more tattered. I have an idea for the belt, will try and press mold a daemonic head on to it, using one of the DV chosen belts as a cast. I think i'll swap the hands out for standard csm ones, got a starter box lying around somewhere thats not been touched lol


Going to be slow with updating the DA as i still have 7 more bezerkers to build and then got to paint the 10. The old bezerker kit is not the greatest for dynamic posses, especially the arms, but i'm getting there :) 

Right its bezerker time. Had to rip these guys apart and build them back up as my previous half assed attempt to build them was shoddy at best.



Group shot


I'm quite happy with how this group has turned out, gw didn't make it easy with the old bezerker sets lol. These are now ready to be undercoated, then I'll use the mephiston based spray to get these moving along. Got 6 days to finish them, fingers crossed I can make it.

Also finally got my tools and silicone brushes, so I can now start experimenting more with gs :-)


Nice progress! For the berzerker with lightning claws, I think if you change the angle of the legs and put the leg without the skull kneepad in front and have the leg with the skull kneepad behind then it would look more natural. Also those silicone brushes will do wonders for your sculpting, get the extra firm black tipped ones as well if you have the extra budget cause I find those more useful than the softer tips. Good luck with painting, looking forward to seeing more!

@vair cheers bud. I will try and reposition the legs like you suggest. Firstly I need to get them off the Base as I glued them on 4-5 years ago lol.


I did look at the black tipped ones, will see if I can get some on eBay


@bio- thanks mate. There defo is a lot of flaws in them, but like you say once they have some paint on they'll hopefully look a lot better ;)

Cheers hushrong! I now need to repaint everything I got in that style at some point lol.

@vair and bio - I chopped the leg on the bez champ like you suggested. What do you think of him lunging forward slightly?



Sorry about the pics, I was messing around with this at 730 am lol

Right I have tidied the bezerker champion up. Had to rebase him too as he wasn't sturdy on the small Base. Now the squad are read to be undercoated :-)


I also had a go at doing the tread on the foot for the first time. Quite happy with how it turned out :)


Edited by Sagentus

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