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2 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:


Unfortunately, the project is indefinitely postponed. Over the years, GW changed so much in the gaming landscape that I can't find the motivation/justification to finish the Rhinos. I had had ideas to further modify them and use as Impulsors or Gladiators but at the moment, with my backlog, I can't be bothered.


It saddens me to say and admit this but I guess it's the truth :( In terms of conversions/scratchbuilds, I want to finish/refurbish my custom Land Raider and paint my Thunderhawk. I've even came up with a justification for abandoning the project altogether. If it comes to that, I think, I didn't really waste my time on a dud project but instead honed my plasticard skills: these Rhinos were experimental in the sense that they were the first models that I've used my current approach to building the core structure, as well as adding fine details.

That’s a shame. They looked pretty much finished; I reckon you could have got away with just painting them as they were. Hope you do get to it one day.

I'm not saying that I definitely won't finish the custom Rhinos but they're definitely at the very bottom of my priority list.


With the mess that my collection is, I really want to finish the 'official' models and the larger scratch builds (Land Raider and Thunderhawk). Unfortunately, I feel that a combination of limited hobby time and the uncertain rules landscape forces me to cut back on some of my... dreams.


The thing is that I discovered that I really need a justification for the use of my models in a game. It is more and more apparent that GW is 'removing' Firstborn units from the setting and this make that much easier for me to use my existing models as 'proxies' for the Primaris stuff. After all, in one article, GW encouraged people to use their regular Bikes as Outriders. I suppose that this will be the case with Rhinos, Razorbacks and Predators. If it's true, I don't really need my custom stuff added to the existing armoury.


Having said that, I also have a number of ideas how to 'primarise' my vehicles.


27 minutes ago, TheArtilleryman said:

That’s a shame. They looked pretty much finished; I reckon you could have got away with just painting them as they were. Hope you do get to it one day.


Oh, yeah. They were, at the time. I just wanted to add some rivets. However, between then, a lot has changed and I wanted to 'Impulsorize' them - add some extension on the sides at the back resembling the air intakes of a Impulsor and add the relevant weapons systems. At the same time, I found the quality of some of the details a bit lacking.


I used to be a hoarder and am struggling to let things go so they'll safely remain in a box and we'll see what the future brings!




But I'm very grateful for your comments. Having distanced myself from the gaming aspect of the hobby, I sometimes find it hard to keep myself motivated. Especially with the lurking feeling that my models are quite obsolete: even if I find ways to use them in a game and I enjoy the aesthetic, they'll probably look rubbish next to modern kits (both Primaris and non-Space Marines). Yet such great support from this community keeps me going in my oldschool ways! Thanks!

10 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

Having distanced myself from the gaming aspect of the hobby, I sometimes find it hard to keep myself motivated. Especially with the lurking feeling that my models are quite obsolete: even if I find ways to use them in a game and I enjoy the aesthetic, they'll probably look rubbish next to modern kits (both Primaris and non-Space Marines). Yet such great support from this community keeps me going in my oldschool ways!


May I suggest taking them out for a spin with model-agnostic systems? They are out there and a lot more popular these days than you might think. Best part from a modeling standpoint is the people who play those games tend to pull together models from all sorts of places to make their armies, and "firstborn" models (they are Space Marines and will always be Space Marines!) are certainly welcomed.


GW's recent rules for 40k killed my motivation to play, and with it my motivation to keep building and painting new units. Since getting back into the gaming side with a different ruleset, the difference is night and day. It is a great feeling to be excited about collecting, building, painting, AND gaming!

I would second @phandaal's approach - if you like the models but don't like the rules, find an alternative set of rules. That could be an older edition, or a competitor's ruleset; it could also be a different scale of game, e.g. going to skirmish scale a-la Inquisitor-28, with lots of funky scenery and a handful of models.


I would also add that the old Space Marine models only look "dated" in comparison to the Primaris models if the Primaris models are actually near them ... :wink: 

Oh, definitely; I'm enamoured by OnePageRules right now. As for the previous editions, I'm very much open to that but am not sure about how my local gaming community feels about that. Regardless, my priority is to finish my OldBorn stuff first.


Having said that, I'm worried that I'll get distracted by the contents of the Leviathan box that I've won here in the Call to Arms event... Frankly speaking, I've spent probably too much time over the last week thinking about ways to use these models and how to paint them.




I humbly ask for your opinion; I'm reworking an old model to use as a count-as Judiciar. This is what I kitbashed; obviously, please disregard the mess, the blue tak - the question is of a general basis: what do you think about the pose?










At the moment, I think it's pretty okay, given the bits I have. But I need third-party feedback to ensure that the pose isn't clumsy or wrong in some fundamental way. The 'lantern' will be converted so that there is a handle in the hand of the marine.

