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@skerr: don't know BL stuff. I was referencing The Lost and the Damned. Of course, back then Thousand Sons legionnaires could take chain swords, las cannons, missile launchers, and jump packs. So I don't know what is canon.


I thought in newer materials, Magnus used sorcery, not ships to get Prospero exiles to the planet of sorcerers.


Heck, even in 2nd ed they could take lascannons, MLs, plasmas, chainswords and such...and that was after the rubric...


Yeah, at least since A Thousand Sons they were teleported there together with the central parts of Tizca...

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I hope we dont get the inyanden trait. Since in most cases only one runs away most of the time anyway.

I think it is a strong contender. While it wouldn't help much with Rubrics it would help with Tzaangors. And if the ability to count double wounds for degrading wound profiles would be good if it effected units like Magnus.

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I hope we dont get the inyanden trait. Since in most cases only one runs away most of the time anyway.

Not necessarily; remember Rubrics can blob up into squads of 20. If we get a good deep strike stratagem to go along a morale mitigation trait then I could see myself doing that.

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Yeah, I wouldn't mind that trait as it'd help with degrading profiles on Daemon Engines, Magnus, etc.


That said, I personally think there would be a second component to our trait if we did get the above. Maybe reroll perils or maybe -2 to enemy deny the witch? That'd be cool.

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Yeah, I wouldn't mind that trait as it'd help with degrading profiles on Daemon Engines, Magnus, etc.


That said, I personally think there would be a second component to our trait if we did get the above. Maybe reroll perils or maybe -2 to enemy deny the witch? That'd be cool.

Remember that as a Space Marine faction our trait is only going to apply to infantry and helbrutes. Our cavalry might even get screwed out of the trait...

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Yeah, I wouldn't mind that trait as it'd help with degrading profiles on Daemon Engines, Magnus, etc.


That said, I personally think there would be a second component to our trait if we did get the above. Maybe reroll perils or maybe -2 to enemy deny the witch? That'd be cool.

Remember that as a Space Marine faction our trait is only going to apply to infantry and helbrutes. Our cavalry might even get screwed out of the trait...
I'm hoping we become the Daemon Engine faction. TS psychic parking lot with goat herds and disco discs aounds very 1980's.


I'm curious to see if we get any interactions with the beast and Calvary keywords. Maybe Tzaangors will have their own list to buff the Spawn and Mutalith.

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Don't you guys think All is Dust will be the trait?

Also agree, they need a price drop, U run 2 x Tzaan and a single squad of 8 with Reaper to camp in the back field and hold objectives, they can soak up a decent amount of power with Weaver of fates if needed.

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Well seeing we don't have access to bike units I would hope GW has the foresight to change how our trait works to at least include Cavalry since anything on a dual becomes Cavalry and we are going to get more of those.
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I have no idea how they would do it. It'd be stupid to be like "TS detachment psykers get X, Y or Z" because the Tzaangor Shamans would benefit. There's a very good chance they have (like tzaangor troops) HERETIC ASTARTES so you cant even use that to narrow down the psychic-related chapter trait. A shaman is not as good as a TS sorcerer. There needs to be a distinction. 


Considering Ahriman and Magnus get a bonus to cast, I very much doubt our "trait" would be a bonus to cast. 


If anything, I would expect Perils mitigation and maybe NEVER suffer negative modifiers to a psychic test (SitW etc). Also, Iyanden trait is very very probable considering Rubrics act like Wraith Guard but slower. I can see those two. 

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Okay so some perspective; the trait will be 2 parts (I would presume just like most traits, and the DG trait), The trait will effect our brutes, and our units. I would imagine Morale will be a big deal, as Rubrics....."running" anywhere doesn't really make sense. (The above quote regarding iyanden makes perfect sense) 

I dont think they will make the trait anything psychic, it SHOULD NOT be necessary for it do anything psychic, the warlord traits and relics/strats are more then enough on that front. so its not a concern. I also dont think that the trait will effect our cav (disc riders) 


the shaman will probably be an elite slot, 4 wounds, with 1 cast, 1 dispel, from one specific lore OR have a pre-determined spell of some sort along with Aura buff for goats. 

However, gents dont lose hope regarding the skyfires/enlightened just yet.  2 things we can count on; There WILL be a couple of stratagems (or at least one for sure) that will effect the skyfire/enlightened. Every single "unique" unit in basically every book I can think of has some form of unique stratagem dealing *specifically* with the unit in question. (Poxwalkers, Daemon engines, stern guard, plenty of others from various dexes). I think both skyfires and enlightened are shoe-ins in one way or another for their own 1k sons strategem.  Id bet on it, logical assertion says were getting something in this regard. 


The other thing is....Hello folks; they are Tzeentch and Daemon keywords!   This means that our all-but obligatory tzeentch detachment will give us *ridiculous* versatility using the Daemon keyword to the max.....lets ABUSE that relationship like were slannesh worshipers!!! :wink:


Regardless of which unit becomes good, following the standard; ONE of the two is going to be great or very good. the other will either be bad, or mediocre. (this is conjecture, but hey its a thing GW tends to do with duel kits. One rules, the other sucks) 


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As pointed out, our legion trait needs to make sense for Tzaangors, Helbrutes, Sorcerers AND Rubrics. +1 to our Invulnerable Saves (and 5++ for those who lack one already) would fit. Call it "Chosen of Tzeentch" or whatever. Remember that Thousand Sons almost always had 3++ or 4++ saves across editions (except when we had 2 wounds and were immune to S5 or below ^^).


