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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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I apologize for making you gentlemen wait on me. 


I had some... unexpected family complications and the last few days became a bit hectic. I will also admit I keep pressuring myself into thinking that I need to write way more than what might be necessary, so I continually psyche myself out when I think my writing isn't good enough or not long enough.


I will endeavor to correct this in the future. 

Sorry to hear that, Noctus; hope things are on the mend. For what it's worth, I think it's a great post; I like the nods to the past, which makes for good worldbuilding. :smile.:




I echo this and apologise I did not spot it sooner - I hope all is well with you and the family.


@ Steel, poor Tyber, he only wants to make friends, I like the naivety this passes off actually.  Young 'uns. :wink:  


@ Dos, you're a bad lad and should go to your room!  Good post. :wink:



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MR, make friends? Maybe, I see it more as trying to get a feel for people in the squad now... at least there is no Dark Angel (or Unforgiven for that matter) in the squad, that could cause some friction between the Dragon and the Unforgiven.


First person to say that he (Tyber) is of Dark Angel decent, is going to get an ear full...:laugh.:

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But the Astral Claws are not members of the "Unforgiven", big difference. :wink:



Rough rundown on the issues between the Dragons and the Unforgien.


The Dragon's issues with the Unforgiven date back to the great crusade, the 9th didn't take well to the Lion taking command of the legion. The Lion reassigned many members of their command staff, sticking them with new members of the legion that were born on Caliban, this started the drive of a wedge between the Terran born members and the Caliban born members, this wedge was driven deeper when the traditions from Caliban were being forced on them, replacing traditions that were put in place with them by the Emperor. This bad blood came to a head over Caliban during the Legion civil war, resulting in the last few Terran born, executing the Caliban born members of their chapter as traitors to the Throne.


In the aftermath of the battle, when the Legion convened to discuss what they were going to do, with their dirty little secret as well as if they should adopt the codex for the most part, the acting chapter master of the 9th called the other meeting masters fools, cowards and worse for abandoning the Hexagrammaton for the Codex Astartes written by someone whom was neither the Emperor or their Primarch. Before the Master of the 9th left the chamber, he proclaimed that there were no Dragons on Caliban, that the 9th would take that name, as a symbol of their refusal to accept the ways of the Calibanites.


When it comes to the fallen, the bulk of the Dragons have no knowldge of them, like the rest of the Unforgiven, that knowldge is restricted to Librarians and High Ranking Astartes of Captain or higher. Their general attitude is, every chapter likely had issues with in their ranks at the end of the Heresy, no reason to feel ashamed about it, but we'll still kill them if we run into them.

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Most of the maps for this RPG are bodged together in paint and powerpoint - but thanks to the amazing graphical skills of Nineswords, we have a proper map of Syndalla which we can use to plan the defense! 


I mean... look at this thing! 



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T'is a work of wonder and artistry to be sure, I would wish I had access to a skilled artificer in my past career of GM'ing.


Kudos to Nine for a great map.


Defensible position of the city itself is good, but damn, the Spaceport is :censored: for location with a single access road/rail bridge.  We're going to have to station quality troops there to hold it as it is literally our only way off-world.  The Thunder-tadpole is best used in the early stages as a QRF, then later for transit from the top of the Governor's Manse or Templum a la Evacuation of the American Embassy in Saigon style.



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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I say we go to the space port and hold it. We can either use the bridge as a choke point, or blow it to limit access.





Type-o, due to small mobile keyboard and big fingers....

Edited by Steel Company
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@ Morovir, looking forward to it :)


Steel: Hold the spaceport, hold the walls of the city as long as possible and stage a fighting retreat under the cover of earthshakers and if possible naval gunnery, get everyone across the bridge we can in evac as we fall back, move bastion to bastion and then blow the bridge when we can do no more (once we're across it or fly over in the tadpole)?



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With Slip's post done we are out of the bottleneck of needing to wait for specific posters. We can now get into more open discussions as the Kill-Team grapples with what to do.


Please try to get your posts in!


Yeah sorry about that! I have however, chipped in: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/344357-blackthornswordhand-a-family-reunion/?p=5267904

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Just to provide you with a bit more detail:


At the moment there is free travel to and from orbit; it is possible for all of you to reach Xenocide and to repair and re-arm. (In game terms, this means that the Marines of Blackthorn could go through the requisition process once again.) Over the days preceding the Tyranid invasion it is reasonable to assume you could do so multiple times if necessary. If you want to complete any scenes there, let me know. Otherwise, Captain Rubio is competent enough to command in your absence, and we can assume that ammunition could equally be shuttled down to the planet.


The planet's defense rests on the city; if the capital falls, the world will follow. You do have free rein to travel anywhere within the city to accomplish any tasks you wish to complete in order to secure Beregar. The sole exception to this is the Metallica District, the province of the Mechancius on the planet. During this time it would be prudent for you to meet with the key figures in the defense to secure their support and extract whatever else you can from them; this could include Fleet-Captain Locke, General Wrex, Captain Desiato, the key Mechanicus and Ecclesiarchal figures...

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hmmm not sure if I want to give up my Diagnostor Helmet for a Jump Pack if thats what meant by going through the requisition process again.


But then...solastion is essentially a melee fighter so not having one slows him down substantially...

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Whilst I contemplate ideas to contribute to the defence, I'd like to suggest a preparation of a more symbolic kind: superficial repair of armour, a new paint job and polishing as a mark of preparation to improve morale amongst the common populace.

Edited by Nineswords
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(In game terms, this means that the Marines of Blackthorn could go through the requisition process once again.)


Switching out his rifle for signature wargear has freed up 25 req for Blackthorn.


Atratus will investigate alternate toxins or microblast needles. Torn between a second chainsword (or power lance if available) and the hellfire flamer.

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(In game terms, this means that the Marines of Blackthorn could go through the requisition process once again.)


Switching out his rifle for signature wargear has freed up 25 req for Blackthorn.


Atratus will investigate alternate toxins or microblast needles. Torn between a second chainsword (or power lance if available) and the hellfire flamer.



Nice.  Armed to the damn teeth.  Also, nice post in the IC thread AT, I need to work on being succinct, which has a quality all it's own.


Akkad will give up his Auspex freeing up 12 Req, 


He would like to Req a full pack of Kraken or Metal Storm for Cadence at 30 Req. :wink:



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I will outline the requisition soon for Blackthorn players!


I do like Ninesword's idea about the repairing the armour and rearming together as a united force - it would serve as a good place for the "Oath taking" section (which I will be editing for my game.)

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