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@WAR and @Dr_Ruminahui Thanks, much appreciated!


17 hours ago, Crusader Reborn said:

Nice apothecary, face, buttons and purity seals are detailed well. 

You're Templars make me nostalgic.


Thanks! I think that nostalgia is the main driving force between this long-overdue project.


17 hours ago, Crusader Reborn said:

I would only council that you thin out the paint works a tad on the white. A wet pallete and some medium perhaps for the future.


Thanks for the advice. Actually, I've already been attempting to do what you suggested but, admittedly, this was my first try at painting white model. I'll see how it works out for a Primaris heavy Apothecary.


However, I think that the apparent thickness/chalkiness of this particular model comes from the texture of the metal (or age of the mini or poorly stripped paint) - I felt that I did a good job at thinning the paint but ended up with what I have. But, as I mentioned, a true test will be when I get around to painting a new, modern miniature.

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I know the pain.

I learned to work my whites up from brown, through bone to finally white. Adds depth to the white. It also layers so rougher miniatures will look smoother. Takes longer obviously but it depends on the results you will be content with.

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The progress train is slowly leaving the RETRO STATION but not quite yet.


Firstly, I think, the oldest model in my collection, a random flamer marine from a bygone era:





And a custom count-as bladeguard veteran, based on a kitbash using metal vet parts, as well as some green stuff (the cloth on the shoulder pad) and a DIY plasticard shield on the backpack. I painted this model long ago but he needed an upgrade. I decided not to strip him completely and settle with an attempt to 'improve' the original paintjob (for silly reasons — call it nostalgia — I decided not to remove paint from my old models, especially those that did well in games) - so I touched up the tabard, tried to refine the lines and replaced a bolt pistol that was utterly ruined with glue with a metal plasma pistol (I think, from a Sicarius model).




I think I'll need to revisit the lines on the helmet; seeing them in the photo, I'm not particularly pleased with the result.




The shield, however, turned out surprisingly dope!




Some old freehand - a homage to Geralt of Rivia.



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4 minutes ago, Brother Christopher said:

The progress train is slowly leaving the RETRO STATION but not quite yet.


Firstly, I think, the oldest model in my collection, a random flamer marine from a bygone era:





And a custom count-as bladeguard veteran, based on a kitbash using metal vet parts, as well as some green stuff (the cloth on the shoulder pad) and a DIY plasticard shield on the backpack. I painted this model long ago but he needed an upgrade. I decided not to strip him completely and settle with an attempt to 'improve' the original paintjob (for silly reasons — call it nostalgia — I decided not to remove paint from my old models, especially those that did well in games) - so I touched up the tabard, tried to refine the lines and replaced a bolt pistol that was utterly ruined with glue with a metal plasma pistol (I think, from a Sicarius model).




I think I'll need to revisit the lines on the helmet; seeing them in the photo, I'm not particularly pleased with the result.




The shield, however, turned out surprisingly dope!




Some old freehand - a homage to Geralt of Rivia.



Love these! I used to have that flamer guy once upon a time. The nostalgia is flowing …

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