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It's great to actually see an army of these guys (this tempts me to re-write my old Star Tridents army IA in the LIBER...)! :D Didn't know that AD-B was working on a novel on them too. Excellent news for me.


Really crisp and smooth paint job too! The Stormhawk looks decidedly delicious. Will you be adding Campaign badges and squad marking onto them?



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Thanks for the kind and motivating words!


I haven't done much painting this week; the wife is travelling so I get the full and very much unabridged toddler experience...


But I finished my Captain in Gravis Armour. I hope you like him!





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Actually, he did show us his playlist with the tracks that describes the mood of the chapter. I guess that's something... If I had thought that the Emperor's Spears were crystallised in Mozart sonatas, I would now stand corrected. Turns out they aren't.
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I'm having some troubles with imgur (I am not good with tech). In the iPhone Imgur app, how do I get the whole line I have to copy into my forum post? I only get the Copy Link button when clicking the share button - not a copy whateverwhateverlink-for-forum-embedding-button...
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I'm having some troubles with imgur (I am not good with tech). In the iPhone Imgur app, how do I get the whole line I have to copy into my forum post? I only get the Copy Link button when clicking the share button - not a copy whateverwhateverlink-for-forum-embedding-button...



Not sure about iPhone, but if you are able to get a link to the single-image gallery, e.g. http://imgur.com/BmTZ6Tz, you can just add ".jpg" at the end and that's always the direct link to the image that  you can place in the img code, like that:


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I am trying to embed this pic



It keeps removing the and the in the end

The [ img = and ], dammit


Moderator Note:

Per below, remove the ?r and add .jpg, also don't use the mobile link (m.imgur), as that indicates to the software that it should be a URL. Your direct link should look like:

[img=https://i.imgur.com/(location assigned image string here).jpg] 
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Apparently there's a question mark that gets removed from the direct link, which is news to me - they probably started to run out of inactive image combinations with pure alphanumericals.




When it's not a valid link, the Forum "cleans up" tags that are not working.






results in


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The Gallery shouldn't be doing anything to the resolution of the images, but there is a maximum file size, which could limit the maximum resolution, however, you'd have to have some exceptionally fine color gradients for the allowed size not to be able to display it. There are multiple viewable sizes in the Gallery options, so i'd invite you to explore if the different sizes might suit your needs (the default displayed image is not the stored image and you can alter which is displayed for your post through the Options -> View All Image Sizes and select the one you want to display to get the image link). Obviously you are able to use any site that allows direct linking of images, but I would encourage you to explore the Gallery if it suits your posting needs here.


I prefer keeping my images under 1200 x 1200 pixels for display purposes and trim/shrink my images to fit via software. This allows me to display my images on the Medium size from the Gallery at 600 x 600 pixels.


All that said, your Stormhawk looks great! I really like the colored engine cowling, as well as the tail stripe and edge striping. Are you planning to do the wing lights in red and green per aviation standards?

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Thank you all for the photo help! And thank you so much for your overwhelmingly nice words! This is a nice and friendly forum :)


In the end I went with Imgur. It seems to work. I will celebrate with this picture of the second Intercessor Squad which now is done. Hurray!




One of the things that I like about the Spear's colour scheme is their dark blue right knee pad, but I don't know if that is for decoration or a company marking. If it denotes which company the marine is from, what company is dark blue then? I hope it's for decoration. It breaks up the baby blue nicely.

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... Are you planning to do the wing lights in red and green per aviation standards?

Good idea! When I decide on company/squad/whatever-markings I will come back to it. Right now, I am focused on finishing the basic paint job on the whole army...

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I had a box of Calth laying around, so the next little guy to suffer my brush will be this Contemptor Dreadnought.


The problem with him is, that he has been undercoated with white spray and washed before, so my 50/50 lahmian/Drakenhof Nightshade won't settle nicely in the recesses but probably stay in all the wrong places, because of the texture gained from the all-over-shading he unfortunately received back when he was a pitiful Death Guard.


Therefor I considered recess highlighting the wash in stead, but before I got started I luckily remembered that recess highlighting is basically torture comparable to edge highlighting but even worse - so I am back to the splothering technique favoured by the lazy (me) and the ones that think they have more important stuff to do than painting models all day (should be me). Let's see what happens...



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