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Binary – the glowing marines look great, though the neck glowing as well as the eyes looks a bit odd. I assume the batteries are in the base, how long do they last?


Trokair- thanks for the feedback. The neck glow is almost non existent when their painted, the advantage of undercoating black. Yes the battery is in the base along with a small PCB switch so 1 3V battery lasts hours.

I'll show how they're assembled in my project log once these guys are painted.


Bullgryns/ogryns are looking good so far. What conversions are you planning?

The Harrowing of Trajan Prime - Month One, Update One


+ + + The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. + + +


I, Ancient Helveticus, pledge to complete 1 aspiring sorcerer and 14 brimstone horrors for this first month, sans basing and decals (to be done later in batch).  My primary goal for this initial vow is to sort out the color scheme for my Thousand Sons.  While I have a clear concept in my head based off the Grand Order of Hermetic Blades, execution has fallen short in the trials I've done.         


I am building the army using Keyword Imperium and using other units that have similar stat lines to fill roles that Ogryns can’t.

I am intending to use Kataphron Breachers count us for some longer range fire support. Turning Ripper Guns into Heavy Arc Rifles and Torsion Cannons.


For a HQ I plan on using Karamazov so will need to give one Ogryn a multimelta in one hand and a large power sword in the other.    


Mephiton will be an Ogryn Psyker with a slabshiled to represent the 2+ armour and a giant hammer to represent the sword (as its stats are more like a powerfist/thunder hammer then a power sword). Currently toying with a Dreadknight hammer I have in my bits box, or maybe a Wulfen hammer or Deathwatch hammer.


I have also considered Centurians for long rang lascannon support, but that will probably be for larger point games if I ever extend the army.


Also thinking on how to do Ogryn Sentinels/Ironstriders for long range heavy weapon support and Ogryn Penitent engines for even harder hitting close combat Ogryns. 

Here's a VERY work in progress picture of my Stormhawk interceptor "Impetus Gryphon". I wouldn't normally start with a vehicle, but with the Primaries not releasing until Saturday I was far too eager to get started.


Lions Eternal III Company

Month 1, Update 1

So a few days on I've managed to build the squad. All they need now is to be based before I can start painting.

The squad so far:


And some close ups:






Edited by Ferrus Manus

After sitting down last night with the Terminator Captain and deciding to remodel the arms and then trying to recall a paint plan from over a decade ago I've decided to strip the two Terminators and the Terminator Captain and apothecary and start their paint jobs from scratch. I think it's still early enough that I can move that section of the vow to the Rearm and replace it with 10 Guardsmen whose legs and torsos are already mostly painted, but need arms and heads.

Rangers are coming along nicely, completed 5/10 so far. Wishing I hadn't glued all my skitarii to their bases since painting the insides of the robes has been a bit of a chore, but working through it!


Ironstrider is also complete, I am almost ready for this weekend!


Edited by Zujara

An update on the Chaplain after several small greenstuffing sessions and trips to the putty oven today:




And to get the achievement I need to do two vows this month, so here's another HQ figure I'm pledging in the form of the old Games Days '99 Captain. He was the partner of the chaplain in the greenstuffing tango today.





Parts have started coming in thick and fast for turning plastics into a more complete version of the mk V. Next stop will be zinge for some of their rounded rivet heads.



Everything's looking great thus far. I've been lax with pictures to document my progress and work, gardening and rain have dampened (literally) my ability to put anymore layers of paints on my dudes I primed Saturday.


Have to say I made more progress on my sons Orks in an hour of airbrushing than I've made in the last 2 years so that was a plus.

Received my Deimos command tank yesterday and my IW heads and shoulder pads came in with the contemptor weapons I'd ordered.


Awaiting 3 predators and a rhino from the bay, 2 javelins and a laser destructor from across the pond and am about to decide which legion my warhound will be painted in:)... leaning fire wasps but am contemplating the warhound in my IW army list.


I put my cataphractii back together night before last after the horrendous box fall of '17 in which the whole squad became many pieces again:( I've also decided to give painting 3 legions at once a shot during this event as that way I really won't get tired of working on one at a time;)


So as it stands with what I have together ... I will be painting a 10 man mkv tac squad in the glorious yellow of the Fists- a 10 man termi squad, 10mkiii, 3 thuds guns and a contemptor for the warriors- a 20 man tac squad for the blood angels.



Vow complete!


Squad Galahan is finished





And Chaplain Mogain



More pics in my log here http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/334480-toh2017-led-howling-griffons-rebuilding-after-badab/


Now to plan next month



Edited by binary

+++uplink established+++

+++Obtaining Vox feed+++







+++Obtaining Pict feed+++






Xenomortis crunched over the blasted remnants of the battle field stopping at top a ruined Russ turret.

The battle was long over maybe 18 Terran standard months ago judging by the degredation and lack of bodies

Blast holes and shell casings told a tale of industrial gear put to darker use.

"Hybrids" growled the external vox.

"Yes Brother it would appear so" came Artemis's short response.

"The Patriarch is mine! He will burn for this."

Xenomortis made towards the ruins of the town to search for the survivors he knew would not be there.


Vow complete I present Xenomortis of The Deathwatch .


And magnetized/swappable load outs

Edited by Grandmaster damion

I've gotten almost all my boys made for the Deathwatch Killteam assisting the Iron Lions with the heretical threat in their home sector - just waiting on some goodies to arrive in the mail to start painting them in earnest.



Nakir, wielder Of Anmael's Reach


Valerian Wyrmblood



Raime has been finished, and more fluff has been written about the coming of Malice! (Check out the WIP thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/309705-iron-lions-project-log/page-5) Or, y'know, go back to page 1 and read from the beginning. That would be cool too. :P


Raime, Enlightened  (2)

Raime, Enlightened  (1)

Raime, Enlightened  (3)


Once the Killteam is complete, they'll be pitted against Ahvi - and I think I'll call that Vow #1 complete.

Edited by Lemainus

A little late to list my vow, buy I will be starting off slow with my vow towards my Pre-Heresy Iron Warriors with a pair of Contemptor dreadnoughts to support the Tactical Squad (started before the ToH began, also WIP).

If I finish them fast enough, I see if can start another pair to further support the force.

Will post some pictures before I prime/paint them.

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