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Cheers Bio ... Its really just layering up of Mephiston red. Base with Mephiston red, nuln wash, then water down Mephiston red go over the highest areas or muddle of armor plates, then once dry go over again with another layer but in a more highlighting manor. Then do a final highlight with wildrider red. Tempted to use evil sunz red as a first highlight then wildrider red as a final highlight

Thanks Red !... he turned out a lot better than i thought he would. I thought the LCs would have to much detail, but i think with the chest plate he's got it worked out well. 


Still toying with ideas for my next Bez champ, really dont like the chaos PFs, need to rumage through my old Black templars bitz box and make my own one up :D 

@Bio - I use wild rided as an edge higlight really, I should probably do something in the middle like evil suns scarlet


@Traitor - Thank you! I thought the gold/brass used most of the time is to bright, so i went for warplock bronze, suites the grim darkness of the 41st mellenia i think. With regards to the bases i think i will do something similar to what i have been doing, grey barren with bits of snow and hopefully some skulls!!! 

@ElDuderino - lol , when you mention it they do look like trophies haha - I try to keep the arms and heads seperate, dont know if you can see but the arms are only white tacked on atm.


The red is just layers of watered down mephiston red making sure to put more layers on the ares where light is likely to hit.  


@Vair - Thanks mate! as stated above the reds pretty simple to achieve :) 

Needed a distraction tonight so built my 10 cultists, i wanted them to be ccw/pistol so had to modify every 2nd one. I havent hevily converted these as i have a lot.to get done before 15th dec, but let me know what you think :-)



Managed to get some highlighting done on 5 of the Bez squad. Next is to highlight the silver and gold, then finish the skulls (nearly there)



I also tore apart the wings of my heldrake and gave them a detol bath, managed to get most of the pain of with a scoure (didnt have a spare tooth brush lol)


Edited by Sagentus

lol yeh, they were a bit to birght after i have changed my paint scheme slightly. I see what you mean about how they look atm, so I think i will try and do something similar when i paint them. I will build up the lighter layers on the out side instead of the middle ;) 


Thanks, cant wait to get them finished! so much more to paint haha

@ Vair - Cheers mate. Think i might do the Drake next, while i got the idea of how i want it painted fresh in my mind, then ill paint the cultists


@ Hushrong - I agree that the Bez pack is outdated, but a bit of adjustment to the posing along with painting and they fit right in :D 

Managed to get more highlights and green cables (that pump steriodal fluids to their muscles) done. Heads/arms glued on and final touches, then 7/10 are done :D



Managed to get the mephiston spray done on the Drake ready for me to get the trim started. I think with the drake I'll get the trim and silver bits painted up, wash the whole model with nuln oil, then work up the red again. If it works well ill do the same on other models because fingers crossed itll save time



Cheers Hushrong!! Yeh defo a lot of trim on the drake, hopeing i can get the brown base of the trim and base layer for the silver done Sunday. will also get an undercoat done on the cultists too ... so much to do haha  

Right finally got these guys finished. Sorry that the pics arent great, will get some better ones later :-)



I will eventually get round to basing them, short on funds as always and needed paint brushes last time i went to GW. Next up will be my drake, but i also made a start on my 2nd bez squad this morning, finding all the parts (pistol/chainsword arms, legs and bodies) and to my suprise I'll have enough for a 3rd squad. I found an extra 10 sets of legs and bodies :-D will have to get some heads and chainaxes from ebay or something for the 3rd squad.

Also while rumaging in the bits box i found some extra heavy bolters, so i think my first havoc squad will consist of 4 HB plus champ.

I will also get the cultists undercoated tonight. Really trying to hit the deadline on the call of chaos

Very nice to see these finished, god job!


And good to hear about your find, i wish my bitsbox would contain whole units:) Never enough legs hehe. About chainaxes, i just noticed the new guys all have them, where do you get the spares? They still come with 50% chainswords, right?

Cheers eld! Happy to have them finished too.


It was a nice find, just seems like im a little short on heads and axes atm. That is cos i stole the axes from the second squad, kinda why im going bp/chainsword with the next lot :-)

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