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Guys I think that's what I'm saying... While I don't 'hate' goats, I dislike having daemons forced on me more so. (Tzaangors aren't daemons).


So I think we are all in agreement, we want... or should I say expect that our Scarabs/Rubrics, and Sorcs really, need to be the meat and potatoes of this codex.


Just for an honesty check here guys I think we have to accept that there will be a need to fill some table control elements with a "Tzaangor" type unit. I say this only because even if Scarabs and Rubrics are amazing.... they will never be 'cheap' options. 


Frankly I will be happy if Tzaangors can remain a cheap gap filler for that 3rd Thousand Son troop slot, or that last 100 points you have left over, etc, etc. 


And if you need any further evidence of that requirement I urge you to go over to the Grey Knights forum where forever I listen to people complain that there is -no- cheap Troop option for board control within the Grey Knights faction. (And yet in this edition Strike squads are a decent unit). 


So if you hate Tzaangors, look at Cultists. In my case I tinkered with Horrors in 7th but felt sheepish about the spam function. But again... we all want solid core units of "Thousand Sons", just don't be surprised if you feel a need to something cheap and disposable on the board. It's the nature of an elite codex. 




By the way, as a side note... I'd really on a personal level love it if Magnus was fully usable in a Thousand Sons detachment and I didn't feel forced to take Tzeentch to utilize him properly. (although I think I'm dreaming on that one coming to fruition.)


Also I'm curious if we will still have access to Warp Time. That's a big one.

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There is a major difference between having some disposables that you probably should bring along, and having your focus on the  goatbirds.


Look, we've got actual TS units that are not CSM or a named characther-exalted sorcerer, rubrics and scarabs. and rubrics are aguably CSM as they can take them too.


And them the goatbirds, you got 3, maybe 4 (if the alternate build of the enlighten the skyfires are also ported) and an added "big chaos spawn"


At this point, it ceases to be a TS codex (it hardly was to begin with with the fact it was almost entirely CSM ports), and becomes the "codex: non-daemons of tzeentch"

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Personally I don't want new types of rubrics. I would hope for a bit more customizability for our HQs though in the vein that DG got some new models.


But in my mind, Thousand Sons have always used lesser races to die for them instead of legion forces, so more variety on that part is welcome.


Just as long as there is one TS sorcerer left in charge it's a TS army.

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There is a major difference between having some disposables that you probably should bring along, and having your focus on the  goatbirds.


Look, we've got actual TS units that are not CSM or a named characther-exalted sorcerer, rubrics and scarabs. and rubrics are aguably CSM as they can take them too.


And them the goatbirds, you got 3, maybe 4 (if the alternate build of the enlighten the skyfires are also ported) and an added "big chaos spawn"


At this point, it ceases to be a TS codex (it hardly was to begin with with the fact it was almost entirely CSM ports), and becomes the "codex: non-daemons of tzeentch"


Please watch the cursing.


Anyway, making such statements is moot right now. We have no idea what the composition of the new codex is at this time. What you describe was not the case in 7th ed, when all of those units came out. What you describe is the result of what we know from an 'index' army.


Let's please not turn this into a 'sky is falling' thread. 

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My new question is will Tzaangors get access to the other weapon options in the box and differentiate those weapons like AoS.


Especially with the new reveal, i feel like it is pushed to be a soup army. But I'm fine with that.

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For the most part I agree with the dissapointment at the lack of new units and the AoS lazy port. But.....as long as they do the rubric units and sorcerers justice, ill be happy. I would be ok with filling out the list with cheap tzaangors to get more cp. And adding in daemons for support. And while I love magnus, it would be nice to play competitively without him.


When I played sons the most back in third, my army consisted of the sons, sorceror lord, horrors, and a lord of change. Its nice I can do that again with updated models and rules.

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Probably no sprues, I already as of this morning got 2 boxes of tzaangors on discs new in box and a shaman new in box awaiting codex in February. 

Also I did say in a forum post "hey "lots of gold" for February...could mean us!"  well....Evidently I am in-fact channeling a bad Corvidae rofl. 

This is a wonderful little addition to our line, I echo the sentiments of Archaeinox.  Though I do agree that we could use something else "unique" to us in the *new* sense of the word, I think Forgeworld may do something on that front.  They are well aware that many of the 30k options should come to 40k. I would guess that the Psyker Dread that is part of FW will eventually make the transition to 8th for us.  (this is TOTAL conjecture!!!)  Since it was mentioned in an Open day comment section. 

As for our new additions; The Mutalith is a shock, but welcomed.  Please bare in mind that Rubricae are wonderful but even in the Thousand Sons fluff what they can do is severely limited. They are "competent" if bland melee combatants. Great guns, and stalwart.  But they lack creativity because hey; kinda dust.  They drive, they shoot, they guard, they fight....thats about it.  and everyone else is a Sorcerer.  So at least its a fluff accurate release, it makes sense that thousand sons would stock up on Mutated creatures and things like Tzaangors from Sortiarius, as Khayon said "Sortiarus breeds cunning and strong slaves." If I quoted that correctly. 

The Skyfire/Enlightened are great, and the shaman honestly has me very excited, HQ or Elite. (id imagine elite?) but maybe for the first time we can have a non-marine chaos marine army. hilarious IMO.  Hopefully the rules will be decent. Decent on the table is all I ask. lol.  

