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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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I re-read that Table twice and can't seem to find that. :tongue.:

Pilot: Personal is more akin to Jumppack operation if I read that one right. There just doesn't seem to be a way to have a Techmarine



Iirc, Pilot (personal) is on the Rank 3 General Space Marine advances table for ~800?


Your pardon both please - I should have stipulated, the Errata adds it at Rank 1 for 100 xp.


An auspicious day to be sure.



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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Vorr has a 100xp to spend think I'll pick it up after I give it a quick read in case we get into a shuttle incident again!

Pilot Personal is only for Jump Pack or otherwise "Personally equipped" gear that would require a piloting test; youd need Pilot (Aeronautica) or (space craft) or some other for shuttles and stuff.

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Vorr has a 100xp to spend think I'll pick it up after I give it a quick read in case we get into a shuttle incident again!

Pilot Personal is only for Jump Pack or otherwise "Personally equipped" gear that would require a piloting test; youd need Pilot (Aeronautica) or (space craft) or some other for shuttles and stuff.

Baby steps lad :P I saw there's a Chapter Rituals Deed for 100 xp but think Mol said we weren't doing Deeds until the end of episode 2.

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First post of SwordHand is now up. I hope I formatted it appropriately and I'm willing to make any adjustments as needed.


For clarifications, since Codicier Guillermo has short-range telepathy, I will use == this == to represent his use of silent speech so it stands apart from speaking or vox-communications.  

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Revised XP spend:

Berserk Charge - 600 (Blood Angels)

Signature Wargear (Jump Pack) - 500 (Core, General)

Furious Assault - 600 (Blood Angels)

Pilot (personal) - 100 (errata)

Acrobatics - 200 (Blood Angels)

Total - 2000

Updated my 2k xp Expenditure.

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Blackthorn Players:


When the game returns to Syndalla, 15 days will have passed since the destruction of the slaughterhouse sanctum. In an effort to represent the interval of time between Episode 1 and Episode 2 and to help craft the narrative, the survivors of Kill-Team Blackthorn can use their skills or characteristics to bolster the situation in Beregar City. When the Battle-Brother makes the Skill Test, successes or failures will determine the situation Beregar is in when we return.


The following are some suggestions for Skill Tests the Battle-Brothers might make, but I will allow creative ideas on your part:


Ballistic Skill / Weapon Skill: The Battle-Brother takes the fight to the alien, flushing out remaining Cult forces using skill at arms.

Intelligence: The Battle-Brother is able to anticipate likely ambush locations, stymying the efforts of the cult to sabotage PDF operations.

Command: Through leadership and personal inspiration, the Battle-Brother takes charge of a location, issuing orders, directing troops, and giving instructions to subordinates.

Charm: The Battle-Brother boosts morale with his charisma, wit and personal bravery, inspiring those around him to ever-greater feats of bravery.

Common Lore (War): The Battle-Brother’s personal experiences with combat and warfare allow him to impart a veteran’s insight on the conflicts, helping the scattered PDF forces to fight like veteran warriors.

Forbidden Lore (Xenos): Knowing the habits of the vile alien, the Battle-Brother instructs forces to set traps and ambushes that anticipate their schemes.

Tech-Use: The Battle-Brother sets up defences using war-systems such as automated Tarantula sentry turrets, minefields, jamming beacons and localised void-shields.


Each Battle-Brother may only use each skill or characteristic once across the 15 days.


Each week requires 5 successful skill tests (in other words, you keep testing and failing until you accumulate enough passes.) The tests get successively harder as you progress. Through the three weeks.


Week 1 (Days 1-5)

5 successful Skill Checks needed - Tests at +0


Week 2 (Days 6-10)

5 successful Skill Checks needed - Tests at -10


Week 3 (Days 11-15)

5 successful Skill Checks needed - Tests at -20


You will have to work together to determine when to use which skills - so there is some strategy in it!

Edited by Commissar Molotov
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Steel - the intention is that people from Blackthorn will discuss it (which stats and characteristics are best to do and at which stage.) Swordhand need a bit of time to bed in and discuss ideas, so it gives Blackthorn an opportunity to emulate what they've been doing - building a shared narrative.
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Remember each character can only use each characteristic once. That gives the seven Marines of Blackthorn 63 chances to secure 15 passes! Plus, high skills might be best saved for -20 tests in week 3. Varvost has a WS in the 70s so would potentially be good there. Easy to suggest Blackthorn raided a cult holdfast, for example.
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Very cool intros and cudos to Apologist, Dos and Reyner (in alphabetical order, for efficiency ;) )

You can tell you already put quite some work in preparing those off screen. Looks like some interesting characters and relations are coming up there!


Remember each character can only use each characteristic once. That gives the seven Marines of Blackthorn 63 chances to secure 15 passes! Plus, high skills might be best saved for -20 tests in week 3. Varvost has a WS in the 70s so would potentially be good there. Easy to suggest Blackthorn raided a cult holdfast, for example.

That puts things a bit more on the practical side.


While I am sorting out the options, I could indeed see Sabaan bolstering automatic and technical defenses (via Tech Use) and aid in the breaching of cultist strongholds (security) among other things.

Maybe he could act as a liaison to the the Adeptus Mechanicus enclave to coordinate the efforts and get access to some more esoteric aid from the Omnissiah ( Int ?)

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Interesting predicament that Swordhand find themselves in. The desire to fight is hardcoded into Astartes DNA, and the urge to avenge their losses must be palpable. But I can see how characters like Yeng might think of the very real biological legacies they must protect. They don't only fight for themselves. A dead Marine is a glorious Marine, but hardly a useful one...
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Atratus brings his biggest numbers in awareness and pilot(jump pack), though also manages 70 move silent after penalties - for scouting

A fully aimed shot would be 72 but his base BS score is only 42. A solid WS of 63.

Tactics at 45, a Fel of 51 with the IoM but no charm or command, and no tech skills to speak of.


All said the character is strongest as a scout and assassin as needed.

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