I think it looks good. I like the pose and I like the way he is holding the scabbard like that.

Only question is: if he is holding the lantern how will he draw the sword? Obviously he can swap hands lol; maybe I’m just being finnicky…

1 hour ago, TheArtilleryman said:

Only question is: if he is holding the lantern how will he draw the sword?


Oh, that's an excellent point... I think that the excuse is the 'Rule of Cool' - the sword in the old BT scabbard is a fun bit.


Maybe he'll be fending foes off using the Emperor's holy light and should he actually need his sword, he'll mag-lock the lantern to his belt for a moment. But yeah, thanks for that feedback :D I haven't thought about the 'practical' aspect of the conversion.

7 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:


Oh, that's an excellent point... I think that the excuse is the 'Rule of Cool' - the sword in the old BT scabbard is a fun bit.


Maybe he'll be fending foes off using the Emperor's holy light and should he actually need his sword, he'll mag-lock the lantern to his belt for a moment. But yeah, thanks for that feedback :D I haven't thought about the 'practical' aspect of the conversion.

Sounds good to me!

I'd like to think of the blade as a ceremonial sword; the guy is just chilling and dazzling everyone with an uncannily-bright light that no foe of the emperor can stand. And perhaps the blade is that of an executioner acting on behalf of the Reclusiam? Who knows...


The bottom line is this: the sword bit is pretty cool, with the ribbon wrapped around. Has a very try-hard anime nature to it :D I kinda dig it.




In other news, I've embarked on the final steps of assembling my army. It definitely is a process. I need to vent a bit: BOY, OH BOY, DO HATE RECLAIMING SECOND-HAND MODELS.


I'm so glad that this is almost over... In the last few years, I've basically worked exclusively with second-hand kits that I had bought on tight budget and I feel I've already had a lifetime-worth share of doing that.


Last night I spent 2 hours working on 3 (say: three) bike models because everything that could go wrong did. At the moment, it's overwhelmingly annoying since I feel that time passes and no progress is made, but, well - one has to take responsibility of the decisions (mistakes) of the past. Gosh... Yeah, venting over.


I must live with the hope that once I paint them the frustration will be replaces with satisfaction


In my uni and post-unit days, I've bought way too many models. Thanks be to the Primaris thing which helped me understand how big of a problem with buying and collecting models I have; if I weren't annoyed with the scale change, I'd probably end up with a store-worth of models stacked in boxes scattered around the house.


On the flip side, once I finish the Crusade (and the finish line is in sight with roughly 50 models out of >300 to go) I can say this: yeah, 2010 called and said that this is a nice Space Marine army.

Hopefully the frustration of the second-hand models is worth it in the end. :smile: If nothing else, I'm sure the environment thanks you for giving them a second life. :smile: 


It sounds like it's been a mammoth project - 300 models would be large, even for an Ork or Tyranid army! :ohmy: I'm sure it'll look great on display when it's finished :smile: 

Haha, I haven't thought about the environmental angle. That's great, I buy it ;) Maybe this mindset also helped me with the final effort: I managed to prep all of my bikes, including a minor conversion of the attack bike side car, i.e. the option to use an assault cannon when I proxy the attack bike as the primaris cart-ATV-thingy.


Regarding the size of the army, yeah, I guess it's large. I wholeheartedly admit that things have gotten out of hand. In retrospect, it probably is a combination of childish enthusiasm, a gross underestimation of how much time it takes to finish models and the fun in finding good deals and planning out my army.


In the end, most of the effort I made is kinda void with all the things that happened since 8th edition. But following my heart (not reason which), the advice of my family and friends and the enthusiasm of this community, I am determined to finish what I started.... aaaaand I sincerely believe that once I finish all my stuff, I'll get around to playing a 40k-favoured game, whatever that is: a current edition, a past edition or alternative not endorsed by GW. At least all the effort put into getting the right numbers of weapons and/or magnetising models (which I absolutely hate!) won't go to waste.

The attack bike conversion sounds neat :smile: 


13 hours ago, Brother Christopher said:

Regarding the size of the army, yeah, I guess it's large. I wholeheartedly admit that things have gotten out of hand. In retrospect, it probably is a combination of childish enthusiasm, a gross underestimation of how much time it takes to finish models

I think we've all been there :blush: :smile: 

Praise the Emperor for I don't have to do any more work on SM Bikes... Well, maybe apart from picking a head here and there and maybe adding a purity seal.


I can't wait to prime these to forget how many coats of colour, that really ate into the plastic and was impossible to strip, there were on these models. I think that priming and painting these will be very cathartic: I do want to forget the horror of getting these in relative order.


