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8th Edition Rumours


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Honestly I hoped with the Legion Marines that chaos will finally be the more elite and super powered version of what loyalist Marines are. Makes me a bit sad that they can now be the super elite and super powered Marine army as well.

Welp at least we get our upgrade by legit gods and not some tech voodoo, right? :P

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Honestly I hoped with the Legion Marines that chaos will finally be the more elite and super powered version of what loyalist Marines are. Makes me a bit sad that they can now be the super elite and super powered Marine army as well.

Welp at least we get our upgrade by legit gods and not some tech voodoo, right? tongue.png

This; I honestly think that our basic chaos marines will be in line with loyalists, and our "numarine" equivalents will be the cult legions.

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Honestly I hoped with the Legion Marines that chaos will finally be the more elite and super powered version of what loyalist Marines are. Makes me a bit sad that they can now be the super elite and super powered Marine army as well.

Welp at least we get our upgrade by legit gods and not some tech voodoo, right? tongue.png

This; I honestly think that our basic chaos marines will be in line with loyalists, and our "numarine" equivalents will be the cult legions.

Can't wait to tell people:

"Back in my days we EARNED our upgrades by pleasing our gods! You young ones just hop in one of those fancy lab thingys and get yours for free. You don't even appreciate what you got! Hard work is where it is! And now get off of my lawn!" :D

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Guest uk_crow

But I play Chaos! Where are my super-super-human reinforcements?

First off, that’ll teach you for turning your back on the Emperor. Secondly, did you not see the Death Guard teaser video? The Chaos Gods have not been idle – we guarantee there are some warp-charged hulking warriors on their way for you guys in the not too distant future.

So does this mean we have Death Guard as our reinforcements or other CSM are inbound as well?

Part of me is reading that as there will be Death Guard AND other CSM related releases.

Too optimistic???? tongue.png

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Honestly, considering the release time between Magnus, Guiilliman and Mortarion, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw another cult Legion by the end of the year more or less. With a loyalist Primarch somewhere between now and then, of course.


But if we're taking undivided CSM then yeah, you better wait sitting.

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Idk Kol, we are currently sitting at TWO huge Chaos releases within a 6 month time frame....


Not terrible!  Huge thousand sons release, with supposedly a (just as big) Death Guard release. 

Not to bad.....at a certain point GW has to figure out that "hey...our unidivided are...kinda ugly" lol

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With this is supposed to pit the IoM against Chaos right. Chaos might be just a strong focus with the range being updates or added too.


Something I forgot is Bile' s marines. I want to see how those get updated or added.

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The New Men? Those might be cool. A nice, twisted version of the NuMarines.


Also, where has Mortarion been released? Is this an actual thing that happened and I can't find it, or is this something that's going to happen with the Death Guard release?


But that's kinda the point. We got KSons at the beginning of the year(I think? My perception of time sucks), we'll be getting Death Guard either when this release drops or shortly afterward(I'm being hopeful in counting the Death Guard release as more than the starter set), so the likely transition will most likely be whatever other "new" factions they need to get ready for.


Me, personally, I expect the DG to drop, the Numarines to be a unit at a time type deal like the Sigmarites were, while then focusing on the Ynnari eldar since they're supposed to be very unique from the Craftworld and Dark Eldar. Depending on "priority", we might see something after that, or we wait until enough releases happen that GW swings back to Chaos.

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Also, where has Mortarion been released? Is this an actual thing that happened and I can't find it, or is this something that's going to happen with the Death Guard release?


He's coming along with the Death Guard, as evidenced by the presence of his scythe in the teaser.




And you may ask "how do you know that's his scythe?". Well, it's the exact same scythe from the leak, confirming it was real and it was indeed Mortarion's model. Plus he got so angry at Guilliman's return he farted seven new diseases into existence, and then the Ynnari stole the Hand of Darkness from him, so he's got reasons to show up.