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I'm honestly surprised how many people thought we were going to get new models. Personally I never thought that. For it was always going to be ports and probably new datasheets from existing models.


Seriously though we literally just have one teaser, and GW looks like it did right by Tzeentch daemons at least so let's have a little more hope and less doom and gloom please.

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no new minis from gw probably means no sprues, dudes

If that comment is directed at me, i mean the unused weapon options already in the Tzaangor box. The sword/shield and great sword/mace thingie and i think the dude with a split head even has special rules.


This also screws up my purchase calendar. I have to add at least one shaman maybe two and probably 3 boxes of enlighten to my wish list...so much to buy...

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I'm curious about the Enlightened. They can be build with either arrows (shooty) or spears (melee). But they are still just 3 models. So unless those guys get some crazy invul shenanigans or are dirt cheap I fear that they will be way too easy to remove to be effective. 


The Tzaangor Shaman has me excited as well. The model is lovely and if the Death Guard release is anything to go by then he'll probably be an elite choice (character) that will give Tzaangor or Tzeentch units a buff or maybe debuff the enemy. His description speaks of him turning enemies into Tzaangors so maybe he'll have a spell or something that lets him do that? 

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The Tzaangor Shaman has me excited as well. The model is lovely and if the Death Guard release is anything to go by then he'll probably be an elite choice (character) that will give Tzaangor or Tzeentch units a buff or maybe debuff the enemy. His description speaks of him turning enemies into Tzaangors so maybe he'll have a spell or something that lets him do that?

I think he can do that in AoS

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It's wierd that the Exalted Flamer standalone set is the same price as the whole Chariot set...which includes an Exalted Flamer...

They don't sell it as a standalone model. The Burning Chariot box is a multi unit kit.


Its not that surprising when a few of us thought the codex would be out later which would provide more time and likelyhood of a new kit or more.

Right but Tyranids, Astra Militatum, Grey Knights, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Eldar got no new kits.


DG got a new range and Nurgle daemons as well and SM/BA/DA got the Primaris range.


Given that most new codexes got nothing except new datasheets, Nurgle/DG vs SM is the new theme and we got a range revamp last year how much can we really expect. Plus it's year of the Xenos right? And we have what two Chaos a codex releases and a new Imperium faction to kick that off.


I mean I certainly want new kits but it just is not that likely.

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Lascannon on the back of a maulerfiend? 


Since it is a Daemon it will only hit on 4+. So that Lascannon better have more than one shot...


I foresee that it will be fast (10" movement), good in melee, somewhat sturdy and have the Infernal Regeneration rule since it can regain wounds in AoS. The portal could either be a shooting weapon or a mortal wound aura. Maybe it boosts our Psychic Tests but in exchange makes our Perils worse etc. Hence the whole "For those of you willing to risk mutation or madness" from the article. 


Edit: Also it will have random attacks. To me GWs mindset seems to be "Does the unit attack with tentacles or mutations? D6 attacks it is!".

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Well not now, but it was a better chance prior to this release news is what i am saying. And you never know, gw comes out of nowhere with kits. Not to mention we are technically a new faction that could do with more kits.
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@Raven1 For me it was the news at the outset of this edition that 1K sons would have their own Codex. That continued with Death Guard getting more new models than I ever expected. That culminated today in having no new Astartes models, but porting over AoS beastmen. That seems to me that GW wants the Sons to be a "soup" list. If I wanted to play that, I'd be playing an Imperial army.


Yes, some of the newer codexes didn't get new model releases. Unless you count primaris as new models, which I do. If you don't count primaris as new models, codexes like Blood Angels still have more unique units and characters than what I've seen so far for the Sons. 


That's where most of my frustration comes from. It could certainly change once the Codex comes out. 

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Its not that surprising when a few of us thought the codex would be out later which would provide more time and likelyhood of a new kit or more.

Right but Tyranids, Astra Militatum, Grey Knights, Adeptus Mechanicus, and Eldar got no new kits.


DG got a new range and Nurgle daemons as well and SM/BA/DA got the Primaris range.


Given that most new codexes got nothing except new datasheets, Nurgle/DG vs SM is the new theme and we got a range revamp last year how much can we really expect. Plus it's year of the Xenos right? And we have what two Chaos a codex releases and a new Imperium faction to kick that off.


I mean I certainly want new kits but it just is not that likely.


But all those examples you mentioned where already complete fleshed out armies, apart from mechanicus they really don't need more kits. Yeah the aspectwarriors could be updated. They could but they still have a nice range. You can still buy the miniatures and play them and have fun, try out completly different playstyles and armies. The armies do function well. So it is a bad analogy.

The TS only have Sorcerers, Rubrics and Terminators. There is no variation. They are not fleshed out and they play and function not well. It now even seems that  a niche army like custodes gets more variety.


TS are a one dimensional boring army. Could be better with the codex but I doubt it.


So don't act surprised that other persons have other expectations. GW said they would get a codex and flesh them out more. So it could be expected. Evene only one character kit would have gone a long way. But even that is too much.

I really am thinking of selling my army. Never played an army as boring as TS.

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