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8th Edition Rumours


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As said, Tau Crisis suits could do that the whole time. You could give each of them a Target Lock so they could shoot at a different target. Nobody did so tho because it wasn't as efficient as having the whole unit dedicated to one task.



Yes because Tau Crise are elites units who actually CAN specialise in order to destroy a certain units. 

And I think you're right, Devastator/Havoc won't mix weapon in the next version. 


But we are talking about standard squad who cannot get a specialize gear. It was just dumb to take a rocket launcher + flamer, or Plasma Canon + Plasma, or Heavy Bolter + flamethrower.

And with formation (aka take multiple time the same unit to get your bonus) MSU was the rules.


But now... Now with each model firing a different target, with just CT minus 1 for firing heavy weapon after mouvement and the Detachment come back (aka you only have limited slot for each type of unit) here come the time of the 15 SM squad with 2 special/heavy weapon (and a plasma pistol for close).


My NM are gonna be so happy, now i can move them, so i can finally get in range of Sonic Blaster while firing those Blastmasters

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I'm feeling very positive about these changes to infantry. For decades the '10 man squad with a heavy and a special' has been both semi-iconic and terribly inefficient, and hopefully now infantry won't be dust in the wind against heavier weaponry. Early days yet, but any potential step away from Transformers-hammer is a welcome move.

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I'm a little out of date on all the tid bits, but so far it's sounding good for my infantry heavy Slaaneshi CSM. Especially if that bit about being good for CSM, Termies and Havocs plays out...

When was the last time you played that? 4th edition?

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Infantry Slaanesh was not too bad as a CC harassing unit with their plus 1 to inti and power armor.  In theory anyway, lol.  I would not put them against dedicated cc units but they were good at clean up on squishies and made the doom siren serviceable.

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I'm a little out of date on all the tid bits, but so far it's sounding good for my infantry heavy Slaaneshi CSM. Especially if that bit about being good for CSM, Termies and Havocs plays out...

When was the last time you played that? 4th edition?

This is my CSM army that I started building a couple of years ago so they've only got one 7th Kill Team game under their belt so far - link is in my sig if you're interested msn-wink.gif

My plan was always to go infantry heavy with a few transports perhaps, so anything to improve this is more than welcome. I wonder if the 8th rules may allow me to forgo vehicles completely, guess we'll need to wait and see there (foot slogging being viable still sounds crazy talk). Or if I can resist the natural treadhead urge to paint large flat surfaces laugh.png

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Plague Marines with two plasma guns in the squad doing split fire, while sitting in cover for a 2+ save against small arms fire, with only getting wounded on a 3+ at best by anything less than str 10+, sounds fantastic to me...


And Nurgle Bikers can only ever be wounded on a 2+ by a weapon with str 12+!


Do we know cover gives +1 to saves? Do we know MoN gives +1T? Do we know bikes give +1T?


Also, assuming T5 PM, high-S stuff like plasma and battlecannons will hurt less, but stuff like guards with their lasguns will totally decimate Plague Marines now! :o


I really want to see the new rules in their entirety!

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And the Character posted up.

We can't join them to units, but they can not be targeted unless there the close model.  But it truly mean the end of Deathstar list :D  Really happy about this!!!

Tomorrow post will show more weapon profiles

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Plague Marines with two plasma guns in the squad doing split fire, while sitting in cover for a 2+ save against small arms fire, with only getting wounded on a 3+ at best by anything less than str 10+, sounds fantastic to me...


And Nurgle Bikers can only ever be wounded on a 2+ by a weapon with str 12+!

Do we know cover gives +1 to saves? Do we know MoN gives +1T? Do we know bikes give +1T?


Also, assuming T5 PM, high-S stuff like plasma and battlecannons will hurt less, but stuff like guards with their lasguns will totally decimate Plague Marines now! :o


I really want to see the new rules in their entirety!



1)Cover +1 to ASv, yes that has been confirmed.

2)we know nothing of marks of chaos. If it's like AoS then they give the unit the keyword of their patron. So no buffs explicitly but allows specific buffs to apply, i guess?

3)no, nothing on bikes or the like had been released by GW.

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Yes that is the case, but often you'll be restricted by keywords, so for example a Khorne unit can't buff a Tzeentch one. Or indeed anything other than a Khorne one.



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We just got a AM Faction Focus article and looks like they were a bit more forthcoming with info.

Snipers can snipe IC's

IC's can give a moral buff to nearby units



In the comments 40k said they were going to preview Rubircs later this week and that is exciting.

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Plague Marines with two plasma guns in the squad doing split fire, while sitting in cover for a 2+ save against small arms fire, with only getting wounded on a 3+ at best by anything less than str 10+, sounds fantastic to me...

And Nurgle Bikers can only ever be wounded on a 2+ by a weapon with str 12+!

Do we know cover gives +1 to saves? Do we know MoN gives +1T? Do we know bikes give +1T?

Also, assuming T5 PM, high-S stuff like plasma and battlecannons will hurt less, but stuff like guards with their lasguns will totally decimate Plague Marines now! ohmy.png

I really want to see the new rules in their entirety!

Guardsmen with lasguns will do a lot of damage to anything now, but plague marines should be in good shape.

