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Smite deals damage to the closest enemy within 18"? As an Alpha Legion player I'll be bringing my cultists as usual to be in the way of everything... :D

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Well I guess Aspiring Sorcerers will be a pretty solid addition to their squad and less of a tax.


I wonder if rather than there being a separate lore for CSM, daemons, TS, and DG they might just make a lore for each* god.


*Replace Khorne with an Undivided lore.

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I got a psychic lore for ya. It's called chainaxe. Hold on to your skulls, witches! :P


I really hope that electro-displacement or whatever the cover moving/unit swapping power is goes away, along with invisibility. I'm also hoping there's still some sort of Cyclopia Cabal to represent the sorcerers of the Black Legion.

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I got a psychic lore for ya. It's called chainaxe. Hold on to your skulls, witches! :P


I really hope that electro-displacement or whatever the cover moving/unit swapping power is goes away, along with invisibility. I'm also hoping there's still some sort of Cyclopia Cabal to represent the sorcerers of the Black Legion.

I am sure you are trying to hog all my 'likes' today :P
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Yeah, doesn't have to be a detachment/formation. I guess for CSM in general, to be able to continue taking a psyker-heavy list that isn't Thousand Sons. Sorcerers are a core HQ of the faction, so I doubt they're going anywhere. I'm curious what army-building will be like within the FOC. In AoS, it seems like you can take plenty of heroes if you want to. I generally enjoy a healthy dose of beatstick heroes, so I'd like to be able to do that, too.

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HQ=the leader dude

4 units of line troops. 2 units of cultists 2 units nurgle marines in rhinos.

3 dakka fiends

1 knight of the chaos nurgle version [important for army composition and command points].

3 dreadnoughts. 2 flamer+ MM ones. 1 AC+flamer one.


I would play something like this at 1850pts.

No wait it requires to more line units, so cut one dakka fiend and the AC dread.

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For anyone curious; after the rules have been out for a month or so give or take I will be doing another full faction write up for the Thousand sons, just as my Wrath of Magnus thread. ;-) 

Once I have a grasp on the new information of course and see what becomes of our tzaangors, Dust bunnies, and Ahriman / magnus. 

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Venomlust remember that there will be at least two, if not three, ways to play. One of them being flat out open. Which means take whatever you want really, it's an open style, Apoc on a smaller scale just as AoS allows you to.


It will be an adjustment for all who have played 40k as for years we have been really forced to play within one 'rules set' and with this being opened up to encompass more that means a radical change.

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As a 30K player, the detachment varieties seem to basically be the idea introduction in Heresy games.

It's absolutely fantastic Imo, and I'm really happy GW are creating these.


Typically these force orgs have thematic specialisations and limitations, Eg: 5 Heavy Support but only 1 Fast Attack.


The art of list building is back :-D

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As a 30K player, the detachment varieties seem to basically be the idea introduction in Heresy games.

It's absolutely fantastic Imo, and I'm really happy GW are creating these.


Typically these force orgs have thematic specialisations and limitations, Eg: 5 Heavy Support but only 1 Fast Attack.


The art of list building is back :-D

This makes me so happy :D
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For anyone curious; after the rules have been out for a month or so give or take I will be doing another full faction write up for the Thousand sons, just as my Wrath of Magnus thread. ;-)


Once I have a grasp on the new information of course and see what becomes of our tzaangors, Dust bunnies, and Ahriman / magnus.

This pleases me.


You have vision like a corvidae.

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  I think detachments and formations are gone as we know them.


Nope. Formations and Decurion are still there, and will cost point as said is the live FAQ (i think).


They also said that 5 books will be released, one of them for chaos "as for AoS". Don't know AoS but maybe this mean we will have Chaos Daemon with Chaos Space marine together, again, finally.

Coz everyone speak of "pure faction detachment". But the correct term they used was "bonus for fluff detachment" and a EC + Slaanesh Daemon for exemple is typicall fluffy thing. So I'm hoping we gonna mix again with the warp.


The "14 detachment" is great. It helps using some units forgotten by the Traitor's legion formations (aka bike, obliterators, tanks, all Forgeworld stuff) if you didnt want to take all the taxe (typically 1 Warpsmith and 2 other Obliterators if u want 1 unit of Oblit, or 1 HQ and 2 troops).

