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8th Edition: Zeal Rising


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Apothecary in Crusader Squad wouldn't make much sense, nothing to back it up fluff-wise compared to them being in tactical squads and everything else.


As for vehicles, if they do move to wounds and thus toughness accordingly, it could be an improvement but only the full details on how it is implemented would reveal the truth of that. With nothing more to go on in the rumor in question, it doesn't do much good to speculate.


Best part about the rumor, if it were to be true, is being able to assault from "non-assault" vehicles. There are some balance considerations, but again those would depend on the bigger picture.


I do hope 8th comes soon (although obviously not at the cost of being rushed!), as I'm currently at a bit of a stalemate with where to go with my armies and especially the marines (since they are the most numerous and from two different chapter tactics as well as Deathwatch).

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Crusadersquads charging off of Rhinos would be a wet* dream come true... Also i hope the movement changes and such lead to foot slogging becoming more viable for close range/ assault armies compared to how things are going these days.


*from the tears of joy at the sight of all the mangled and burnt heretics of course.

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not looking forward to armor save modifiers in 40k. I love it in fantasy, but it is gonna be so awful in 40k. Not excited about never ever ever getting a save again.

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Apothecary in Crusader Squad wouldn't make much sense, nothing to back it up fluff-wise compared to them being in tactical squads and everything else.



Well, Grimaldus at least has an apothecary in his squad in Helsreach. 

Actual rules for a reclusiam squad, outside of a formation, would be cool. 

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Apothecary in Crusader Squad wouldn't make much sense, nothing to back it up fluff-wise compared to them being in tactical squads and everything else.



Well, Grimaldus at least has an apothecary in his squad in Helsreach. 

Actual rules for a reclusiam squad, outside of a formation, would be cool. 


That's a Command Squad.

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There are already options for a Biker Command Squad... but Jump Pack Command Squads are exclusive to Blood Angels... I guess the Sons of Sanguinius needs to feel special somehow :p


I'd rather have Terminator Command Squads, but again those became exclusive to Dark Angels...


I guess we have something exclusive ourselves (Crusader Squads, Emperor's Champion)... but we are also rolled into the Codex: Space Marines... can't give us too many exclusive items, otherwise the other vanilla Chapters get testy :p


rules wise though... I'd like them to rethink psykers... seriously... there is still no mention of psykers, psychic powers, or any rumors about witches... this is the part that most worries me, mainly because they are the bane in 6th and 7th ed., majority of tactics are psyker centered... and being an army w/o psykers we suffered rather badly against armies that do have ridiculous versions of them... if they could just rethink certain powers (cough... Invisibility... cough...) so that it doesn't become very dumb when fighting against it... then that would be nice... 

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Wounding on vehicles would be terrible... it's not as if we already have problems with really flimsy Rhinos, now even Bolters can wound them regardless of facing too... might as well NOT use vehicles... imagine a Land Raider Crusader being torn apart by weight of Dice from Lasgun fire... seriously, LAND RAIDER CRUSADER! TORN APART BY FLASHLIGHTS! wounding on vehicles would be terrible!!!


there should be rules restricting certain weapons from even denting certain vehicles... otherwise, what's the point of using vehicles if an Eldar without a strength boost can whittle wounds off vehicles...


I'm rather looking forward to the confirmed movement stats and the confirmed Armour Saved modifiers... might make Terminators tough again if they won't be forced to use the 5++ during every shooting phase... but it might also make them weaker against massed firepower...


As for BT boxes... I'd like to have something new... but I also don't want to lose the old set... they have pretty good gear in there, and the new upgrade kits for other armies lack vehicle upgrades... maybe a set of non-FW Terminator Shields would be nice, or Templar Terminator upgrade kit... that would be cool...

Actually, vehicles with wounds are exactly what this game needs. The current system is terrible because it's way to easy to kill a land raider and for how much they cost that shouldn't be the case. Look at Dreadnoughts, they are terrible compared to other factions MCs in so far as survivability. Giving them wounds instead of armor would be a huge upgrade.


Also your assuming that vehicles will be like T6 which would make them weaker. I would be surprised if a rhino was less than T7 - T8 which makes it basically immune to small arms fire. They will also probably have a save if they have wounds as opposed to nothing now. So they would be significantly more durable than the rolling coffins they are now.

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I just read somewhere that BT isn't mention in SW as being at Armageddon 3. Any truth to that?

There are SM represented as "Scouts + Terminator / Apothecary / 1st Company Vet / Deathwatch Vet", but we aren't directly mentioned as one of the factions, as of yet. However, GW is adding factions as it goes, they already announced adding SoB and Inq. We may be further down the road and anyway it's super easy to use the SM list for "a grumpy old Sword Brother and his bunch of Neophytes" kinda list.

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The thing to remember with Armageddon is we played a huge part in the opening stages but then Gahzgull (however you spell it) left and we went off in pursuit of him. No reason to leave a few Templars behind when everyone else is getting involved but the realist target is running.
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No, but a LOT of Chapters who were there and bled for Armageddon are not mentioned by name. 

The Ultramarines will probably be retconned in with Cassius brave defense of Helsreach hive.

Brother Sete, the fussy sarcasm and stomping around the coffee table do not become a Black Templar. The sons of Dorn care not for glory or recognition, only that duty is done and threat to humanity is overcome. And even in death, we still serve. Take unto the example of Brother Tankred.



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The general consensus along all the different threads I've been reading basically states that we all have to adopt a wait and see attitude with the coming of 8th edition, but moving back towards a CC oriented rule set would only make BT more viable again. I have been recently reminded of the virtues of patience, so I'm not excited or disappointed at anything yet. Until the release, let the Crusade continue. After the release, let the Crusade continue. We will adapt and press the enemy ever forward.

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This is a really interesting topic, wish I'd seen it earlier!


In GSIII Guilliman goes back on some of his post Heresy edicts. He issues the command to bring together once more the 500 World of Ultramar Empire which was split into smaller interstellar domains. He also mentions how in the face of the threats the Imperium has to contend with, the marine chapters might no longer be sufficient.


I expect Guilliman to not only support, but to empower the Black Templars further.

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8th can't come soon enough seriously.


We are in a state of Limbo now, and it annoys me greatly.


Ghazghull is doing his thing, where does that leave Yarrick and the Armaggedon Crusade?


Ghazzy is out of Octarius with his 5 million ships, so we can safely assume he defeated leviathan.


Will he head to Ullanor like his predecessors?

Will DG try to conquer Ullanor aswell?

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Also news from Warhammer World:


"So I was at Warhammer World today and the Crimson Fists, Imperial Fists and Black Templars were missing from their cases. Do I smell Rogal Dorn?"


"The label said "look for these in an upcoming publication". Although Kantor was still there. Almost like he may get killed..."


From Anon FB. (Last Wall group)


We know IF is attacking IW homeworld.

Maybe CF and BT join in?

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