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Oh dang, those do look about the right scale. I am planning on getting a Doomsday Ark next for the collection I may just log this idea for the next Destroyer Lord I (one day) build. It will be painful if I play a 2500 point match and the only unpainted model is my Destroyer Lord so I'll be trying to at least start painting him too soon to incorporate more to the building step. Just gotta fix his elbows and get priming. I appreciate the offer to send me one though! That's mighty swell of you.


I may make some objective markers out of a funny dollar store find if I have time. Power generators a la Dark Crusade.

  On 5/10/2018 at 3:24 AM, NTaW said:

Oh dang, those do look about the right scale.

Yeah you convinced me to try to mold them to add to my scarab bases and lord bases...yet to do it though...the pulling out of the finger is required :yes: 

I am planning on getting a Doomsday Ark next for the collection

yeah the doomsday ark is going to be swell in my Nihilakh force!

I may just log this idea for the next Destroyer Lord I (one day) build. It will be painful if I play a 2500 point match and the only unpainted model is my Destroyer Lord so I'll be trying to at least start painting him too soon to incorporate more to the building step. Just gotta fix his elbows and get priming.

Fix those elbows!!

I appreciate the offer to send me one though! That's mighty swell of you.

Hey No problemo, Us dads gotta stick together eh? :wink: 


I may make some objective markers out of a funny dollar store find if I have time. Power generators a la Dark Crusade.

ooh a necron power generator :wub: 


cheers Mithril

Ahh ...don't use spray paint on them...they may melt from it..i think?....or is that just the sheet styrene that melts from spray's ? :unsure.:

anyways you inadvertently made me look up "Dawn of War III"...and seeing my wife recently got a new work PC for home... i'm going to go buy it :wub: i loved that game !!

I always wanted to make one of those Imperial power generators with some glow sticks or coloured rod inside em ...:rolleyes:


Dang it! now look what you've done...Now i want to make some Generators :biggrin.:


Those Necron generators are more or less exactly what I'm going for Mithril, the pool noodle connectors will be pretty much the whole structure. I'm going to find something to drop down in the centre of each one but it will be something pretty simple, maybe just a glowing orb. Not going wild on these really just making them for the final match of my campaign. Definitely won't be spraying them as is, this (and any I think) foam will totally melt without being sealed first. I'm going to mod podge the crap out of them and then sand out a bit of the imperfections before painting to eliminate the sponge look.


I'll be sure to take pictures of all the steps Mr4Minutes, though I have no idea whether this will be worth replicating :lol:

It's a very cool idea,i reckon you'll do it justice,based on your army painting and greenstuff commander work...it seems your not bad artistically :tongue.: ... :laugh.: 

jokes aside, a glowing orb seems about perfect...or one of those cheap battery operated tea candle's with some green plasticy type thing over it perhaps?... 


Mod Podge sounds perfect for this kinda thing..i'm so stealing that idea(:ph34r.:) are you going to cut the 4 divides in it or just etch a line?...

i cant wait to see the finished generator!,


Cheers, Mithril

I feel like some styrofoam balls glued in the centre will have to do. The foam circles have been cut roughly into thirds instead of quarters, really hope I can haul out the table saw a coworker stores at work and cut some bases so I can at least have everything slapped together and podged for the match.


I've only gotten two Destroyer's black finished since last I picked up the brush, hopefully will get that step done some time over the weekend so I can wash black and get started on the blue. Took a couple minutes today and GS'd the Lord's elbows, he'll be getting primed along with a base of Scarabs as soon as weather and time permit. Models will take precedence over the objective markers in the coming week as I scramble to get everything done. 


Aside, here's a thread on some terrain I have been/will get back to building if you're curious about other things I do within this hobby. I'd link my Blood Angels as well but there's maybe two painted models out of 6500 points :whistling:

Some progress today, got the forms for the power nodes glued in place and drying as well as two more Destroyers black'd. May prime the Lord and a base of Scarabs before I head in to work if I get time.



