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Money shot units are going to be warp talons, possessed, other cult units. Possessed deserve to be something like Gal Vorbak in 30k. 




I'm personally hoping possessed get reworked into sort of chaos's answer to Primaris marines, maybe with a new dual-kit set with some variant unit options.


I've always wanted to see possessed as sort of a power armored obliterator/mutilator unit, two wounds base, with a table of weapons / special upgrades that you choose from round to round, with the restriction that you can't choose the same twice in a row, maintaining a bit of the random / constantly shifting physical forms thing that is a key part of their narrative identity, but with a greater degree of control on the player's part allowing for tactical decisions in game, while having a base stat line to start off from that's already a step above regular marines.


Alternatively, Chosen could be used as a counterpoint to primaris marines, and they don't already have a model kit to worry about replacing (people's existing chosen could be re-branded as a 'veterans' unit, or even just fancy regular chaos marines). Narratively explain it as the increased power of the gods in the physical realm with all the new warp activity causing their most favored warriors to literally swell with power until they stand head and shoulders above lesser legionnaires.


But wish listing is neither here nor there, and I don't really expect anything new for chaos that isn't exclusively part of one of the four cult legions for at least another couple years, so...



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Money shot units are going to be warp talons, possessed, other cult units. Possessed deserve to be something like Gal Vorbak in 30k. 




I'm personally hoping possessed get reworked into sort of chaos's answer to Primaris marines, maybe with a new dual-kit set with some variant unit options.


I've always wanted to see possessed as sort of a power armored obliterator/mutilator unit, two wounds base, with a table of weapons / special upgrades that you choose from round to round, with the restriction that you can't choose the same twice in a row, maintaining a bit of the random / constantly shifting physical forms thing that is a key part of their narrative identity, but with a greater degree of control on the player's part allowing for tactical decisions in game, while having a base stat line to start off from that's already a step above regular marines.


Alternatively, Chosen could be used as a counterpoint to primaris marines, and they don't already have a model kit to worry about replacing (people's existing chosen could be re-branded as a 'veterans' unit, or even just fancy regular chaos marines). Narratively explain it as the increased power of the gods in the physical realm with all the new warp activity causing their most favored warriors to literally swell with power until they stand head and shoulders above lesser legionnaires.


But wish listing is neither here nor there, and I don't really expect anything new for chaos that isn't exclusively part of one of the four cult legions for at least another couple years, so...




Honestly Chaos already has a lot of answers to Primaris. Legion Marines, Possessed, Chosen.....in fact if we go by the fluff and pure strength of a single soldier it is the Imperium of Man who needed an answer to Chaos Marines which are the Primaris Marines now. It's just sad the tabletop never really reflected that properly.

So if your comment was about stats etc....then yeah I agree that I hope those units will be able to go toe-to-toe with Primaris Marines in 8th. :P

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Problem is, If (when ?) Primaris replace regular Space marine : what about chaos ?


Alternatively, Chosen could be used as a counterpoint to primaris marines, and they don't already have a model kit to worry about replacing (people's existing chosen could be re-branded as a 'veterans' unit, or even just fancy regular chaos marines). Narratively explain it as the increased power of the gods in the physical realm with all the new warp activity causing their most favored warriors to literally swell with power until they stand head and shoulders above lesser legionnaires.



This is a great solution 

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On a sidenote I hope Chosen get something special like back in WHFB where every Chosen model could accept challenges and get favours of his god. :P

(And I think they got one favour at the beginning of the game for free? Not sure. It's been long since I've played WHFB 7th...)

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@Malisteen I agree that there are answers in the existing CSM line that can emulate or act as antithesis towards them. Many CSM PA troops didn't feel very unique so rebranding a specific option, and further on developing a new kit is probably the most likely answer. My hope is that the DG troops that we've always had aren't meant to fill that role as it could be viewed as Chaos being slighted again (new options and models for Loyalists, but new models of old units for Chaos).


I don't really care about the Primaris marines overall though. It's like buying French Vanilla Ice Cream because you're tired of plain Vanilla. Still the same white goop you're swallowing at the end of the day. Maybe the comparison of a normal cone to a waffle cone would be more accurate?


Either way Loyalists are plain. Devestators too plain? Centurions come out (bigger model). Space Marines too plain? Primaris come out (bigger model). Yes sculpts are nice, but at least Centurions made more sense (Tank Marine for small spaces you couldn't fit a weapons platform in but Devestators couldn't fulfill).


Bobby G just wanted to experiment with steroids and supermen.

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Which would be weird since there were only forty gen 1 Gal Vorbak.


I agree new Possessed models would be the bomb and that they could use some more functional rules, but they shouldn't be Gen 1 Gal Vorbak. Maybe Gen 2, or the XVI's Twin-Souls. Or perhaps Erebus' Unburdened. But not Gen 1s. Those dudes were unique and should stay that way.

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Which would be weird since there were only forty gen 1 Gal Vorbak.


I agree new Possessed models would be the bomb and that they could use some more functional rules, but they shouldn't be Gen 1 Gal Vorbak. Maybe Gen 2, or the XVI's Twin-Souls. Or perhaps Erebus' Unburdened. But not Gen 1s. Those dudes were unique and should stay that way.

