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One of the image tags aren't closed, bud!


The juggernauts are sweet though! I love the work you did with the DV chosen. Did you greenstuff over guitar string for his biomechanical cord? Because that looks sweet! I also like the helmet as is but what were you thinking of replacing the horns with? Some good ol' bunny ears as those never go out of style.


Also, tank hunting juggernauts sound awesome. Just imagine that thing charging and ramming a rhino as it attempts to rolled it over.

Wow, I hadn't seen them before and they're AWESOME! That's a unit I've always wanted rules for. However I would leave the horns on the last guy, they look very nice, and I think that holding the meltagun by the grip would fit really nicely, that, or him holding it backwards... or maybe even pointing it forward... I think almost any pose would fit that model!

One of the image tags aren't closed, bud!


The juggernauts are sweet though! I love the work you did with the DV chosen. Did you greenstuff over guitar string for his biomechanical cord? Because that looks sweet! I also like the helmet as is but what were you thinking of replacing the horns with? Some good ol' bunny ears as those never go out of style.


Also, tank hunting juggernauts sound awesome. Just imagine that thing charging and ramming a rhino as it attempts to rolled it over.


Thanks for pointing that out! And thanks for the engouragement:)


Yup, those fleshy tubes can be easily replicated, you need a very thin layer of green stuff though. Just let it rest on the string, maybe glue down the edges, then poke some holes where you want them. It's very forgiving since the DV cables are angled anyways, so no need to be precise. And it's easy to tear off if you mess up:whistling:


And yes, bunny ears is what I'm thinking, or maybe an additional pair of horns, imitating bloodletter horns.


Wow, I hadn't seen them before and they're AWESOME! That's a unit I've always wanted rules for. However I would leave the horns on the last guy, they look very nice, and I think that holding the meltagun by the grip would fit really nicely, that, or him holding it backwards... or maybe even pointing it forward... I think almost any pose would fit that model!


Thanks man! 


I'll think about the horns, there's no backup if i mess up that sweet head... It doesn't look very khornate to me though.


As for the melta, i had a crazy idea of a pintle mounted melta on the jugger. But it'd be stupid, like even for 40k:biggrin.:  And rules wise, i feel with you, although i don't play at all. It'd be sweet to see more juggernaugts on B&C though if they ever get rules though.

Ok, the Terminators are pretty cool. The Contemptor is looking great I love the spliced together head, but now you're really talking my language!


I love the work you're doing on these Juggers. They look brilliantly dynamic, I keep meaning to build a unit of Zerkers on Juggers I remember finding some fan made rules a while back for them. I have all the bits there but just haven't started, these are giving me the itch to restart that project. How are you building their legs?

Ok, the Terminators are pretty cool. The Contemptor is looking great I love the spliced together head, but now you're really talking my language!

I love the work you're doing on these Juggers. They look brilliantly dynamic, I keep meaning to build a unit of Zerkers on Juggers I remember finding some fan made rules a while back for them. I have all the bits there but just haven't started, these are giving me the itch to restart that project. How are you building their legs?

Hehe thanks! I'm really glad if you can find some inspiration in these, i think i was lurking and oogling your WEs even before Kraut joined:)

Extremely bad pics incoming!



The legs are a based on the legs from the jugger kit, with CSM legs from the knee down. There's quite a bit of carving involved, getting the lower part removed. Especially if you want them to stand up, as the chainmail has to go. Fun fact, one of the guys uses the legs from a 90s juggernaugt rider that i foolishly cut apart back in the day. They're damaged and some GS is needed to fill gaps but now they're back in their natural element at last:)

The other guy uses regular CSM legs, with a lower leg of the DV champ left over from my lord. The left leg is quite a bit longer than the other, but when used like this it's not really noticable

Looking great, dude. Juggerbikes are something of a passion of mine, and yours are off to an awesome start. I second the opinion that Draznicht's horned helm looks really good, no need to cut off the horns.


A little out of date, and not the best angle, but I've found that Thunderwolf Cavalry legs work great for AoS skullcrusher juggernauts. I carve away the crotch sculpted into the saddle, and I'm more or less happy with the look. I'd love stirrups, but the extra work required is not gonna happen (eventually I want 24 of these). Food for thought:



Looking great, dude. Juggerbikes are something of a passion of mine, and yours are off to an awesome start. I second the opinion that Draznicht's horned helm looks really good, no need to cut off the horns.


