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I'm fine with warp flame giving the enemy a benefit.


Not only but heck no. At no point should a player be asked to pay points for a weapon that buffs the enemy. I have never seen them in a game, list, or painting log for, in my estimation, a good reason. Warpflame is a bad rule. If it was good Eldar and SM would have it in spades and Chaos wouldnt.

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I don't really care about the Warpflame rule.


Example: The other day I absolutely had to murder a squad of firewarriors in cover. I had 2 units of Rubricae in Rhinos and 1 unit had 4 Warpflamers. Couldn't have done that with 8 rapid fire bolters.



It's better to have it now than in the previous editions of having no special weapons of any kind. I will take warpflame because I know what it's like to not have anything worth a feth

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I'm fine with warp flame giving the enemy a benefit.

Not only but heck no. At no point should a player be asked to pay points for a weapon that buffs the enemy. I have never seen them in a game, list, or painting log for, in my estimation, a good reason. Warpflame is a bad rule. If it was good Eldar and SM would have it in spades and Chaos wouldnt.


It really isnt that much of a buff to the enemy. Warpflame is fluffy and *FUN* so i would expect it to be in some iteration. AoS has it where you roll a dice and you lose d3 wounds on one roll and gain d3 wounds on the other. For tac squads that would do nothing (as you cant bring people back from the dead and they only have 1 wound) but multi-wound models may regenerate lost wounds. It's less broken than it is now.


The biggest issue with Warpflame now is that whenever you shoot it at ANYTHING it is either T4 or higher, which means only a 1/3 chance of getting YOUR desired outcome. Its much better to have it be either a pre-destined 50/50 shot, or with a battalion/formation benefit make it 1/3 chance of NOT getting your desired outcome. 

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Someone just reminded me, but Chosen with flamers are going to be gross, with on average 15-20 shots....

Right before all the articles about 8th started I just finished assembling a unit of flamer Chosen for my Chaos Warband formation.


Now I'm a little hesitant to put paint on the Champion, because I modeled him with a flamer too and I don't know if that will be a legal loadout in 8th.


Oh well I've still got about a mile of lightning bolt shaped brass trim to paint on my Raptors and Warptalons. I'm sure 9th edition will be here by the time I finish those.

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If assault becomes more of a thing i would love to see the dirge caster play an important role for our vehicles perhaps even become standard equipment.


I would also line to see the havoc missile launcher become more potent, truly allow a quasi razorback.


Im just wishlisting at this point but i want it!

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Eh Warpflamers could have easily be done better if the FnP wasn't permanent. Just let the target unit do the T test before and if they pass it they get FnP against all the wounds caused by the Warpflamer that round.

I think by now it should be pretty obvious that Traitor Legions and TSons and potentially other rules were only halfassed because they already knew it wouldn't matter for long anyway.

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35 zombis and tyfus charge... optimal set up of units within 1" starts... *9 minutes later* 4/5 done through seting them up you suddenly realise that tyfus razor has a 2" range [or that you cast a power on ye dudes to add  0.5" to their melee range]... time to set them up again :D while your opponent glares at you and your 200 zombis,  with hate . Chaos and tyranids doing melee is probably going to be the most troll army ever.

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There are a few things that can help you out in this phase. A Chaos Dark Apostle, for example, allows all nearby units from the same Legion to use his Leadership.


If you needed more proof that Legions are here to stay! :)

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The mechanics are simple – any units that suffered casualties in a turn must take a Morale test at the end of it. You just roll a dice, add the number of models from the unit that have been slain, and if the number is bigger than the unit’s Leadership, the unit loses the difference in additional models.


No units falling back, no regroup tests – all that is gone.


Single model units do not test for morale


Certain units like Dark Apostles allow units to use their leadership


Certain units like a hemlock wraithfighter will subtract 1 from leadership.


Im hoping thats something Chaos has in spades, and would be devastating if those heldrake/raptor formations still existed.

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Im hoping thats something Chaos has in spades, and would be devastating if those heldrake/raptor formations still existed. 


Only if my Dark Eldar will be even better at devastating the opponent's morale. :P There are so many lovely units that have amazing aesthetics but never see the table because they suck so much (Wyches, Hellions, Wracks etc.). 


I think Chaos, in general, won't have that many moral mali. Except for the Night Lords. I can see them getting some formations that makes the enemy re-roll passed morale tests etc. Breaking your opponent's LD never was a mechanic that Chaos was using. That's what the Dark Eldar do.


I also hope that GW finally gives each army its own identity! They did an amazing job with the GSC. You can play it fluffy as heck and it even encourages you to do so. I wish that we'll get the same for each army so that each one has it's "thing" that it does better than the rest. 


So Guard should have the sturdiest vehicles, Harlequins the fastest moving infantry units, Dark Eldar should play with your morale, Ad Mech should butcher enemy vehicles, Thousand Sons should be the best at magics and so on. 


Hopefully they'll deliver on their statement that playing fluffy lists will be able to compete with competitive lists. 

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Loving the new moral rules. Simple and right to the point. No more falling back and regrouping and dealing with all of that jazz. Just loose more models.


