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Except the savings wont be passed onto the consumer.

I think the point being made is that they need to sell fewer units of a resin model to make their investment back, which reduces the risk and makes doing small runs more attractive to GW.


So by supporting a release like this, the likelihood of other one-off projects in the future becomes higher.


Except the savings wont be passed onto the consumer.

I think the point being made is that they need to sell fewer units of a resin model to make their investment back, which reduces the risk and makes doing small runs more attractive to GW.


So by supporting a release like this, the likelihood of other one-off projects in the future becomes higher.

Exactly. Let's show GW we love all the character releases and want them as frequently as possible

Not my problem, cause I ain't buying it :wink:

I'll convert a Marbo with the next catachan release

Mine is in a box somewhere between Fargo and here. If it was in plastic I would have driven 2.5 hours to try and get one . But it is a COOL looking Fig.

I'm not paying premium to sort out "issues"

It's a shame because I love Marbo, and the mini looks sick. But not worth it. All it takes is an accident and I already lost Helbrecth and an Emperor Champion (and a TV) while moving.

Edited by Sete
It’s cheaper than a lot of the plastic characters. It’s just a characteristic of the material, thin bits can bend. It’s like saying ‘I’m not paying a premium to clean up mould lines’. Edited by fire golem

My blade was slightly bent as well however just glueing it into place fixed the issue for me.  This was the best cast from GW I've gotten in a long time, I think i filled one tiny hole near his neckline that would have been mostly covered by the joint anyway.  Like many I would have preferred plastic but this was pretty easy to handle compared to the horror that was my warpsmith years ago.



Cool model but abit annoyed with cigar thing on characters, also the mac10 looking "pistol" is just out of place.



That's part of the references, Arnold's schtick in Predator was the cigar and Kurt Russel had the same gun in Escape From New York. 

Edited by MyD4rkPassenger
Sorry, but I disagree that grabbing this model just to get more "one off" character releases is a good thing. They shouldn't waste time on coming up with rather crappy rules for "one off" characters when they should be working to re-release 2nd Edition foundational characters in plastic for every faction with decent rules OR just fess up, kill them off and move on to new ideas for characters that are more interesting to the studio in the Dark Imperium as their replacements.

I don't know if it's been mentioned already, but our in-store rep said that he'd be receiving a permanent release later in 2018, with the current thing (mostly just the box) being a limited run.


I could understand this being a limited run had the box been a metal ammo case, though...

Sorry, but I disagree that grabbing this model just to get more "one off" character releases is a good thing. They shouldn't waste time on coming up with rather crappy rules for "one off" characters when they should be working to re-release 2nd Edition foundational characters in plastic for every faction with decent rules OR just fess up, kill them off and move on to new ideas for characters that are more interesting to the studio in the Dark Imperium as their replacements.

OK, but that's not going to happen for a while. These new resin models are on a par, visually at least, to the recent releases.


Between the option of resin characters or simply less characters, why fight the resin?

Edited by Ishagu

Between having no dog and having a dog humping you, why fight it? ;)


I don't like resin. I will always speak against an inferior material, when you can now days get the same level of detail in plastic.

Edited by Sete
You can’t get the same detail in plastic without a larger investment, is the issue. So some things we might either not get or get in resin. I’d rather have in resin than not have, especially when there isn’t really anything wrong with their resin models now.

You can’t get the same detail in plastic without a larger investment, is the issue. So some things we might either not get or get in resin. I’d rather have in resin than not have, especially when there isn’t really anything wrong with their resin models now.

I'd rather we get useful characters that haven't had a new model in 20-30 years, especially ones that are pretty foundational to the setting. They didn't need to worry about Marbo when they haven't redone Abaddon. Additionally, foundational characters should have time taken on them and see much more wide-spread use, so they should take the time and make the investment to create the correct characters that need to be made, or be brave enough to show their hand, kill off these characters if the Studio no longer deems them interesting, and create actual interesting characters with beneficial rules, rather than one-off "neat" creations that burned up development time better spent elsewhere.

I finished putting him together and the cast is excellent. I had zero serious flaws. Minor flaws were a slightly bent blade (this was not an issue as the blade is fixed between two anchor points on the model at tip and hilt and so is straightened naturally), a small hole in the back of the leg that was easily filled and a slight fitting gap that needed filled. Nothing out of the ordinary for resin and better than most FW resins. The detail is crisp and well defined and the resin feels solid. There was no release agent at all on the sprue. Really good effort from Gdub, it's a great buy for £15.


You can’t get the same detail in plastic without a larger investment, is the issue. So some things we might either not get or get in resin. I’d rather have in resin than not have, especially when there isn’t really anything wrong with their resin models now.

I'd rather we get useful characters that haven't had a new model in 20-30 years, especially ones that are pretty foundational to the setting. They didn't need to worry about Marbo when they haven't redone Abaddon. Additionally, foundational characters should have time taken on them and see much more wide-spread use, so they should take the time and make the investment to create the correct characters that need to be made, or be brave enough to show their hand, kill off these characters if the Studio no longer deems them interesting, and create actual interesting characters with beneficial rules, rather than one-off "neat" creations that burned up development time better spent elsewhere.


The humor in this is that this might be exactly what's happening. They might well have said "We're redoing a selection of characters. Let's do the big ones in plastic - the secondary characters let's do in resin." Abaddon may very well have been on that list. The resin ones, like Marbo, get done first and released while you're still waiting the year for the others to come around. The frustration can only be vindicated... A year from now.

EDIT: Or three, depending on scale!

Edited by Pentharian

The humor in this is that this might be exactly what's happening. They might well have said "We're redoing a selection of characters. Let's do the big ones in plastic - the secondary characters let's do in resin." Abaddon may very well have been on that list. The resin ones, like Marbo, get done first and released while you're still waiting the year for the others to come around. The frustration can only be vindicated... A year from now.

EDIT: Or three, depending on scale!

Hmmmmm, that doesn't sound very humorous at all, actually, it sounds like poor planning and bad business.

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