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[DW] Blackthorn and Swordhand: OOC Thread

Commissar Molotov

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Nah dude, it's fine. Bolter Assault is the one exception to the grenade arming rules - you're considered to be pulling the pin as you do the charge move.

Mazer - I'm trying to find the rules for arming grenades in the Deathwatch core book. (The old "hunt for an FFG rule in an obscure place" game) - it doesn't seem to mention the need to prime a grenade in the grenade rules around p.150, or in the rules for Readying on p.242. Can you point me in the right direction?


Typically I've just allowed grenades to be thrown as a standard attack without any other necessary actions.

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Nah dude, it's fine. Bolter Assault is the one exception to the grenade arming rules - you're considered to be pulling the pin as you do the charge move.

Mazer - I'm trying to find the rules for arming grenades in the Deathwatch core book. (The old "hunt for an FFG rule in an obscure place" game) - it doesn't seem to mention the need to prime a grenade in the grenade rules around p.150, or in the rules for Readying on p.242. Can you point me in the right direction?


Typically I've just allowed grenades to be thrown as a standard attack without any other necessary actions.


@ Mol - Page 151 says that Grenade attacks are just a simple Ballistic Skill attack. So there's no priming or pulling of pins involved, FFG have gone for the cinematic approach.


Unless the 'Readying' tha Mazer mentions isn't a rule from Deathwatch but he's head-canon'ed it from a rule in another FFG publication / rule system like Rogue Trader or Black Crusade.


(Edit: added more thoughts)

Edited by Machine God
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Hi all, I'm currently working on my post and should have it up in a bit. I just had some questions since this is my first combat.


1. What is the scale of the map you posted? Are the squares 5ft?


2. Am I using the correct weapons profile? My Astartes bolt pistol says 2d10+5, but that seems higher than the weapons used by others so far.


3. Do those crates offer any sort of cover?


I've posted a placeholder and will update as soon as I can. I'm planning on charging straight in and attacking F.

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Hi all, I'm currently working on my post and should have it up in a bit. I just had some questions since this is my first combat.


1. What is the scale of the map you posted? Are the squares 5ft?


2. Am I using the correct weapons profile? My Astartes bolt pistol says 2d10+5, but that seems higher than the weapons used by others so far.


3. Do those crates offer any sort of cover?


I've posted a placeholder and will update as soon as I can. I'm planning on charging straight in and attacking F.

The squares are 5 meters, and bolt pistol damage probably looks like that because of its Tearing rule, where you roll 2 dice and take the highest

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Hi all, I'm currently working on my post and should have it up in a bit. I just had some questions since this is my first combat.


1. What is the scale of the map you posted? Are the squares 5ft?


2. Am I using the correct weapons profile? My Astartes bolt pistol says 2d10+5, but that seems higher than the weapons used by others so far.


3. Do those crates offer any sort of cover?


I've posted a placeholder and will update as soon as I can. I'm planning on charging straight in and attacking F.

I used this site for the weapon stats because it seems to be in line with the errata:


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Mazer - I'm trying to find the rules for arming grenades in the Deathwatch core book. (The old "hunt for an FFG rule in an obscure place" game) - it doesn't seem to mention the need to prime a grenade in the grenade rules around p.150, or in the rules for Readying on p.242. Can you point me in the right direction?

Typically I've just allowed grenades to be thrown as a standard attack without any other necessary actions.


Mol - Page 151 says that Grenade attacks are just a simple Ballistic Skill attack. So there's no priming or pulling of pins involved, FFG have gone for the cinematic approach.


Unless the 'Readying' tha Mazer mentions isn't a rule from Deathwatch but he's head-canon'ed it from a rule in another FFG publication / rule system like Rogue Trader or Black Crusade.


No, those are the correct rules - and it's not a bleed through from elsewhere, I just had a brain burp and forgot Marines had Quickdraw, thereby negating the need to do a Half-Action Ready.


Apologies. :pinch:

Edited by Mazer Rackham
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When in doubt, go back and hit the books.


It was indeed my reading of Quickdraw, (p.124 Core) which states:


"The character has practiced so frequently with his weapons that they practically leap into his hands in response to a simple thought. The character can Ready as a Free Action when armed with a pistol or basic ranged weapon, or a melee weapon that can be wielded in one hand."


A grenade is technically a ranged weapon, but it is a Thrown weapon/item and as such does not fall into this list, and the FAQ does not address it.  Quickdraw does not apply per se (RAW).


It suggests Grenades, items and heavy weapons all require a Half-Action to Ready, and hence why Bolter Assault removes this restriction - although all that is up to the GM at the end of the day.


That's where I was getting it from.  I knew there was a reason - I was worried I was losing the plot...:blink:

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I'll give Komrade_Atomic a couple more hours and then I'll just have Thire move twice into cover and then resolve Argus's actions. That should take us to Embe, and then Round 2.


Petragor - if you want to declare your actions, please feel free. Embe could leap down to assault E, or he could attempt to charge C or J.

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As a quick question, due to Thire being behind cover and unable to see Wrekka G + the Orks aside him, it wouldn't be possible for Gideon to switch between his Pistol to another ranged weapon, and fire at them due to him having to make a move action to gain LoS, if i'm not mistaken? 



Wait no, I'd make two ready actions, one to stow the Bolt Pistol, and another to ready the Meltagun. Is this correct?

Edited by Komrade_Atomic
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