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Everyone look at war009 ruining the fun I was having with Vyper.


You are correct though. I deep strike enough that I thought I'd get some old sprue together and make a dedicated tool for measuring 9 inches.


I'm tentatively calling it a Surprise Tactical Insertion of Coordinated Kineticism (S.T.I.C.K.). Going to paint it up in hazard stripes.


Also I got the heat effects done on my Redemptor. Just the black highlights and it's ready for decals. Those have yet to be ordered so it'll be a few weeks before they're done, which gives me time to work on my eliminators and my AT titans because I've decided to pick that project back up.



See, I was certain the grooves that were carved in it were housing magnets, which is why I couldn't get off it being some sort of device for holding minis while you spray them...

See, I was certain the grooves that were carved in it were housing magnets, which is why I couldn't get off it being some sort of device for holding minis while you spray them...


Those holes were from cutting off all of the tabs and bits and bobs. The only reason I even used greenstuff was because I had some left over from working on my terminator for Kill Team so I figured I'd smooth out the S.T.I.C.K. as much as possible.



Redemptor is looking great

The white is nice and crisp and that recess washing is particularly pleasing :biggrin.:


Thanks! I think the recess wash is what makes the armor really pop. If I didn't have that in there then it would look really washed out and bland. Doing that (as much of a PITA that it is) really helps to define the shape of the model and make it look good.

Redemptor is ready for decals which I need to order. Once those are on I'll move forward with the weathering. The important thing is that at this point the model is playable on the table which makes me very happy.









The Strategic Tactical Insertion of Coordinated Kineticism (S.T.I.C.K) device is complete and ready for action. Gone are the days of trying to get my tape measure into odd spots and knocking over models. Gone are the days trying to place marker dice with a bent tape measure. Gone are the days or accidentally bumping models. From now on all Strategic Tactical Insertions of Coordinated Kineticism will be much improved and take less time.






This was a fun little project that has a practical application. I ordered some 6mm Tamiya tape and it worked great. Hazard stripes were easy to paint and then I got to practice weathering techniques on this to help prep me for when I begin to weather my main army. I'm looking forward to when I can use this in my next game.

Well I'm excited. My wife and I play board games with a few other couples and I asked one guy if he'd be interested in playing Betrayal at Calth with me. He said yes so now I'm looking to get some more tactical marines painted up in my SS colors so we can play painted. I only need five more tacticals and we can play the first three missions.


I also decided that I'm going to rebase my Raven Guard to match my SS. If we're playing Calth it will look better, and since I still field the RG in 40k at times they'll match there as well. These three only took a couple minutes to clean up the feet and get set in so it shouldn't be to terrible a task to complete.



Got work done on my Eliminators last night. This morning I realized I painted their rifles backwards. Normally I do a steel receiver and black case. I'm not sure I like it and think I'm going to end up repainting them... I want to like them because they're washed and ready for highlights but I can't get over the color difference...


Any thoughts from the Raven Spire?



Individually, if you are wanting contrast then it needs fixed. If you’re looking for it to blend (which I like) then soldier on Brother. I’m big on uniformity though so I’d have to “fix” it.

I think it looks good

But as Dracos said if you want it uniform there's only one choice


I switched my edge highlights from grey to blue but I'm not going back to redo my Hellblasters that's for sure!

As irritating as it would be to have to redo them, it'd irritate me no end to know that they didn't match the rest of my forces.


I'd repaint them if it was me, but it's your hobby time so you have to decide whether it's worth the time to redo a 'completed' bit.

While I hate to recommend re-work, I agree with your original scheme: Metallic receiver and black shroud/encasement. While as it stands it looks okay, it is a tad goofy, imo. 


Regardless, it still looks amazing. I know you give yourself a hard time for the speed at which you work, but you're doing circles around those of us still stuck back at the priming or assembly stages!

Got some work done on bases last night since I didn't feel like painting and fixing those rifles. I found a box cutter works much better and faster than hacking at the excess material with my hobby knife. I think the wider and more stable platform of the box cutter is what made it go faster. I saved a ton of time because the cutting went faster and it required less sanding to clean up the rough edges.



Had inspiration for a board hit me today. I ran across the Killzone Sector Sanctoris today and it came to me. I've been thinking of building a Temple Themed Kill Team board for a while now. When I decided to base my Spectral Sicarii my thoughts where of them fighting through an old, ruined temple.




While looking at that and terrain I realized that with a little battle damage and de-sigmarizing of the Dominion of Sigmar terrain I could probably make it happen. I'm thinking of getting some of the DoS terrain and weathering it to represent an altar in a temple on an old world that worshiped long forgotten gods from a religion no one can find any record of. Wrap that up in some Sector Imperialis buildings and ruins and I've got the temple that surrounds the altar.


I eventually want to expand it to a full table so I was looking at game mats with designs that I liked and I think I found a couple that might work. I poorly combined the elements I'm thinking of together to get a feel for it and so far I like the vision that I've got going. I'd love some feedback from you guys to see what you think.


I'm leaning towards the greener mat only because it's a little more theme agnostic and I could set up all kinds of stuff on it.



While looking for something to build one night I found 10 bases that I forgot I cast a couple months ago. I've got 18 now in progress which really accelerates my RG rebasing project. I haven't checked but I think this might be enough 32mm bases. After that I need 9 40mm and I should be done.



My daughter decided she wanted a kill team so after looking at models she settled on Harlequins. I also saw this killzone for the first time last week: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Killzone-Sector-Sanctoris-EN-2019?_requestid=854035


It goes perfectly with my themed idea from a few posts up and I'm sold and committed. I bought the killzone and built the terrain last night. I'll add some more ruins and have a really cool (to me) temple to play kill team in. I'll eventually expand it out with a 6x4 mat and then I'll look at adding in some of the sigmar terrain to make my 'forgotten religion' board.


This terrain is sooooo good. I've never looked at it up close but these ruins are so detailed. I'm going to try really hard not to get lost in all of the detail and take forever to paint them up...



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