Here's a group photo:




I'm particularly happy with my Banner Bearer - the banner, I think, comes from some kind of IG kit, plus I've used an old power axe arm from a SW kit. I think that it'll look cool once painted.




Also, I've added an assault cannon as an option for my assault bike which will be a count-as Primaris ATV-thingy.



The AC is a bit too long, which is a bit annoying, but I don't feel like redoing it. It's a bit clumsy, but, well. I've got to live with that. At least it'll be functional should I want to use the ATV with the onslaught gatling cannon.


Edited by Brother Christopher

I like the standard-bearer too. I didn't realise they'd made one with moulded-on bullet holes (as someone who remembers the opening cinematic to Dawn of War, I really like that :smile:)


There must have been some serious (etching?) paint on them for some, from what you're saying - normally IPA or BioStrip leave very little behind. Still, a quick blitz with the primer, and that'll all be gone :smile: 

Well, I usually don't have problems with stripping paint off with my acrylic paint remover but, as is evident, it wasn't strong enough for these guys. But thanks on the feedback; I do know about Dettol's properties but never got it (I used DOT4 break fluid and later, the no-name paint remover).




Once again, require feedback. The matter is not a trifle: I'm wondering what to do with my 'proper' Marshal, my go-to boss of the Crusade, Brother Arthur. Now without a backack, the model was finished a couple of years ago and over the years led my armies to surprisingly many victories. He's future-proofed since he sports magnes in his shoulders but his primary loadout is a Relic Shield and a Relic Blade.






I think I finished him around 6th edition and back then he was intended to wear the Armour Indomitus, wield the Shield Eternal and the Burning Blade. The shield and sword will remain as-is; I'm wondering about a redo of the armour.


The original idea was to go with an old, rugged, utilitarian look, dating back to the Heresy. That's why I intentionally went with a no-fills brestplate and no tabard, just a Maltese Cross on a chain. Now, however, I'm sort of considering blinging him up by giving him a 1. loin cloth or a 2. 'tabard' (i.e. loincloth + cloth on the breastplate). Do you think that the model needs option 1. or 2.?


I am pretty much torn on the matter; on the one hand, I've grown to like him as-is. I also think that he's pretty ornate for a leader character thanks to the other stuff: cape, shield, seals and a unique armour (also adding cloth will hide some of the nice armour details, like the 'belt' or the cabling on the breastplate) . On the other hand, he's not very templary, in the traditional sense.


Right now I think I'm 70:30 in favour of leaving him as-is.

1 minute ago, Terminatorinhell said:

I think he looks fine without the cloth tbh. The freehand on the cape is super impressive BTW

I concur, I think he's looking fine as you left him, really nice work.

I'm not a fan of super-ornate Space Marines, so I think he looks fine as is with the cape and chain adornments. :smile: 


The choice of weapons seems appropriate for a Templar :wink: 

Okay, so that's a unanimous 'leave him alone' - I won't be fiddling with my Marshal guy then. Thanks!




Over the last 2-3 days, I've managed to get through a lot of tedious work. I managed to fix and reorganise most of the problematic models and - at this stage - I feel tired of assembling reclaimed stuff. Considering the planned one-week winter holiday, I think I'll tidy my table up and leave the rest of work for later. I think... It's smooth sailing from now on, i.e. I just need to finish-finish around 15 models, where the to-do list for 80% of these means adding single arms, heads and shoulder pads.

Sounds like a break doing something else is in order, as you've surmised. Hopefully you'll come back freshly invigorated and work through the last 15 quickly :smile: 

Can definitely relate to needing a breather, and there are few times better than after getting it all in order. Now coming back to the hobby space will feel more relaxing with a clean plate to start with!


Having just reread the entire thread, I have to compliment you on the quality and dedication of your work. Between the scratchbuilding, the conversions, the rescues, and the general effort of work you have on display it's honestly inspiring for my own Crusade plans. Thank you for being so diligent in recording and explaining your work!

  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/1/2024 at 7:57 PM, Mr. Oddity said:

Having just reread the entire thread, I have to compliment you on the quality and dedication of your work. Between the scratchbuilding, the conversions, the rescues, and the general effort of work you have on display it's honestly inspiring for my own Crusade plans. Thank you for being so diligent in recording and explaining your work!


Thank you very much. For the time you spent going through my thread (I don't have a good memory for the things I post online, but I expect that there was a fair bit of complaining) and the very kind words. While I'm not very consistent with my hobby time, I will continue to share any of my future work. Right now, after the (re)organisation phase, I'm focusing a bit on experimenting with other colours for my first-ever side project but I am also set on finishing these guys and, hopefully, one day, posting an army-shot of the entire OOP BT collection.

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