40k games have just sped up exponentially.

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I'm stoked by almost everything so far. GW has clearly thought the rules through and everything seems to be fitting together well.


That's not to say there aren't things that I'm not 100% on, just that the game as a whole is exciting.


Very interested to see what the rules are like for individual units now. But I imagine those won't be for another week or two yet.

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My issue so far was how the new LD system would affect horde squads without Fearless/Immune to Battleshock. Spoke to my Skaven friends, whom said it was at least partially fixed by getting a +1 LD bonus per 10 men, in addition to heroes making units immune to Battleshock or granting bonuses to the LD roll. While not perfect (e.g. losing 10 Cultists to shooting means you lose another 10 before adjusting for bonuses if you have to take a Morale check for shooting), it's a damn sight better. Never gonna forget my fight with a Lifestar where I lost 1 CSM and 12 Cultists resulting in my non-Fearless faux-Deathstar being Sweeping Advanced T2. 

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You don't really loose 10 more in that situation though. It's a random roll an the Ld value is higher than the max roll. More like 3-8 or something...
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I just hope to Tzeentch that there's no silly "Rule of One" nonsense that makes it's way into the new 'matched play',  as it would utterly remove my poor little Tzeentch Daemons from the game...


I can understand it in Fantasy,  where wizards are in finite supply and magic itself has always tended to be much more devastating and/or a much bigger force multiplier.  (I would imagine however that Undead must be pretty pants in AoS under that rule,  as they've always relied on spamming raise spells to make up for the fact that their troops are generally amongst the worst fighters in the game?)

But in 40k?  No way.  Turning off Tzeentch Daemon psychics especially would be akin to telling a Guard player they can only shoot with 10% of their army every turn!

Likewise it would be a huge kick in 'nads to 1kSons as well,  since all those Sorcs tend to make-up for the otherwise near complete lack of heavier guns.


*IF* we get that rule though,  then by god,  please GW,  please give Horrors an actual shooting attack back,  otherwise just ret-con the whole unit since they'll become unplayable in any kind of organised play. >.<

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Why should Tzeentch be exempted from the rule of one? I am of the thought that balance internal and across all armies is more important than individual exceptions to the rule. Because throwing D3 mortal wounds seems to be pretty powerful. Im willing to bet all Tzeentch units will have nifty pychic powers.
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In AOS, as undead you get around the rule of 1 and the summoning restrictions as most of your troops regen models every turn (either due to a banner or killing something), and larger units get buffs to hit and to wound. So yeah there is that.


I want rule of one to be in 40k matched play, stop the summoning silliness and force you to use different psychic powers (maybe more support powers outside of invis)


But that's just me

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In AOS, as undead you get around the rule of 1 and the summoning restrictions as most of your troops regen models every turn (either due to a banner or killing something), and larger units get buffs to hit and to wound. So yeah there is that.


I want rule of one to be in 40k matched play, stop the summoning silliness and force you to use different psychic powers (maybe more support powers outside of invis)


But that's just me

What's the rule of one sorry?

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Why should Tzeentch be exempted from the rule of one? I am of the thought that balance internal and across all armies is more important than individual exceptions to the rule. Because throwing D3 mortal wounds seems to be pretty powerful. Im willing to bet all Tzeentch units will have nifty pychic powers.

Does it though? Killing a single Terminator or stripping a couple of wounds from a vehicle is what I'd expect of a garden variety plasma pistol. The power seems a very reasonable baseline 'gun' for psykers - one that doesn't even work a fair amount of the time.

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As a user of the basic power in AoS I can tell you that throwing d3 mortal wounds on something is hardly effective at all if you can only cast that power once but have 10+ wizards and are fluffy about it.


Rule of 1 is garbage if they put it in 40k. Just make it harder to cast the powers.

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Not only that, but they said they were going to specifically address the current issue of a single 'mega psyker' hogging all of the powers. It seems odd that we would then have Magnus casting each power once (because I'm assuming he'll be absurd like that) and denying anyone else a go on the metaphorical swing.

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Guest uk_crow
What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!
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What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!


Seen the Ultramarine Primarch base, just the look of the Chaos Marine fitting Dark Vengeance set but not as warp.  Then you'll notice a lot of the art work as well with the look of the Chaos Marines in the Gathering Storm III & the Blood Angels side to the Traitor Hate campaign, the art work of the Chaos Lord in combat against a Blood Angels hero.


I know right now I'm currently waiting see what happen for my Black Legion, Night Lords, World Eater/Daemonkin & Red Corsair force.

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What are everyone's thoughts on the likelihood of us receiving new CSM models (not Death Guard) in the near future? I've held off to start my 40k iron warriors force till 8th drops but want to get started!


I think undivided CSM will get their time in the spotlight along with Abaddon, and that'll probably happen when at least the four cult Legions are done. So after Angron and Fulgrim join the Primarch brawl, we'll see some undivided lovin'. Personally I'd also love to see Lorgar and specially Perturabo get the same treatment as their brothers, but I'm not holding out too much hope for that.

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