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The knight is shaping up splendidly! I also really dig how your Not-Urkathos is coming along! Jotting some notes down on ideas to borrow as always :)


I may have to copy your horn idea for one of my berzerkers where I used Zardu's head since the horns melted a bit.

I think it shouldn't really take that much work to blend in that bit with the front of the carapace -- after all, it's not a problem if it looks like some kind of decoration that was added on top of the standard carapace, right? I also think the middle part does a great job of pulling those horns on the left and right back into the overall design: Being separated from the head/facemask and with that space between them, they no longer really read as horns so much, but now they do seem like a part of an overarching design again, which I think is great!

Hehe, i was thinking more or less the same thought while i was building it. I really like how it looks almost like arches, which gives the model a gothic look. That baroque part of the 40K universe isn't really something which is easily incorporated into a WE force, but since this is a long term mercenary i'm free to do new things.

On that subject, i don't write fluff for my models, but i still give them stories and a purpose in the army. It helps giving the army sort of like a visual history, and a storyline which is expressed via modeling instead of words (just writing that makes me feel pretentious haha)

That new character looks good so far, the head is well chosen.

Thanks Pearson, more to come. Less blu'tac next time hopefully!

The knight is shaping up splendidly! I also really dig how your Not-Urkathos is coming along! Jotting some notes down on ideas to borrow as always :smile.:

I may have to copy your horn idea for one of my berzerkers where I used Zardu's head since the horns melted a bit.

Glad you like the progress Hush! Steal away as always, I've seen a couple of attempts at urkrathos, some even using Kranons horns (was it malisteen that made that amazing one riding a juggernaught? Nope it was midnightrunner), but i feel like I'm onto something semi-original here nevertheless.

I want to see more of that daemon prince ^^D

Ask and you shall recieve!


Kraut was kind enough to send me this old head from a OOP WE dreadnaught, amongt other things. I can't be sure of course, but i feel like he might've been thinking of the prince hehe. I don't know about you all but I really like it! It does drastically change the look of the model however so I'll have to give it some time before any decisions are made. I will give the other head one final go and try to make it work, something i was reluctant to try earlier since i didn't have much of a fallback if it didn't turn out nice.

There was a good assortment of other stuff in the packade KS sent me too, so i've got a whole lot of new stuff t try out in the future. Thanks Kraut!

Edited by ElDuderino
Well, seeing as that head looks fricking sweet in the terminator prince and that it is a recast of a dread head of which the original was gifted to kraut by me (and it’s amazing how much milage Kraut is getting from it) I thick I deserve a discount? :D (which was one of the most elaborate ways of saying: that head looks way better and I vote for it over the mkiv one any day of the week!! Fantastic!

I told kraut that I had a vague memory of you being somehow involved in that head!


So. Kraut sent you a head, you made a cast, sent it to kraut and then it ended up with me? That's pretty cool. I'm glad to have a memento from you in here too:)


And yeah that's 30% off on the Jersey, use the code HEAD2018 at checkout to get your discount

Edited by ElDuderino

I told kraut that I had a vague memory of you being somehow involved in that head!


So. Kraut sent you a head, you made a cast, sent it to kraut and then it ended up with me? That's pretty cool. I'm glad to have a memento from you in here too:)


And yeah that's 30% off on the Jersey, use the code HEAD2018 at checkout to get your discount

Haha no, I gave Kraut the dread, including the head, when he visited me last year. Then he made several casts of the head (which feature on several of his awesome conversions), and sent one to you. :D This is just an awesome example of why this community os so cool. :tu: I'll try the discount code, thanks! ;)

Hey guys, i'm glad that you like that head, it sure saves me alot of work;) I'm 90% decided by now, the history of the bit just sweetens the deal. I've sorta decided to not build anything that's not either a daemon prince or a knight until those are finnished, that damn knight has been sitting on the work bench for more than a year! Enough with the distractions!



Except this one.