I ended up cutting the foam balls for the centre in half since I didn't want to have to get under anything to paint once the walls went up, plus the size I found was just a bit too big. I may revisit this generator idea later and build a larger more detailed one once I get through some other projects.

The power nodes are indeed very simple, though as I podge them over I'm realizing I may never accomplish my goals with them. I -really- want a proxxon wire cutter to do this stuff (and much more) out of high density foam. These will be sad little placeholders (in my eyes anyway) until I can create what's actually lingering in my mind.

So close to being done the black on my Destroyers. Really hoping to have them done by Thursday night so I can spend any/all/create extra time on Friday doing the Lord.


EDIT: Black is done, mod podge is applied. Hopefully it's fair enough weather tomorrow to get some primer sprayed.

Edited by NTaW
  On 5/15/2018 at 3:06 AM, Mr4Minutes said:

Looking good man! Real good work on your other terrain. One day I’ll make time for terrain...... one day......

Thanks, I had some tiles out the other day thinking I really need to finish that table. I was the same way about terrain, all time spent there was time that could have been spent on models after all! Once I got started I was having a lot of fun though. Building things has always been an interest of mine, more so than painting in any case, so terrain sort of filled a creative outlet I didn't even know needed filling. Once I'm done these Destroyers I'll have no real excuse not to get back to work there.


....beats actually painting all my BA anyway :lol:

Getting the priming done, of course it all goes fine EXCEPT on the Destroyer Lord, whose nice smooth carapace will hopefully be smoothed out with a few coats.


*rages in metallic, considers 3000 grit sandpaper


At least priming the objectives is going well. 3 coats of the almighty podge was enough to stop the foam from sucking in the paint/disintegrating on contact with the primer, and while it's still definitely a sponge-like material the edges are all hardened up nice enough to be called terrain.


EDIT: Priming as well as black and nuln wash done. Really phoning it in on this scenery since I would rather have painted models. Might just paint the Lord so I at least have my HQs done for my game Saturday instead of crushing to try and get the Destroyers done then having him unfinished.



Edited by NTaW
Thanks for the encouraging words! All Destroyers and the DL are awaiting highlights, just light blue (and purple for the Lord), white, and washes. Hopefully I can find an hour or two to throw at them and finish things up tonight/tomorrow.

Almost finished the Destroyer Lord for the game today, and he wrecked face as a result. I lost the game/campaign but Talrynos stands (more on that once I finish the story). Here's where I'm at with the Lord at the moment:





Hopefully I'll be able to get back to painting soon. Those Destroyers did well in their first game, they deserve to be finished!

He looks so awesome in Thokt colors. Like "come'ere, buddy, you got a problem with your face. Lemme fix it with my staff." I'm getting very much a cold fury type of personality, with a pinch of dry humor. 

Can we get a model's eye view photo of him, from someone he's staring down? That would be amazing.

  On 5/20/2018 at 12:38 AM, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch said:

He looks so awesome in Thokt colors. Like "come'ere, buddy, you got a problem with your face. Lemme fix it with my staff." I'm getting very much a cold fury type of personality, with a pinch of dry humor. 


Can we get a model's eye view photo of him, from someone he's staring down? That would be amazing.


He killed a Hive Tyrant and a Lictor in his first game, add in a little spoiler of his background 


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so you're really not wrong :laugh.:


Alkhet the Broken:




Thanks Bjorn (quotes on this site are awkward), the paint job felt really rushed given the time constraint I put myself under so I'm glad to hear he came out ok :thumbsup:

Oh Yeah he looks Great !! :wub:  that greenstuff work looks super smooth,massive well done on that ! 

I'm glad he wrecked something(he looks like he's supposed to anyway :biggrin.: )

And i look forwards to the rest of the story :happy.:


Cheers, Mithril


lamentations from not winning the Campaign :ermm:

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