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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Rusty you maybe old son, but you're still sharp.  Answers on a postcard are:


The Bolter Assault action will allow you to:

  • Move up to your Charge distance, if you wish
  • AND Make a standard attack with a bolt weapon
  • OR throw a grenade as that attack.

These actions are free, paid for by the Cohesion cost.


Mol points out below and is quite right that a Standard Attack cannot be conducted twice in the same action, but Bolter Assault is outside the normal action phase as it allows all members of the Kill Team in Squad Mode to take the action immediately and leaves your Action free, thereby granting you a fresh action or two half actions on your turn as if you had not acted.


From my understanding, this can only happen once per game turn.


I apologise for the brevity of my previous response and understand it can be frustrating, I'd ask for your forbearance, but I am helluva a busy here and dashing from one thing to another.  I'm hunting sources for you all now.



Edited by Mazer Rackham
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I'm a little unclear on the map distances, but i'm guessing Atratus isn't in charge range of anything except the nearby genestealer?

(48m charge, a little further if he drops to solo mode)

Edited by A.T.
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Apologist, Tyber is going to be dropping to I8 from I12, as I stated in my last post in the IC section, I'm waiting to refine what I've got up till I see what CM is doing on I13 with the abomination Tyber is slugging it out with.


So go a head and craft a wonderful post already! :D

Edited by Steel Company
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Since genestealer 5 got blasted by the krak grenade Vorr will move on and try get onto the container or Goliath truck so that next turn he has line of sight to the other cultist blob and get shooting! Sound good?
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Great update CM, I'll try to get Tyber's refined post up sometime between today and Tuesday... long weekend here this weekend.


Revised version is up:




I'm happy with it. :yes:

Edited by Steel Company
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Well, hail Mazer for his elevation above us unworthy peons! I know who to call next time I need something doing! :wink:


Trying to get the beginnings of an update done today, but real life has managed to sneak in.


We appreciate all the effort Mol :)


I'm bobbing in and out of the forum today for obvious reasons and I'm trying to get my head around everything, but I felt I needed to come in here and say a few words.  I'm still thunderstruck I was asked to become a Moderator, there are many, many people on this board who come out with a good deal of common sense and are solid folks to boot.  I'm going to do my best to serve the members of our community to the best of my ability and I want to thank everyone in this thread for everything so far, because...


I believe I'm a product of this sub-forum especially, other places on the board have been more intimidating in the strength of opinion in them, but here has been a great sense of collaboration, co-operation and welcome that has helped me both with my writing and telling you all what was on my mind.  I've noticed it with others too in here that we share a lot of our burdens (and successes - we have at least one baby on the way and many children between us!) and offer our help and I think was this that made up my mind to accept the offer to be a Moderator.


I want to thank you, all of you for contributing to this thread and our story together so far - special mention goes to our crazy GM, Steel who probably makes up 85% of my "Like" ratio :p and Dos because I reckon it's all his fault anyway. ;)


Seriously though guys and gals, thanks very much, I owe it to you - and my compliments on murdering all those Stealers in a solid round of slaughter!  Got a bit hairy there you naughty GM!


Roll on next Round.  Steel, stop playing with your food and kill the beast!


Now, be about your business peons Citizens. :teehee:



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