I said earlier that i wanted to include some elements from Artorias from Dark Souls into my DP. A deamon prince of khorne is hardly a good fit for that sleek design though, so i thought i'd include a tribute to one of my favorite weapons from that game instead. I'm quite impressed with myself for getting all the parts to line up for once(except that the lower half is slightly off center, will ahve to correct that of course). unfortunatly i now have to sculpt some of that tubing to cover up the shoulder joint, i hate those things and i've never been happy with my attempts. Yay.

Also (hardly )visible is a FW shoulder pad that i got from Kraut, thanks again man:) now i just need to go buy some more minis, I'm all out of extended left arms apparently...

Holy crap, these pictures are terrible! Sorry, my phone seems to take better pictures during nighttime

Edited by ElDuderino

Hey folks!



I've built a new head for my knight! I wasn't really happy with the demonic mask from a few pages back, i wanted a bit cleaner look. The area is starting to get cluttered, especially after the arches was added. The bits was a happy accident, as they just happen to form the top part of a khorne rune:)


I like how these parts fit together, what do you guys prefer? I'm partial to option 1 at the moment. The one at the bottom is pretty cool too, you'll have tot ake my word for it since i cropped half of it:/

The head on that knight is inspired, that's the mount for the skull cannon right? the elongated look it provides is really something else. Great work as always :)



The knight is looking great. Really good green stuff for the mark of khorne on the shoulder.


Really liking that Daemon Prince now with the new head. Great stuff.


Thank you mr Kraken! I have to confess that i cheated with the mark of Khorne, i merely created a flat sheet of gs and cut out the shape. I realized afterwards that it was more or less a really inefficient substitute for plasticard haha. But it's green and hence impressive so it's not a complete waste:)



The head on that knight is inspired, that's the mount for the skull cannon right? the elongated look it provides is really something else. Great work as always :smile.:




Thanks Nemac, and good bits-spotting! Those are indeed the mounts from the skull cannon. Weird kit, but great parts. I'm happy that you like it, i was a bit worried that my judgement was clouded by being too happy about finding a new use for some strange bits:) 

Absolutely love the new head, it reminds me of the Decimator which is peak Chaos aesthetics for me. Also a big fan of option 1 for the shoulder trim, it just seems to flow the best. Absolutely lovely work on this knight.
I love that face plate man, wicked. I think I like option 3 the most and Your khore symbol IS great and you didn't cheat, you did exactly what you needed to do! I loove how cool this guy looks, I get jealous of some of the choices you've made and then I just imagine them next to each other. They are cool in their own right but such different design choices. I notice your cockpit door isn't fitted, any plans?

Absolutely love the new head, it reminds me of the Decimator which is peak Chaos aesthetics for me. Also a big fan of option 1 for the shoulder trim, it just seems to flow the best. Absolutely lovely work on this knight.


Now that you mention it, yeah it kinda does resemble the decimator! i was actually thinking of the helm used by Maximus in Gladiator, I'm guessing the designer of the decimator might've seen that movie too hehe. Thanks!


I love that face plate man, wicked. I think I like option 3 the most and Your khore symbol IS great and you didn't cheat, you did exactly what you needed to do! I loove how cool this guy looks, I get jealous of some of the choices you've made and then I just imagine them next to each other. They are cool in their own right but such different design choices. I notice your cockpit door isn't fitted, any plans?

That’s really nice to hear, I don’t get as much time to work on my projects these days but I do try and update when I can.


Onto your projects. The latest additions to the Knight are spot on. I’ve looked at using those plates from the Skull Cannon a few times on the Knight and you’ve made it fit seamlessly. Great work. The Dread head on that DP just looks like it was meant to be. The cables at the back are a perfect representation of his pre ascension Butchers Nails and the visor just fits perfectly with the rest of the armour

The Knight is turning out lovely so far, I love the new additions. I'll admit when I first saw the Dreadnought head on the Daemon Prince I was apprehensive, but since then you've made it work perfectly. The whole thing is just terrific together. 

I totally forgot about commenting on your prince. New helmet works well, it's pretty sinister and I like the cables at the back of the head. This prince is pretty inspired and I can't wait to see it painted up.

And what do you mean you don't know what design choices! You are way too modest. no one else is building this knight and it looks great! I still need to figure out what I'm doing about my own knights banner.

Edited by Pandoras Bitz Box

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