I agree any new reworked possessed marines shouldn't be like the original Gal Vorbak, but as a Word Bearers player who jumped ship to them because of the Gal Vorbak and the possessed dude from the omnibus (can't recall the name), I would greatly enjoy Word Bearers getting revamped possessed marines instead of summoning. I think if GW does it right and uses the original 30k gal vorbak as a baseline and does some tweaks to them, we could have a very themed unit and still have a good counter to the primaris marines without going out and getting primaris marines for csm.

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On that opportunity I'd also like to see a Possessed character in 40k since the idea of Marines letting themselves possessed by Daemons is way too cool to let them be nothing more than mindless murder machines. :P

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I like the idea of chosen being the answer to Primaris (vice versa since they were around longer) and it would be cool to see them get some form of Infiltrate back + charging.


Yes the comparison to a waffle cone is a good analogy. Higher food cost, more labor intensive to make, presentation is more important because it's a more premium version of the regular cone. Is it better? Maybe. Preferences vary. Waffle cones dipped in chocolate with sprinkles coming soon.

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On that opportunity I'd also like to see a Possessed character in 40k since the idea of Marines letting themselves possessed by Daemons is way too cool to let them be nothing more than mindless murder machines. :P

Maybe they'll bring back Argal Tal since being dead isn't reason enough not to give them a new model though I'll be extremely happy and grateful if they do him and Sevatar :D
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On that opportunity I'd also like to see a Possessed character in 40k since the idea of Marines letting themselves possessed by Daemons is way too cool to let them be nothing more than mindless murder machines. :P

Maybe they'll bring back Argal Tal since being dead isn't reason enough not to give them a new model though I'll be extremely happy and grateful if they do him and Sevatar :D

Don't play with my heart like this, I already want an Argel Tal model and rules for 30k... I'd be the happiest Word Bearer ever if he hit 30 and 40k...

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Don't play with my heart like this, I already want an Argel Tal model and rules for 30k... I'd be the happiest Word Bearer ever if he hit 30 and 40k...



Spoiler alert...



He died


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Don't play with my heart like this, I already want an Argel Tal model and rules for 30k... I'd be the happiest Word Bearer ever if he hit 30 and 40k...


Spoiler alert...



He died

Unfortunately I knew that already lol. The point he dies in 30k has yet to be covered so I can still hope to see him as a character for 30k.

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So good news today about vehicles and assaulting. I think rhino rush is back, especially if units/vehicles can assault after disembark.


1/2 army deployed rhinos/Land Raiders

1/2 deep strike


That could be devastating now if destroyer blades and dirge casters are the same or similar. Chaos rhinos would strike fest into the enemy.

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Money shot units are going to be warp talons, possessed, other cult units. Possessed deserve to be something like Gal Vorbak in 30k.

I'm personally hoping possessed get reworked into sort of chaos's answer to Primaris marines, maybe with a new dual-kit set with some variant unit options.

I've always wanted to see possessed as sort of a power armored obliterator/mutilator unit, two wounds base, with a table of weapons / special upgrades that you choose from round to round, with the restriction that you can't choose the same twice in a row, maintaining a bit of the random / constantly shifting physical forms thing that is a key part of their narrative identity, but with a greater degree of control on the player's part allowing for tactical decisions in game, while having a base stat line to start off from that's already a step above regular marines.

Alternatively, Chosen could be used as a counterpoint to primaris marines, and they don't already have a model kit to worry about replacing (people's existing chosen could be re-branded as a 'veterans' unit, or even just fancy regular chaos marines). Narratively explain it as the increased power of the gods in the physical realm with all the new warp activity causing their most favored warriors to literally swell with power until they stand head and shoulders above lesser legionnaires.

But wish listing is neither here nor there, and I don't really expect anything new for chaos that isn't exclusively part of one of the four cult legions for at least another couple years, so...


Honestly Chaos already has a lot of answers to Primaris. Legion Marines, Possessed, Chosen.....in fact if we go by the fluff and pure strength of a single soldier it is the Imperium of Man who needed an answer to Chaos Marines which are the Primaris Marines now. It's just sad the tabletop never really reflected that properly.

So if your comment was about stats etc....then yeah I agree that I hope those units will be able to go toe-to-toe with Primaris Marines in 8th. tongue.png

So much this. Our regular Legion troops (VotLW gents) have been fighting for 10k years...they SHOULD be at least on par with a Primaris marine.

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I wasn't necessarily talking about experience tho. The fluff simply shows that most regular chaos marines are way stronger physically than their loyalist counterparts thanks to warp shenanigans.

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Hopefully daemonic possession gives us more benefits then negatives as it does now. A land raider with demonic possession getting some cool attacks would be awesome.
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I would LOVE to see Chosen become good again, instead of being an overpriced special weapon platform. They are the Chosen of the Gods, dammit! They should be filled with dark power!

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A Chaos Space Marine possessed by a Daemon of the Warp should be truly terrifying to behold.


If Primaris marines are getting 2W then I don't see why they shouldn't, S5 T4 A3 with some kind of -2/-3 or 6s to wound ignore armour saves would be lovely. Oh & bolt pistols/ access to 2 plasma pistols would seem fair too.

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Don't know about our Elites psycho yet, but the live FAC gave many reason to pray Slaanesh (because of the envy, the greed and the excess thing) :


- Psyker spell will be choosen, no random if you choose to

- Defender choose which models is dead, get the 15 space marine squad with Icon !

- Chapitre/legions specific stratagem points. 

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