A little out of date, and not the best angle, but I've found that Thunderwolf Cavalry legs work great for AoS skullcrusher juggernauts. I carve away the crotch sculpted into the saddle, and I'm more or less happy with the look. I'd love stirrups, but the extra work required is not gonna happen (eventually I want 24 of these). Food for thought:




Damn, if i had known that this would've been a lot easier!


And 24?? You're crazy! I don't see myself building more than these three honestly, those juggernauts are such a pain to remove mold lines from. And i haven't painted any yet, but i dread the mere thought of getting all that trim done haha. That guy looks sweet though, and i hear you about stirrups, not worth the hassle. What self respecting world eater would stay in the saddle anyways:biggrin.:



You're crazy! 


See my username. :P


I'll probably run mine as Renegades. I think advance + charge is more useful than +1 attack on the charge, for bikers. Meltas and flamers can still shoot, too, and Icon of Wrath makes the charge even more likely. Anyhow, looking forward to seeing your dudes complete! And mine, one day...

Wow your juggers are looking so characterful! The skull helmet guy is my favorite, instead of tearing off the horns have you considered adding the bunny ears behind the horns? You could have it like some of the skullcrusher heads where the bunny ears have a skull between them, just a thought. Can't wait to see more!

Really like the Posses on those Jugger riders. I like the ides of them holding on with one hand, shows they are moving at speed

Thanks man! The one hand thing just seemed natural, hes got to hold on somehow, and at least one hand has to be free for a stupidly big ace or something:)

Wow your juggers are looking so characterful! The skull helmet guy is my favorite, instead of tearing off the horns have you considered adding the bunny ears behind the horns? You could have it like some of the skullcrusher heads where the bunny ears have a skull between them, just a thought. Can't wait to see more!

You know, i was thinking of doing that, but i think the existing horns are just too big to fit anything behind. Maybe if they were a bit shorter... I did this guy with that exact style a couple of years ago actually:


I was going to use him as Kh

The squad is looking hard as nails! Cannot wait to see the final product finished and painted up.


What did you use the DV Champ as since GW redid Khârn? I love how you turned his horn into something more approving of Khorne himself.

The squad is looking hard as nails! Cannot wait to see the final product finished and painted up.


What did you use the DV Champ as since GW redid Khârn? I love how you turned his horn into something more approving of Khorne himself.

Thanks man! I'm a bit anxious to start painting, I have barely touched a brush since 2001. Luckily Duncan seems like trustworthy guy, I've been watching some of the videos and I feel like a better painter even though I haven't even started yet:) there will be some test models first of course, you can laugh at my efforta in exchange for some tips hehe


The Khârn guy will probably be a champ of some sort, maybe exalted even, I don't play so it's not that important. I like to keep squads semi-legal for some reason though, couldn't really say why. It's not like the world eaters are known for their codex astartes compliance hehe

Nice to see the last two terminators, the squad looks very cohesive! I think for the Khârn guy you could definitely pull off some truescaling with your sculpting skills! Looking forward to seeing more!

The termies look great as a finished squad! Cant wait until you feel you are ready to paint :) 


The old DV figure you were making up as Khârn would go great in a bez squad, with PF/BP or PF/PP 

I found something on ebay, and thought I'd share it with all the Khorne/World Eater specialists on B&C.

http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/EqUAAOSwrhNZzpUl/s-l1600.jpghttp://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/53EAAOSw3TNZzpUt/s-l1600.jpgReally old Helbrute/Khorne Bloodslaughterer. Never seen it before, might give ya'll some ideas for future conversions.

Nice to see the last two terminators, the squad looks very cohesive! I think for the Khârn guy you could definitely pull off some truescaling with your sculpting skills! Looking forward to seeing more!


Thanks! It's not the scale that's off necessarily, it's just that i wanted a unique Khârn mini since the old one was so outdated(while still awesome of course). since the new one is so cool, that one will do. Not that i need a Khârn really. I imagine these guys being just a tad less insane than his followers. Like 30% more insane than Krauts guys. My lore is very thoroughly thought out as you can tell:D


The termies look great as a finished squad! Cant wait until you feel you are ready to paint :smile.:


The old DV figure you were making up as Khârn would go great in a bez squad, with PF/BP or PF/PP 


I defitely need any encouragement as far as painting is concerned, i just need to free up some space in the old man cave. Too much stuff sharing the same table atm. Next weekend maybe.



