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8th Edition Rumours


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Psychic phase, Warpflame, and Rubric points costs......please on all counts be decent. thats all I ask!


I know GW heard loud and clear the issues with rubrics.....it was clear as day from their Wrath of Magnus facebook page, they know the issues were huge. Better fix it Geedubs.

I hope so, im currently converting my Rubrics to have either bolter or flamer thanls to the magic of magnets.



Well they are well aware from the Facebook posts;  Id take either a gain in survivability, a points decrease....or preferably both :p   (and this isnt even taking into account the psychic phase!) 


I own 40 rubrics, every 10 has 8 bolters, a sorcerer, and 1 soul reaper. 


not a single flamer cause in 7th they are garbage, but in 8th they have a better purpose. With a points decrease of even a few points they will be very much worth taking. 

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Wondering what purpose non-shooty cannon fodder units like Cultist will have in 8th since they can't tarpit anyone anymore. Maybe they'll just act as cheap screening unit against charges since it sounds like 8th will be more of a melee edition (at least way less shooty than 7th). 

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Wondering what purpose non-shooty cannon fodder units like Cultist will have in 8th since they can't tarpit anyone anymore. Maybe they'll just act as cheap screening unit against charges since it sounds like 8th will be more of a melee edition (at least way less shooty than 7th). 

Bolter fodder!


As nature intended.

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Wondering what purpose non-shooty cannon fodder units like Cultist will have in 8th since they can't tarpit anyone anymore. Maybe they'll just act as cheap screening unit against charges since it sounds like 8th will be more of a melee edition (at least way less shooty than 7th).

Bolter fodder!


As nature intended.

Stand on objectives, screen more important units, and then promptly die as the cheap fodder they are.


Im currently envisioning rhino rush with the support of Vindicators or Forgefiends.

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Im currently envisioning rhino rush with the support of Vindicators or Forgefiends.


Well the EC list I was about to build was basically Rhino Rush with Doom Sirens supported by a Helforged Warpack with two Mauler Fiends and a Helbrute plus a Daemon Prince....so I guess this set up just became a lot more fun with 8th (potentially). :D

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Im currently envisioning rhino rush with the support of Vindicators or Forgefiends.



Assuming you can assault out of a moving Rhino again, sure. I can just as easily see them saying you can assault out of a stationary one but not a moving one.

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Very excited about plastic plague drone. Hope the new rules don't suck.


I like the new assault rules. You absorb a charge with zombies, then you run the zombies away (assuming all units can fall back), then shoot the opponent's unit, then counter-charge it (hitting first) with spawn or some other CC unit.

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Im currently envisioning rhino rush with the support of Vindicators or Forgefiends.


Assuming you can assault out of a moving Rhino again, sure. I can just as easily see them saying you can assault out of a stationary one but not a moving one.

True but i have Thousand Sons so im not going to rush into combat anyway. I might drive up and burn them with my flamers. Who knows i have more ideas following then normal for lists.

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Just remember guys, the plastic Plague Drone is a rumour!

Don't hype it too much... msn-wink.gif

It is, but man I am going to be ecstatic if I'm actually right about it.

Speaking of which, just because I've got nothing better to do this late at night and GW is holding any more info regarding the Death Guard hostage, here's the final (for now) dissection of the image.


Let's start with the two things I'm 100% sure of. First, the model next to the red containers is Bellboy, you can tell by the big horn on his back and the vague shape of the bell. In front of him is something that I had no idea what it was until the Imperium at War video, but now it's clear that it is the Terminator holding the big axe, probably the Lord for the starter.

Next, the things I'm pretty sure I know what they are, but not entirely, the two groups. The lower group has a lot of fleshy tones going on and they're smaller than everything else on the table, which tells me they're the Cultists/Zombies. This is supported by the presence of one model that is clearly darker than the rest, which could perfectly be the one in the background of the still from the video. The group behind them has a lot of green and is composed of much bulkier figures, which means they're probably the Plague Marines.

One thing I'm definitely not sure about is the big looming figure partially hiding behind the guy's arm and blending in with the buildiing behind it. This is what I, as you can tell by my previous posts in this thread, assume to be the Blight Drone. Please do take this with a healthy amount of salt, as I have no inside info. The only grounded reason I have to believe this is a Blight Drone is their presence in the background in the Imperium at War video, everything else I can say is pure speculation.