Sit in cover, enjoy a 2+ save versus small arms fire, anything str 6-9 only wounds on a 3+, and then presumably feel no pain. Terminators with 2 wounds, T5, and FNP will be awesome if the rules stay the same. And no scatter or minimal scatter DS.

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We just got a AM Faction Focus article and looks like they were a bit more forthcoming with info.

Snipers can snipe IC's

IC's can give a moral buff to nearby units



In the comments 40k said they were going to preview Rubircs later this week and that is exciting.


I can indeed confirm the above regarding Rubricae getting an article from facebook. cannot wait to see that! Give me. Good. Dust. BUNNIES! 

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I think 8th edition is going to be very interesting. Gw are giving us these teasers but it will be intriguing to see how the rules interact. So far it looks good from a casual gamer point of view. Just my 2p worth.
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second ranged weapon preview is up.  combi weapons are a lot stronger now, no limit on shots per game, you can fire either weapon whenever you use it, or can fire both at the same time, at the cost of a -1 penalty to hit.


twin linked is now double the number of shots instead of re-rolls to hit.

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It offers combi-weapons fire both at -1 or one at full BS and you can use the noob tube all game long.


The new weapons will be downright full of dakka.


My question is combi-bolters, ala Chaos terminators. Will they be rapid fire 2 weapons as they are twinlinked and therefore get two shots or will they follow combi- weapons fire one RF1 bolter or two RF1 bolters at -1?


The new LR will be difficult to remove and just full of dakka. I wonder will the Defiler finally see the battlefield.

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Looks like I need to push my Termies up the list... which is bad because I was already itching to do them (despite needing other units first) :P Twin-linked change is really nice too, give Land Raiders some sorely needed help.

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Quite an odd inversion for ordnance - it's now least effective against infantry, whilst posing an extreme threat to multi-wound single models. Probably the least intuitive change thus far, I'd say. Not sure I'm a fan of the dual-firing combi-weapons either, three modes of firing for a single, reasonably common gun is a little on the bloated side.


Twin-linked though? Probably the best change after the new armour modification system. Makes much more sense and is exactly what is needed for the oft-unfortunate units that bear them - Tactical Termies, Dreads, Land Raiders etc...

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 Will they be rapid fire 2 weapons as they are twinlinked and therefore get two shots or will they follow combi- weapons fire one RF1 bolter or two RF1 bolters at -1?


I think it's 2 S4 shot at CT4+ and 4 S4 shot at CT4+ at 12" (so 2 shot instead of 1,33333 per Terminator, or 2,6666 instead of 1,6666 on a Chaos Lord in Termi armor if he stay will CT2+). 


And chaos bike will get 1 S4 shot at CT3+, until they get at 12" : 4 S4 shot at CT3+, if they remain relentless.


Don't... wanna.. those... Dark Knight near me (4 Plasma shot per Dark knight ??? I hope for Dark Angel they will remake the Get's Hot rule, coz 0,6665 Dmg per Dark Knight firing (or 0,5 per Plasma canon firing) 


And we have the stats for two more weapon : 

- Heavy Bolter S5 AP-1 (not a great change) Heavy 6 (I'm not sure the standard Heavy Bolt will have 6 shoot tho)

- Melta S8 AP-4 (no armor for Space Marine, 6+ for Termi - so 5+ Invulnerable save probably instead) D6 dmg (if in half range roll 2 dice and get the hightest)

    So as melta is anti-tank and all the Tank we saw were 3+ Save it's either to hunt vehicule in cover (but i doubt so) or some tank will have a 2+Save (Spartan ? Land Raider ?)

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Quite an odd inversion for ordnance - it's now least effective against infantry, whilst posing an extreme threat to multi-wound single models. Probably the least intuitive change thus far, I'd say. Not sure I'm a fan of the dual-firing combi-weapons either, three modes of firing for a single, reasonably common gun is a little on the bloated side.


Twin-linked though? Probably the best change after the new armour modification system. Makes much more sense and is exactly what is needed for the oft-unfortunate units that bear them - Tactical Termies, Dreads, Land Raiders etc...

Well, I can get the combi because dual triggers and whatnot. Most minis have the triggers right next to each other so no biggie. I mean, it doesn't seem safe to fire a high explosive fragmentation rocket the exact same time as an infernally hot stream of fire, a small ball of plasma, or a stream of fusion created energy, but whatevs.


I'm kinda iffy on the ordinance. The problem I get from it is that if I understand it correctly, you either hit one unit, or no units. Which is basically bad for artillery. If I remember templates correctly, you could hit multiple units at the same time, but only the models that were "under" the template were affected. Now, you roll to hit the one unit you targeted, and then you roll to see how many hits you land? Or something like that. But no matter how many hits/wounds you generate, they only go against the one unit.


On the bright side, if I'm interpreting the battle cannon correctly, you roll a D6 to determine how many Strength 8, AP -2, shots you get. And then you roll a D3 to determine how much damage you get per shot. So on the one hand, you could roll 18 Wounds to just slaughter that group of Guardsmen. On the other hand, you could only roll 1 Wound against that Carnifex.


So really, the only thing you lose out on is the ability to more than one unit simultaneously.


If I understand it correctly.

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