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I still can't comprehend what that you bought from eBay is. It's crazy but I like it!

Didn't buy it, but I did save the pictures to my hard drive. I don't play a Chaos army, but I thought the B&C community would like to see it, so I posted it here. 

Hey folks!

I stumbled onto something yesterday when i was trying to sculpt some chaos trim/icons for my knight, and thought i might make a small tutorial. Now I'm not the best sculptor in the world, but i do look at an awful lot of Warhammer stuff and i've never come across this, so here we go! Apologies for the lack of pictures for the first steps, never occurred to me that this might work:D


Draw something cool on a paper, preferably something chaotic.


Make a semi flat sheet of GS. Attach it to a sheet of plastic, I've used part of the packaging from a knife. Paint onto stick onto it, so the greenstuff is probably easier to peel off to.


Roughly cut out your paper design and place it on top of the greenstuff, add a second layer of plastic on top. Push down to make sure that the greenstuff is flat. Let it cure overnight.



Finally some pictures! After the greenstuff has cured, remove the top layer of plastic. Then just follow the lines with your hobby knife, and carefully cut out your design. Now you'll have our icon, only with a layer of paper stuck to the top, you can see my unsuccessful attempt to peel it off above.



Use some water to rub the paper off, easy enough. Then, using a hobby knife, carefully peel away the greenstuff from the plastic. I just peeled away the edges, then the rest could easily be removed by bending the plastic. Just be careful, i imagine that it's quite easy to break the GS.

6. Results



Here are the results after drying. As you can see, the front still has some paper stuck to it and the backside might induce some finecast flashbacks with that giant air bubble. I do believe that the paper can be easily removed with the help of more water, does anyone know if GS might suffer from soaking overnight?

I'll probably add some rivets and maybe cut some dents and irregularities into the gs for added detailing.


Here's where the icon will end up. One major pro for this method is that the greenstuff bends so it'll be easy to attach to a curved surface!

All in all, this is way faster and easier than trying to sculpt these sort of flat details. I'll definitely try doing some chaos trim with this method, i get the feeling that it'll work fine. I also suspect that the same results can be achieved way easier with plasticard, now that i think of it :wallbash:


Here's what i've got for the knight btw. I really like how the armor plate from the DV helbrute fits onto the thigh, looks kinda good actually. Only downside is that i now have to use that same style of intricate trim all over the model to tie it toghether, and get hold of another one of those plates. Has anyone got one of the plates for the right-handed fists to trade? And are they shaped similarly to the DV version? I'd rather not get the kit just for that one piece:)

Thanks for looking!

Edited by ElDuderino

Thanks guys, I'm gonna try to make some more trim and stuff tonight.


And I'm not sure of biomechanical details. Maybe some more subtle corruption, I'll definitely to something demonic with the face and cover it up with the face plate, like something they try to cover up. And I have this idea of some mechanical function being handled by a demon, but again mostly covered. Like they're ashamed that they can't keep it running without resorting to demonic powers.

Looks good and will definitely add some pizzazz!


As for having used the helbrute fist I think that would aesthetic would look cool on the knight. Just score away some of the existing trim on the armored sections then add jagged extensions here and there. Then gouge more cuts onto the flat surfaces and boom, the new hotness! That route would take some time but would also look sweet.

I think the helbrute style armor plates is here to stay:


And as a bonus, i've accidently added some cuts too, as hushrong suggested hehe. The'e will be more ordinary arrows and such too, I don't think i'll overdo this type of jagged things. And i have this urge to cut the hors off of the DV helbrute and try to add them to the shoulder plate, thought on that?

And as previously said, if anyone happens to have a helbrute fist or just the armor plate to trade, please send me a PM:)

Edited by ElDuderino

I'm having some trouble finding time to do any hobby work, but small update from the weekend at least.


Some work on replicating the spikes found on the helbrute trim, I really like this style of trim, and it'll tie the model tohether with the contemptor, which has similar teeth over his head.

Also this is the face plate i'm going with, it has a knightly feel to it, nice contrast to the giant horns:)



And some more work on the shin plates. The face obviously need to blend in better with the armor, but it's a start at least.

Now i just need to figure out what to do about the weapons, I'm not a fan of the giant chain sword for some reason... I kinda want the power fist but that'll be hard to get i guess... hm. Maybe i'll just try to build my own

Edited by ElDuderino
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey folks!

Still not much time over for hobby activities, i have this new job that is killing my soul a bit. Tedious.

I have however got contemptor ready for paint, except for the base, so here he is!




I'm espescially pleased with the WE logo on his shoulder and the blade stuck to the assaul cannon. And the semi nice khorne icon on the fist, damn those things are fiddly!

And as usual, some work has been done on the knight but i'll save that until later. Let's just say that there's something demonic brewing beneath the armor

The contemptor looks brilliant completed, love the world eaters icon on the shoulder a really great idea. I think the fist could do with some pointy fingers, but that's just personal preference. Looking forward to seeing what you've done on the knight!

Awesome models all around. Are you planning on building the whole army and only start painting afterwards?


Would you please tell me where the sword on the guy below came from?

Looks awesome, every detail is very well done. My only suggestion would be to turn the fist into a claw, I think it would fit him better.



The contemptor looks brilliant completed, love the world eaters icon on the shoulder a really great idea. I think the fist could do with some pointy fingers, but that's just personal preference. Looking forward to seeing what you've done on the knight!



Thanks guys! I thought about making a claw, only thing is i don't have a spare in case i mess it up... It's such a focal point on the mini that i really don't want it looking funny. And i kinda like the sheer brutality of the blunt fingers hehe


Awesome models all around. Are you planning on building the whole army and only start painting afterwards?


Would you please tell me where the sword on the guy below came from?



Sure thing! The blade is a speartip from the bloodcrusher kit, the pommel is from the wrathmonger kit and the hand guard is just a pair of spikes glued to the spear, they're from the little familiar guy that comes with the terminator lord. 


I don't know about painting, it's not that i have a plan or anything, i don't really have the space to set up a paining station atm though. I think my nerd room needs another table and a couple of mmore hehe. And thank you:)



The contemptor looks brilliant completed, love the world eaters icon on the shoulder a really great idea. I think the fist could do with some pointy fingers, but that's just personal preference. Looking forward to seeing what you've done on the knight!


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