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Greetings all. 


Like a lot of members here, I couldn't wait to get started with the contents of Dark Imperium, and as well as building an Ultramarine Primaris army from it, I thought I would use the opportunity to recreate an old Nurgle army of mine, named The Pestilent Scourge.

Without further delay, allow me to share my progress...


Balantisis the Wretched, Lord of Contagion





He is finished for now, until I get my hands on some clear resin to add water to his base and perhaps some more technical paint effects.



The army so far... 




And I've started working on my Poxwalkers...













I've started removing the horns and such for a few reasons; it'll make them easier to convert duplicate miniatures in the army while allowing me to buy more split set contents online to bulk out the army cheaply, I like the idea of humans touched by Nurgle and mutated to the look and feel of the base models provided, and ultimately because I feel that all the horns just look stupid and a touch too much like Age of Sigmar esque miniatures for my taste. 



This isn't likely to be the fastest blog in the world, but I'll update as and when I have progress.


C&C welcome and appreciated!


Edited by TheUndefeatedGaul
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Me likey! I definitely like the removal of horns on the pox walkers. I mostly want to do it for transporting.


The LoC also looks sweet! That is a great paint job.



That purple is ace.



Woah, that Lord of Contagion is fantastic, really nice colour scheme there! 



whoa! Those green really pop along the muted colour of the armour! Love the purple cloak too, looking forward to seeing more!



sweet, i like the stark white and saturated purple cape - very refreshing new take on the disease theme


Thanks everyone! 


I have some very limited progress...





Balantisis is finished. Though my "proper" photos seems to have washed out some of the weathering and effects I layered onto him. 


I've also started the rest of the Plague Marines from the set; 








I won't bore you with seven photos of all the PM's looking like this, I'm sure you get the picture. Hopefully I'll get some more work done on them over the weekend.


I've also started my second character, I forget his official title right now so I'll just call him Bell Guy, even though I cut off most of his bells...




It's funny how bland the armour looks now even though there really isn't much done to it from the stage its at now until its finished! 


C&C welcome and appreciated.

No critiques from me. You are doing Papa Nurgle proud!



It's surprising how good the poxwalkers look after you remove the horns. Definitely going to do this for mine.


I also really like the white colour scheme, great work.



Thank you both! 


I managed to get about an hours building in this morning, and I've built all but a couple of my current batch of Poxwalkers; 




I'm already tempted to order another set of them from eBay right now, but I think I'll wait to finish these and see if a multipart kit is on the horizon first, just in case.

These guys need some weapon re-positioning now, and once that is finished I'll be going over the joins and sanded areas with some texturing to blend it all together before basing and painting them up. I think I'll go down the massed batch painting route for these guys because it'll take forever to do them if I do them the almost individual way I'm painting the marines themselves. 


You can also see in the picture I've started painting the Drone from the set. It's a gorgeous model and I can't wait to get stuck into it, and I'm again sorely tempted to order a second online.

Progress has been a little slow, I've had a busy week at work and my two year old is ill so I've not had much time to paint. 


I've finished these guys up.




And some close ups










Really enjoying this project! I can't wait to have these guys finished and get tucked into any new releases coming our way with the Death Guard Codex.

C&C welcome and appreciated

These are excellent. You've captured the putrid essence of Nurgle nicely. And those bases are brilliant - I like that the ground beneath their feet is poisoned/fouled as they walk.


My only criticism is that the last 3 photos are so dark the figures look like they've just been sprayed with a black wash.

These are excellent. You've captured the putrid essence of Nurgle nicely. And those bases are brilliant - I like that the ground beneath their feet is poisoned/fouled as they walk.


My only criticism is that the last 3 photos are so dark the figures look like they've just been sprayed with a black wash.


Thank you! Yeah, I have some issues with lighting. I added some more puss and blood to them last night and managed to get some clearer pics;







Now I just have five Plague Marines, the Sorcerer, Drone and 20 zombies to paint!

also the effect you have achieved on the sword is absolutely phenomenal!

I agree - it looks absolutely disgusting (in a good Nurgly kind of way of course!). How did you do the pus?

And the latest images are much clearer - thanks for redoing them.

Loving the colour scheme for the plague marines! They look especially gritty and the little spots of bright green really make them pop! (also the effect you have achieved on the sword is absolutely phenomenal!)


Thanks a lot!


I'm not keen on the giant bell, either. I believe I have a plan of action on removing the giant horn entirely and replacing it for my own bell-dude. But, still, the absence of the bell looks good, brother!


I do like the iconography of the bell, and I've kept a lot of them but damn, GW went a little overboard on some of them IMO. Thanks!



also the effect you have achieved on the sword is absolutely phenomenal!

I agree - it looks absolutely disgusting (in a good Nurgly kind of way of course!). How did you do the pus?

And the latest images are much clearer - thanks for redoing them.



Thanks! I did the sword with a few layers... painted and weathered it with standard paints first, then added Blood for the Blood God and Nurgle's Rot, then when those layer were dry I mixed up the same technical paints with a little clear resin (two separate mixes, applied at different stages just to be clear) and layered them on. I did the blood first and continued the clear resin on its own down the length of the blade and then when I applied the resin-Nurgle Rot layer it was easier to blend it up and appeared glossy, but you can still see the orange rust beneath it all. I used the same techniques for the bases. 


Also - progress! 


The plasma dude..




and the squad champion




Both need some further effects adding (neither have had the resin mixtures done yet)


and finally, a (somewhat blurry) shot of the army so far.




I have four Plague Marines left to paint up now - the two in the background of this last photo that have had the block colours for the armour plate done, and two more that haven't been undercoated yet. Then it'll be time to finish the Poxwalkers which I'll hopefully have all finished by the time the Death Guard Codex comes out (I plan to have at least the power armoured elements of the force done by then, anyway)


C&C welcome and appreciated!

Back again..


I've started two of the final Plague Marines from the starter set (just one more and the Sorcerer to go) as well as the Drone, with the exception of its guns because I left them off for painting - sort of wished I'd left the turbines off, too.. 




All these are still WIP, but are coming along.


I also got a little distracted testing out some colours for my Ultramarine army;



There's a few changes I'll be making to the scheme and I'll definitely be redoing his face and hair (not happy with the skin tone, and the hair makes him look like Duke Nukem).


I've shown him before, but the army will be lead by my Guilliman





But, back to my Death Guard... I thought I'd get a snap of everything so far, even if three of them are still WIP




Man, the natural light in my house is trashing my photos. Hopefully you see where I'm going with them all. 
Thanks for looking!

really like what you did there with the pox walkers. In the old fluff, it was said that gifts of mutation were rare, and only his favoured warriors were given such blessings. Makes sense that the marines would get horns etc, but not the little dudes.

I love the purple and the teal-ish hue on the metals on your plague marines. And I've never liked the model for Gulliman, but your sombre paintjob looks really good on him, it times down its somewhat cartoonish element


Thanks! Guilliman was particularly fun because he was my first miniature in seven years and my return to 40k.


really like what you did there with the pox walkers. In the old fluff, it was said that gifts of mutation were rare, and only his favoured warriors were given such blessings. Makes sense that the marines would get horns etc, but not the little dudes.


Thanks - I didn't know that, what a happy coincidence and something I'll bear in mind for perhaps making a particularly gifted walker in the future.



Update time - I've finished (for now - there's so much detail on the mini I'm sure I've missed something) my Blight Drone. 




It was such a fun piece to work on! I think I'll pick up another soon. Next I'll be working on the last member of the Plague Marine squad and my Sorcerer, before finishing off the 20 Poxwalkers.


C&C welcome

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