I found something on ebay, and thought I'd share it with all the Khorne/World Eater specialists on B&C.

http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/EqUAAOSwrhNZzpUl/s-l1600.jpghttp://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/53EAAOSw3TNZzpUt/s-l1600.jpgReally old Helbrute/Khorne Bloodslaughterer. Never seen it before, might give ya'll some ideas for future conversions.



Thanks for sharing that, always brings a smile to my face. It's goofy as hell, but maybe, just maybe, it could be made to work... Hm... Doomwheel plus modern lord of skulls maybe?



Now, as previously stated, I'm about to start painting. And it's intimidating as crap! I'm thinking about following duncans recipe for skull reapers as this seems fairly easy.



Has anyone tried this guide? Preferably someone who doesn't make a living painting minis?=)

Edited by ElDuderino

Thank you for complimenting my ebay find on Juggernuts thread, honestly the Bonewheels from Darksouls have me terrified of a properly converted version of that thing. 


Don't mention bonewheels haha, i still have nightmares about them. Even if they were horribly nerfed in the sequels, they still scare the life out of me


Thank you for complimenting my ebay find on Juggernuts thread, honestly the Bonewheels from Darksouls have me terrified of a properly converted version of that thing. 


Don't mention bonewheels haha, i still have nightmares about them. Even if they were horribly nerfed in the sequels, they still scare the life out of me



Some sadist came up with this. Possibly could be used as a reference for what the stance a Doomwheel (I guess that's what well call it) conversion. I recommend the open style wheels from the Empire Steam Tank kit.--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/WARHAMMER-BIN-BITS-EMPIRE-STEAM-TANK-WHEELS-and-PISTONS-/362110912311?epid=1101573022&hash=item544f7e0737:g:12AAAOSw~G1ZxScX For the upper torso and head, a Contemptor or Helbrute Torso maybe, with Khornate Berserker Horns and regalia?

That paint scheme looks pretty solid! I wish I had used agrax for the wash on the red, would have meant I would only have to do one wash for gold and red. I use a similar paint scheme tbh. I use mephiston red Base, null oil wash, with watered down mephiston red on hight areas, then go over edges again with the same again (this builds up the layers slowly and gives a gradual enhancement to the colour). Then I highlight with wild rider red.


Tbh how they do it in the video would be perfect to begin with because you have a visual then develope it as you build up confidence

Thank you for complimenting my ebay find on Juggernuts thread, honestly the Bonewheels from Darksouls have me terrified of a properly converted version of that thing.

Don't mention bonewheels haha, i still have nightmares about them. Even if they were horribly nerfed in the sequels, they still scare the life out of me

Some sadist came up with this. Possibly could be used as a reference for what the stance a Doomwheel (I guess that's what well call it) conversion. I recommend the open style wheels from the Empire Steam Tank kit.--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/WARHAMMER-BIN-BITS-EMPIRE-STEAM-TANK-WHEELS-and-PISTONS-/362110912311?epid=1101573022&hash=item544f7e0737:g:12AAAOSw~G1ZxScX For the upper torso and head, a Contemptor or Helbrute Torso maybe, with Khornate Berserker Horns and regalia?

Either that or a 40k Gizmoquack;) Honestly i have too many big projects in the backlog already, we'll see if something comes out of this

That paint scheme looks pretty solid! I wish I had used agrax for the wash on the red, would have meant I would only have to do one wash for gold and red. I use a similar paint scheme tbh. I use mephiston red Base, null oil wash, with watered down mephiston red on hight areas, then go over edges again with the same again (this builds up the layers slowly and gives a gradual enhancement to the colour). Then I highlight with wild rider red.

Tbh how they do it in the video would be perfect to begin with because you have a visual then develope it as you build up confidence

I think i saw one video with the nuln oil wash too, it looks great as evidenced by your own minis, but one shade for every base color is too good to pass up on:)


This is my last painted miniature, from my last relapse. I want to say 2012 maybe? Not too bad, seeing as it was probably 10 years between this and the one before.

I have high hopes of improving on this, owing to three points:

*Help from you all

*Duncan's tutorials

*Actually being able to afford suggested paints and decent brushes for once (the guy above was painted using mostly a starter kit with provided brush)

And, i havn't had any time to get anything done... Sorry!

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