As for future releases, Fulgrim got pretty angry at Guilliman's return too and in fact played a little part in GS3 (probably my favourite bit in that story), so the Emperor's Children are very likely to be in the pipeline. Angron has been surprisingly quiet, but they seem to be setting up Armageddon for his return in the future. And as I said many times already undivided CSM will probably get their much needed facelift along with Abaddon when his time in the spotlight comes, but since he's been set back by his armies buggering off after the fall of Cadia, I wouldn't expect that to happen soon. I'd love to be wrong though.


As for the other Traitor Legions and their Primarchs (the ones that are alive), I expect nothing. Again, I'd love to be proven wrong, you have no idea what I'd give for a Perturabo model, but unless GW do something that suggests otherwise, they aren't coming.

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Personally,  I've all but lost faith in GW to ever 'do right' by Chaos anymore...


The new 1kSons release was a true jaw-dropping moment to be sure.  The models look amazing (which is all I really ask for),  but as has seemed the way for over a decade now,  the rules were still mostly garbage and actual 1kSons "armies" should really have just been called "The Exalted's Stag Party" since it really became more of a 'how many characters can I shove in while bringing only the barest minimum of Scarab Occult tax?'

While I'm a 'models first,  game distant second' player,  I do have to say,  that after 10+ years of being the running joke of 40k,  I would really like to have a chance to at least not be tabled by turn 3!


Hell,  our Terminator kit is so pathetic we can't even build a basic,  game-legal unit out of it!

- Havocs are still Fineco$t and fugly as all get up,  but Loyalists have now had TWO sets of plastic Devs...

- Chosen still don't even exist,  yet Loyalists have had 3 sets of metal/finecast Vets,  and now Sterns + Vans as full plastic kits...

- Blood Angels get their own shiny Tac + Termie squads,  we still have ancient balloon-head-monkey-fist-running-into-a-faceplant Berserkers...  who don't even come with enough Chainaxes to outfit the squad,  let alone anything at all to build an actual unit champion! >.<


I've waited for at least 10 years and counting (and more like 15+ for freaking Havocs!).

So now we have 1kSons.  And HOPEFULLY within no more than 3 more months,  we'll have Deathguard.


If GW are actually being sincere in their claims that "they know Chaos has fallen by the wayside and really want to bring focus back to the game's biggest & main antagonist",   then by the Dark Gods,  they damn well better be churning out the Pretty Boys,  the Angry Men and an entirely re-built basic plastic line of Terms + Havocs + Chosen + basic Marines before the end of next year.

Anything less would just prove that GW only pays us lip service and don't actually give a rat's fart about Chaos players.

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They said 8th edition would include the release of a new faction, and they are painting the new Death Guard models at the festival end of the month. I just wonder how far ahead or how close behind the various Death Guard pre-order will be relative to 8th edition release mid-June.


Personally I expect it to all come all at once because the 8th starter kit is Death Guard versus Primaris Marines.

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I think it's our time guys.  Really, think about this... they are going to put all the eye candy out there for the largest purchasing faction out there... marines. Then when those guys have all opened their wallets, some truly cool stuff comes out for Chaos. How man of those guys are going to be buying into Chaos at that moment? Will they finish all their new Primaris marines? Maybe, maybe not.


I'm not sticking up for GW here, but what I am saying is we... heck I know "I" have been waiting since Doomrider rolled off into the sunset on me 15 years ago.... what is a few more months? 


Personally I've never said anything about the new Deathguard on the forums. They aren't what "I" was personally hoping for, but new Havoks, new Possessed, new Traitor marines... it's all pretty much going to be there, and it will remains -hidden- until the Loyalist wallet is thoroughly exhausted. I honestly believe that's how it's going to do down.

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Unfortunately for us, it seems that GW has never once managed to come remotely close to exhausting "the Loyalist wallet"! msn-wink.gif

"Have faith in the Emperor and your resources will be never-ending" - 635th Imperial Creed

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