Last, there's the two circled figures. I have no idea what these two could be. One seems to have tiny wings and I think the other one might be floating above the base? There's not much I can say about them, they escape my lousy detective skills. If anyone has any idea of what they could be, or can see through the pixels, or just wants to speculate what they could be, you're mroe than welcome to do so.

Edit: I forgot that it should be noted that there's an evident lack of a Terminator squad in that picture, but thanks to this here image featuring DK and another Termie in the background, we know they're coming. This is pure speculation, but I consider this, along with the fact that we know Mortarion is coming, to be a good hint that this is not a Dark Vengeance situation and we're getting multi-part kits for the models in the starter.

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Pure speculation and wishlisting but god it would be awesome to have a plastic plague hulk model especially since FW have eliminated all traces of it from their website (hopefully it'll still get rules even though it's discontinued :( )
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Well I suppose this time tomorrow we may know or at east have an indication of how valid Thousand Sons will be in 8th with the Psychic phase. I really wonder if the rumour is true that very little changes or the rumour that it will greatly resemble AoS phase.
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Given everything else that has occurred i would say it will resemble AoS.

probably more similar to AoS Tzeentch book, which is a combination of the two.


-All casters know 2 spells; A defensive spell, and an offensive one

-All casters also have 1 spell on their profile; this is unique to them and them alone

-There is a chart (or many) to randomly (narrative) or select (competitive) 1 spell for each caster. 

-You cannot cast the same spell multiple times (I think we may see a slight change from AoS on this rule... something like it is currently)

-Casting value is determined by the strength of the spell. To increase a save it may be a casting level of 5 (on two dice), but to cast a beam of energy to strike your foes it may require a 10

-Might be cool to keep levels and thats how many spells you can cast; and keep a wide range of spells (take out general ones and make spells army specific)


It takes some of the random pre-game setup out; and gives more narrative selections.

Spell familair would be re-roll casting attempts

Daemons of tzeentch could double a single dice roll (like AoS)

Perils would be a double 1

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Well I suppose this time tomorrow we may know or at east have an indication of how valid Thousand Sons will be in 8th with the Psychic phase. I really wonder if the rumour is true that very little changes or the rumour that it will greatly resemble AoS phase.


I would guess its probably like AOS, either that or AOS with some 7th tossed in. 


As he even said there Is a psychic phase......heres hoping its not just revamped 7th lol

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Well, AoS now isn't the same AoS at release. They've slowly been patching up over the whole time until it seems like most of the people who stuck with it, like it.


What it seems like they're giving us for 40K is AoS 1.5 where they've still gone on and tweaked it up. And if people from Adepticon, Frontline Gaming, and Nova were involved with the process and they like the end result, then hopefully it isn't too bad.

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Very true! 


I have a feeling itll be much better then 7th magic, perhaps less swingy....If it was just AOS straight up I wouldnt be upset by that as It would give me a standard set of spells to work off of. 

However I think the thing with AOS where you "pick' the spell you want will be one of the new standards when talking about lores. I hope its true. 

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Was just reading it IP




I'm not sure there's enough info to be honest. There's lots of speculation left over ... especially for Thousand Sons/GK types.


I like the simplification, that's for sure! I personally hope they got rid of all the super abusive stuff, but there must be a lot of utility.

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It's very reassuring that they specifically noted Magnus as a 'problem unit' in the current psychic phase, and depending on unit costs and Perils repercussions, Smite is an ace power to have across the board for Sons.


I'm guessing Magnus, Ahriman and their ilk will be able to throw more than two dice at powers, which is especially handy if the '10 or more' is a thing across the board.

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These changes i think will boost pyschic heavy armies. Especially thousand sons who had little heavy hitting weapons would theoretically be able to strip wounds from IC/vehciles/MC although i suppose it is still nice that wounds dont spill over becuase you could basically erase one squad per game turn with that.
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These changes i think will boost pyschic heavy armies. Especially thousand sons who had little heavy hitting weapons would theoretically be able to strip wounds from IC/vehciles/MC although i suppose it is still nice that wounds dont spill over becuase you could basically erase one squad per game turn with that.

Per game turn? I'm assuming you mean if multiple psykers are focusing on that unit, because D3 wounds is statistically only killing a single Terminator a turn.

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