Of course, it's highly unlikely we get that since it would actually make us competitive...


Peril mitigation is also unlikely imo, seeing as Tzeentch daemons didn't get anything like it (you would think being a Daemon would protect you from Daemonic possession... Think again ! lol)

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As pointed out, our legion trait needs to make sense for Tzaangors, Helbrutes, Sorcerers AND Rubrics. +1 to our Invulnerable Saves (and 5++ for those who lack one already) would fit. Call it "Chosen of Tzeentch" or whatever. Remember that Thousand Sons almost always had 3++ or 4++ saves across editions (except when we had 2 wounds and were immune to S5 or below ^^).


Of course, it's highly unlikely we get that since it would actually make us competitive...


Peril mitigation is also unlikely imo, seeing as Tzeentch daemons didn't get anything like it (you would think being a Daemon would protect you from Daemonic possession... Think again ! lol)


+1 invul would be nice, but Tz Daemons already have that and i doubt they would reuse that for us.


We can throw out anything that is related to All is Dust, as it wouldnt impact the Tzaangors and GW will do what they can to boost those sales through decent rules.


Inyanden would work, and possibly very competitive as long as it extends to all units (it can exclude vehicles to be consistent with Heretic Astartes). only losing 1 model would be sick for assault tzaangors and big units of rubrics.


I truly believe we will see a WL trait that allows a sorcerer to avoid any negative modifiers (including smite reduction). I think we will also see several strategims to allow boosts to some sort of casting (maybe re-rolls and we already know of one benefit on).


The only way i can see us getting a benefit to casters as a faction trait is if it is a secondary benefit, something minor like "only perils on double 1s". The reason is that if you look at all the factions released, all faction benefits are for the ENTIRE RANGE (minus vehicles for power armor armies). Even Daemons, which strayed from the pack, are benefits for factions FROM characters for ALL models. We could see a benefit like that- 'all units within x of a character gain y benefit'.


At this point its all about educated guessing 

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I think +1 Invul is lazy. I've always thought the invul was lazy since Sept 2007 when that book came out with the AP3 bolters.


However, Invulnerable Saves are MUCH more valuable to us in 8th because of the obvious benefits of All is Dust.


I could see that. It's gotta work for Helbrutes though. 5+ invul hellbrutes with All is Dust would be nice.. except for that flesh on the model.

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I doubt you'd get the Iyanden trait. DG, BA and DA didn't get any other subfactions trait either.

Death guard got rapid fire within 18" trait and can move and not suffer penalty for firing heavy weapons or advance and not suffer penalty firing assault weapons. (And that's on top of their mostly universal disgustingly resilient)


Blood angels got +1 to wound rolls in melee if they charged or were charged that turn.


Dark angels got a trait that they can't lose more than 1 model to morale (iyanden) AND can reroll 1s to hit when shooting if they did not move that turn.

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The dark angel one could be a strong contender as well. Again changing Bike to Cavalry. It affects a good portion of our units and makes sense as these stoic units in theory could be bit more accurate as self preservation doesnt affect them to duck dive or move from excellent shooting positions.
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The dark angel one could be a strong contender as well. Again changing Bike to Cavalry. It affects a good portion of our units and makes sense as these stoic units in theory could be bit more accurate as self preservation doesnt affect them to duck dive or move from excellent shooting positions.


Yeah, it could be a contender, but i think we will have the first part and the second will be something to either do with the psychics or rubrics

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I have not looked at the Death Guard dex and only read bits and pieces on it though I hear there is great synergy with Nurgle demons.  Are Nurgle demon units in the DG dex or does one need to buys the Demon dex as well?  I suspect if one has the demon dex there are expanded possibilities with them even if they are all ready in the DG Dex...?


Wondering if I need to buy the Demon Codex now before the our dex drops to benefit from using Tzeentch demons for my 1000 Sons.


Thanks all.

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Thinking about it and how the Blood Angels got +1 to wound in Melee...


Maybe we could get +1 to wound in the Shooting phase (with a condition like "if the target is less than 12" or 18" away) ! Ok that may seem crazy, but our shooting is rather lacking anyway (S4 across the board doesn't cut it these days) and it would give us the edge in close-quarter firefights, where we're supposed to be great.


Just sayin'...



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I have not looked at the Death Guard dex and only read bits and pieces on it though I hear there is great synergy with Nurgle demons.  Are Nurgle demon units in the DG dex or does one need to buys the Demon dex as well?  I suspect if one has the demon dex there are expanded possibilities with them even if they are all ready in the DG Dex...?


Wondering if I need to buy the Demon Codex now before the our dex drops to benefit from using Tzeentch demons for my 1000 Sons.


Thanks all.

Most if not all Nurgle Daemons are in the Death Guard Codex like the basic Daemons are in the CSM Codex, however that was of course before the Daemon Codex release so some of the Datasheets will be outdated and the new Heralds aren't there either obviously.

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