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You know you're an Iron Hand when...

Bjorn Firewalker

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When your idea of a "Sternguard Veteran Squad" is seven Vindicator siege tanks, plus three Hunters and/or Stalkers to defend them from enemy flyers.


When your idea of a "Vanguard Veteran Squad" is seven Stormtalon gunships, plus three Stormhawk interceptors to dogfight enemy flyers.


Despite committing the sin of existing in Man's galaxy, you must admit the Ork concept of "more dakka" is valid.

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When you ask a Techmarine to make a boltgun-flamer-chainfist combination weapon, so you can match a Traitor Marine shot-for-shot and blow-for-blow, the Techmarine says, "Great idea! Give me a couple hours to acquire and assemble the components!" instead of the "Are you out of your :censored:ing mind?!" one would receive from a lesser Chapter's Techmarines.

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When you have been driving the same crappy car for 17 years because IT WILL NOT DIE

When you chrome-plate the entire vehicle (minus the tires and/or treads) to honor its Machine Spirit.


When you view nickel and chrome as a precious metals for the number of arms, armor, and vehicles whose Machine Spirits must be honored.

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...if you've stopped pounding the table when frustrated, because you're running out of tables.

If you make a table out of living metal salvaged from defeated Necrons, the xenos' heads- with expressions of terror frozen upon their otherwise blank faces, for you have forced the emotionless xenos to relearn how to feel fear- at the ends of the tablelegs.


Fear the wrath of iron- the anger a son of Ferrus Manus will bring upon all enemies of the Imperium!

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