Detachment "The Purge" was great for that, exept for non-Nurgle monotheist (like me) it was a great way to add some diversity to the Chaos Warband. Well know with all those detachment we will have all the choose me need (i hope) and rather than playing one same list, have multiples detachment to mix as will.


Another thing : One twitter the developer said that "Cover save will be added to Armor Save". It's logic, it may be the great UP for melee units and a pretty bonus for Sonic weapon (if they still ignore cover).  


And I really want to know what the Mark of Slaanesh is going to be..

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AoS works in Grand Alliances. If we went by Warhammer 40K, the Grand Alliances would be Chaos, Imperium, and Xenos. From there, we'd get army books for whatever they deem to be "an army". Again, going by the website, for Chaos that would mean Daemons, Death Guard, Heretics, and KSons.


So it would be a bit like it is now with Codexes and Supplements, but if you wanted, you could just pick up a faction book and just build a conglomerate army. The only thing you'd lose are specific formations and bonuses that come from using the specific army book.


The way they talk makes it sound like they're going to encourage more intermixing between the army books as long as you follow certain specific themes.


So armies like Night Lords should be prepared to have few options to listbuilding since GW usually approaches the VIII has having little to no access to Chaos beyond allies.

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What I wonder is will points be available at the start with these faction books or will we have to wait a few months afterwards to get the proper way to play like how it was I AOS


God I can't wait to see the rules for chaos land raiders it seem this edition the old girl will be back as a strong viable option especially transporting my Nurgle marines

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If they do it just like AoS, there will be a free rulebook that is just the rules, and then free faction and and army books that are, again, just the rules. After that there will be buyable copies that will include lore etc.


If you have more than one army or are planning to use more than one army, it would be best if you just downloaded any and all rules you even think you might need because your girlfriend's brother's boyfriend plays 40K and sometimes he forgets his army books because they will be free to download until they aren't and then they'll be gone. Kinda like the Shadow War rules.


I'm not saying that will be what happens, just what could happen.

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Well I want to say from the context given so far that the actual faction (model rules) will be only done by purchase in the "Cheap" large faction  books that GW was talking about in the Q+A session.

This is just my thought from the language and context given, maybe I am wrong but I think that forcing everyone to get one (or several) of these books will hopefully stimulate the new edition monetarily to make it a pretty decent success.  Once those rules are better known and older or weaker factions (dark eldar, orks, nids, Harlequins) get updated modern rulesets for 8th it will probably shoot sales up drastically from what I imagine now is a pretty low sales margin for the month of May / April.

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Well I want to say from the context given so far that the actual faction (model rules) will be only done by purchase in the "Cheap" large faction  books that GW was talking about in the Q+A session.


In the live stream they said that we will have everything we need to play for free from day 1. So day 1 we will get the basic rules and rules for each and every 40K model out there. Later GW will release the full rulebook (think Generals Handbook for 40K) and codices which are just collections of the "warscrolls" plus some faction specific stuff (probably artefacts, warlord traits and psychic powers).

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You can't create Xenos alliances in 40k. The Eldar and Orks were literally created to fight Necrons. The Nids are a force of nature that consumes planets...

In this edition, yes. We have to wait and see how next edition pans out.


But that is also why I said if we go by the website that they have put up to inform us of the state of the universe in 8th Edition. It does not mean take my word or the website as gospel. Just that by how the website is currently organized, that may how they choose to run with it. Everyone knows that GW has no problem whatsoever throwing monkey wrenches into the background just in the same edition. All bets are off when it comes to a rule reset.

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if we go by the website that they have put up to inform us of the state of the universe in 8th Edition.


This was also discussed in the live stream. People were wondering if everything will just be split up into those three "super factions". Nope. The website is there to give new players a brief overview over the different factions. So I wouldn't expect to see something like Orks fighting alongside some Nid allies etc.

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I honestly didn't think that was how it was going to pan out. But that was also why I put something like "if we go by the website" there in the first place. It was supposed to be a theoretical "what if in this scenario", not a definitive "this is how it will be".


But thank you for the answer that it will not be the case.

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